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About Keanumoreira

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    United States
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  1. Why do idiots rule the world, and the intelligent do their bidding? How does that even make sense to begin with? Reality, you're a real trip. V.V
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    2. Flintlockecole


      Naw. The US isn't an Empire til it starts to gun down people in countries it forcefully occupies much like Julius Caesar did with the Gauls and to a lesser extent the Saxons. Sad to see why he did so, pretty much the same reason the US is in deep scheiße; trying to pay off a debt to money lenders. Funny how it correlates like that, not like American money has been worth anything since '71.
    3. brokenergy


      I'm going to rebute that the US wasn't an empire with the Philippines and also point out that it was and truly is the GOP fault for this mess.
    4. SilverDNA


      Nifty comment Flint. ;) Empires rise and fall. History is written by the winner. To add up you only need to take into account that confirmation bias of denning truths that are unwanted or bad are mostly left aside till they become a treat. Instead solve problems them peacefully they are asking for confrontation not of the problems, but of the people that can't bear it. The Gop in this mess is only a finger of the bigger picture I have and it does look grim to me and all I can do about is...
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