Hi, To introduce myself - I am Matso, the creator of depth of field/bokeh blur effect present in vast number of ENB settings... And I have challenge for You guys - I seek someone to help me improve even more the DOF/Bokeh effects. Thus I would like You to take the enbeffectprepass.fx and write Your own shader for DOF/Bokeh. This will be a little contest. Anyone who thinks to have appropriate skills can attand. The rules are: You can support Yourself with my own work or any other shader coder's/CG programmer's/scientist's, that is available as open source or You have permissions to use from (be sure about the permissions), the code You will write HAVE TO work with current version of ENB with no changes made by Boris Vorontsov (ENB author), meaning You can develop only the shader code, no CPU stuff, the effects HAVE TO be checked in case of any bugs, CG artifacts, other problems and compatibility with the game itself (is it possible to play, while they are applied?), the major issue for the contest is performance - I seek new solutions to improve it with minimal quality loss, a valid application will be a enbeffectprepass.fx file with appropriate annotations in the code, refering to the algorithms applied (You can also provide readme's, vast descriptions, images, videos, anything that will help me comprehend Your idea),to attend send me a personal message and provide me with a copy of Your enbeffectprepass.fx, I will take into account 10 applications, from which I will choose 3 most promising, You will have time till 1st anniversary of Skyrim release to send Your applications, The best of the 3 will help me in development of future mods like Skyrim Visual Immersion, with full credit :) So there is nothing else for You to do than grab Your keyboards and code! Good luck and bless You all, MK