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  1. You know that at the moment there is almost no compliance with any of that f*#@ery. Personally I'd go with budget ARs with a possibility of higher level enemies having all those extra goodies AR owners like to have, like optics, mag couplers, or a foregrip.
  2. No AR-15 for the seperatists? It's the most popular rifle in America right now.
  3. So a while back I downloaded one of the several mods that restore the walls of The Castle in Fallout 4, one by the name of Castle Rebuilt. This mod I liked over the others because the mod author added in a scratch-built underground component leading down from a West Bastion staircase and ending in a hallway, branching off of which were three rooms I used for Barracks, and a fourth, larger room I used as a Storage/Factory complex. Now I'm reloading the mod since I just got past Taking Independence on my second playthrough and I get an error with NMM. No problem, I figure, I'll just delete it off NMM and install it manually. After all, it could have been updated since I first installed it. So I scrub it off my NMM and go back to the page to redownload it manually, and I see this: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19022/?, the mod has been hidden by the author. Does anybody have some more info on why this is? Was the author banned? Did the mod itself have content from another mod? Is the author just working on an update?
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