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About SrJoben

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  1. The only thing i've done so far is modify streamline 3.1 to work with Vampire Face Bug Fix
  2. Check the cell properties (right-click Edit) See if it's set to Off Limits or something....or is it called Restricted Area...something like that. Anyway being in a cell with the flag always counts as trespassing.
  3. Looks interesting, how's it work?
  4. Restoration - I find it difficult to play without this. Illusion - Just because Invisibility is game breakingly powerful (not really a good thing IMHO). The rest are non-essential toys. Destruction - Well...in a combat heavy game killing stuff is useful Conjuration - Not much can handle me + a Clanfear Mysticism - Ehh I've used night eye and detect life sometimes...but really those are way more convenient as enchantments. Alteration - Does what? Who cares. Aside from Shield enchanting my clothes that is. Again, sorta pointless as magic persay. Enchants only please.
  5. I expected something that looked like an actual warehouse...not a few house rooms filled with clutter. More stuff, more orderly, more things in each box. And probably a smaller better locked/guarded section with valuable goods, money, payroll...
  6. Hi there. It's pretty hard to predict mod popularity. So...upload that sucker and see if anyone likes it. :yes: Lol though i personally think jumping in Oblivion is ridiculously high already and use mods to rein it in, but to each his own. Have fun and stick around...try coming on over to http://www.tesalliance.org/ If you want modding lessons :D
  7. Vista tends to shut things down for obscure reasons. Check for a security notice in the task bar near the clock...
  8. Dang and just yesterday I was thinking about this...I wanted to make something like the sword in Rocket Knight Adventures on Sega Genesis, or what the Master Sword did in the LoZ series when you had full health...
  9. Dang and just yesterday I was thinking about this...I wanted to make something like the sword in Rocket Knight Adventures on Sega Genesis, or what the Master Sword did in the LoZ series when you had full health...
  10. lol at the video, that is ridiculously grandiose music for what amounts to a fashion show. :P
  11. This is Riverbend house, a rustic player home in the Nibenay region. Features include: * Chickens, and a chicken coop * scripted guard dogs to protect said chickens * A small troll companion creature * A vegetable garden * Leveled set of alchemy equipment. * Scripted window lighting so the interior is darker at night. * Several secrets for the player to discover Exterior Your new best friend Chickens asleep for the night Night time overview of exterior Entry area Main area, day time Main area, night time View into the lower area Under the stairs, some storage, and a cozy spot for the dogs. The house is a wooden structure furnished with primarily middle class items. There are several little secrets to discover. The interior lighting is scripted to simulate sunlight through the windows. The upper floor has the storage, kitchen and dining and main sleeping areas. In the basement there is a box with a leveled alchemy set, a spare bed, and a reading area with a large book-case. The book-case has many of the common Vanilla books on it already, and should have enough extra for a fairly extensive rare volume collection. Outside is small garden, a chicken coop and a flock of chickens. The chickens respawn. Two guard dogs roam the property inside and out, they are scripted to protect the chickens. The dogs respawn as well. Also they know a nifty trick. If you see a small brown troll hanging around don't be alarmed. It is tame and will accompany you on your adventures if you want. The COBL version of the house has two water barrels outside, and inside has the luggage, a grinder, an ingredient sorter and trash can. This mod is nearly ready for release, pending final testing and tweaking.
  12. I don't know how to do this, but i have one piece that might help. You can check disposition and aggression to find out if an actor will attack the player. This is an example off the CS wiki: if ( callingActor.getAV aggression > 5 ) if ( callingActor.getDisposition target < callingActor.getAV aggression ) ; actor is hostile toward target endif endif Now...if your trying to build an enemy detector or something and need to identify arbitrary actors around the player...I think your going to need the OBSE functions that can be used to 'walk through' a list of references...but I"m not help there, my scripting isn't that advanced yet.
  13. I use RL and OOO together... I'm pretty sure by default OOO makes it take about 4x as long to levelup...could that be what you're noticing?
  14. Put it in it's place - Enhanced Grabbing In a nutshell, grabbing owned objects is no longer a crime in itself, also picking up can make people like you more. One of my favorite mods.
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