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About Matso

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    Skyrim/War Thunder
  • Favourite Game
    Half Life 2

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  1. What animal animation mods do You have installed?
  2. Hello there, I have recently started playing with scripts in Skyrim SE, as I wanted to make a small but cool mod. And I found myself stuck because of a tiny thing - I am unable to find an event for a weapon object that would indicate it has hit some geometry, physically speaking. Is there a one? There is 'OnHit' event but this one works the other way round one could say, indicating a fact of being hit by something, but it won't do in my case. WIth that in mind I thought that making a plug-in for SKSE is a proper thing to do. The thing is though, I don't know whether maybe there is one doing exactly that, amongst other things, not evening mentioning the fact I am not entirely familiar with the way how to make such a plug-in. Any diractions on any of the matters would be appreciated. Cheers, MK
  3. Guys, Are there any texture replacers coming for the SSE? The new shadres are cool but textures... Well it is simple a requirement to change them :D Cheers, MK
  4. I have another question - anyone knows how to use enbseries helper DLL? Can it be used to get info about e.g. rain or water level, from the game? MK
  5. Then we need someone who know how to make a SKSE plugin :wink: I relly like to learn myself :D Anyone? :)
  6. Could You describe the idea behind Your work? A basic concept?
  7. Fellow ENB modders & users, It is known to me that many of my additions to great work of Boris Vorontsov are used in vast numbers of presets. There are also fantastic pieces of code by Kyo, ZeroKing, HD6 and many others, that are widely used and appreciated. People often asked me to make merges between different presets, which is very difficult, if one want to achieve best from both settings, not worst. To avoid that I want to start porting various effects to separate FX files in a easly usable form. Thus, I need feedback from You. I know that some of You may already tried to do so, which is good. All the more, I would hear from such modders. In this case wide disscusion is needed. Should anyone have personal thoughts that want to share, PM me. Your humble servant, MK
  8. If You don't like then don't play it...
  9. Run an antivirus on Steam directories. It seams it may have been infected somehow...
  10. This is greate idea mate! Hope someone form the Nexus will consider it such too.
  11. Hi guys, Does anyone know how can I attach (if possible) an effect shader to screen space (camera)? That the effect would be applied to the whole screen only when a script tells it so? With regards, MK
  12. Hi, Anybody has an idea how to make better facial expression for Skyrim without rebuilding all of the vanilla animations? They are much to weak for me. With regards, MK
  13. Hi, To introduce myself - I am Matso, the creator of depth of field/bokeh blur effect present in vast number of ENB settings... And I have challenge for You guys - I seek someone to help me improve even more the DOF/Bokeh effects. Thus I would like You to take the enbeffectprepass.fx and write Your own shader for DOF/Bokeh. This will be a little contest. Anyone who thinks to have appropriate skills can attand. The rules are: You can support Yourself with my own work or any other shader coder's/CG programmer's/scientist's, that is available as open source or You have permissions to use from (be sure about the permissions), the code You will write HAVE TO work with current version of ENB with no changes made by Boris Vorontsov (ENB author), meaning You can develop only the shader code, no CPU stuff, the effects HAVE TO be checked in case of any bugs, CG artifacts, other problems and compatibility with the game itself (is it possible to play, while they are applied?), the major issue for the contest is performance - I seek new solutions to improve it with minimal quality loss, a valid application will be a enbeffectprepass.fx file with appropriate annotations in the code, refering to the algorithms applied (You can also provide readme's, vast descriptions, images, videos, anything that will help me comprehend Your idea),to attend send me a personal message and provide me with a copy of Your enbeffectprepass.fx, I will take into account 10 applications, from which I will choose 3 most promising, You will have time till 1st anniversary of Skyrim release to send Your applications, The best of the 3 will help me in development of future mods like Skyrim Visual Immersion, with full credit :) So there is nothing else for You to do than grab Your keyboards and code! Good luck and bless You all, MK
  14. My save size's grown up to 300MB since 1.5 patch... Hope Beth's gonna fix this... :/
  15. Hi, I need some help - my DoF mod is popural (is used in many other mods, of which I am glad), but I have 'marketing' problems. I need someone to help me with promotion (doing all cool stuff that makes mods popular, and I lack appropriate skills) and future features (SKSE programming help). Anyone? Regards, MK
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