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About Keanumoreira

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  1. So supposedly, the government is shutting down today here in America, so...that's new.
    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. brokenergy


      America is not a democracy, it's an Oligarchy in a way. A democracy would be like Switzerland and their system.
    3. Flintlockecole


      Brok any democracy can be described as that because in the end that is what it becomes. Anything to do with Republics also ends up being an Oligarchy, the land of Switzer's is included as well.
    4. brokenergy


      No, NO! A democracy in it's true from is when everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has the right to choose. An example of such a democracy is Switzerland. America only pick most is already picked for them and their most potential candidates are left on the curve because of the extremists (this being extremely obvious in the right side of politics). I am not stating that Switzerland is perfect, or great, only as an example of such a democracy.
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