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About cndblank

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  1. I had the same problem and tried every thing (including a fresh install with just Project Nevada). Finally I found this advise to fix the Project Nevada Grenade Hotkey and it worked like a charm.
  2. The above point holds, but AFAIK the Nexus has no trouble hosting TTW mods for Fallout New Vegas. It just doesn't host TTW because of legal considerations with Bethesda.
  3. Try UHUD. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38961/? I unified all the mod HUD additions. I bet will fix the problem. Also make sure that you have the compass turned on in your ini.
  4. I had the same issues with blank rebalance screens using TTW. I tried removing PN-Cyberware but still had the problem. I removed PN:EO and the PN:EO MCM patch and that fixed the problem.
  5. This sums it up for me. THE Gold standard. Thank you! And see you in Boston.
  6. Depending on the VO, possibly within two weeks. No promises, though. Sweet!!!
  7. I really doubt it. Both make massive additions and changes to Freeside. Looks like too way to much overlap. Plus Open Freeside pushes the limits. And I don't see a merge patch. I'd go with one or the other.
  8. Project Nevada or FOOK. ither one alone is very good. You can do FOOK and just the Project Nevada Core (and get the some enhancements like Grenade key, Sprint, Bullet time) . I use the FOOK night vision and the Project Nevada Inventory sorter). The Project Nevada cyberware mod is very good too. The FOOK and Project Nevada equipment mods can conflict slight (mostly duplication). You can run both overhauls if you disable one of the equipment mods. NVEC Bug Fix and Reduced CTD is a must. NVEC enhanced is very nice if a bit flashy. NVEC Complete does it all. NVCE is great change of faces. And NVEC has NVCE build in (So load either NVEC Complete or NVEC Complete + NVCE.)
  9. I believe that you can equip the weapon then go to your inventory and hit 'X' (While the weapon is highlighted), it will give you the option to install a mod. The best option is install The Weapon Mod Menu at http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/44515 The Weapon Mod Menu replaces the existing menu when choosing to "Mod Weapon" in the PipBoy. You use it by pressing "X" as you normally would to open the mod menu. There are four main features added by The Weapon Mod Menu: Removal of attached weapon mods Specific information on the amount of improvement each mod gives Information about all of the weapon's mods, even if you don't own any of them The number of available mods in your inventory See The Weapon Mod Menu in action with Gopher's Fallout New Vegas Mod Clinic - Part 11 and TheTuninator's Fallout: New Vegas-Mods of the Week-Episode 31. A very special thanks goes to schlangster, who created the new NVSE functions that make this mod possible. (And for letting me have a sneak peek at them so I could have the mod ready when NVSE was updated.)
  10. You install 4GB in your Fallout folder (c:\games\steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas) and then install the rest like NVSE. Then then set NMN to do a custom launch. In NMN settings under the Fallout: New Vegas tab put the fallout New Vegas directory c:\games\steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas and then put fnv4gb.exe as the command in the custom launch command box. Set the launch button to do a custom launch. Then use NMN to install you mods. To play launch NMN and then click the Launch Customer Fallout New Vegas button on the upper left of NMN. To the others out there, is there any thing that has to be done so that 4GB will launch with NVSE?
  11. Great mod. Need a gallows. Nothing fancy just a noose hanging down from someplace high. Likely would put the bodies out side the town. Don't want to attract vermin. I think a mix of lights are good. I always got the impression that there was electric power (turbine or old fusion power plant) and that the old time lights just lasted forever. Just like the how the old time paint is so tough that it keeps wood from rotting ;) Stuff is still around after 200 years. Yeah that's the ticket! So the town would have some major electric lights at the gate and some of the major common area's that were put in right when the town was built and likely maintained by the town. People who are poorer would have to depend on the lanterns while for the businesses it would be a way of advertising how well you were doing. Megaton doesn't have one problem with using lanterns. There is little chance of a fire spreading.
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