Sure, 10 or so years ago when Bethesda was a tiny, somewhat unknown company, they sided with mod authors and wanted to grow the community. I remember specifically how they sided with modders in the Oblivion mod-pack scandal. But that time is long past. Bethesda is in full on maximum profit mode. Some will argue all businesses should always have that mentality. Mostly because those people are stupid. When someone is growing a business generally they have a passion for whatever their work is. There are many ways to make money, and nobody ever forces a startup to be in their specific field. The original group at Bethesda was passionate about games and the Bethesda style of open world. Modding utility added to their vision. Probably they weren't completely sure how to fill the genre out, and so put effort in creating an environment and basic ideas, and then wanted to see if others could add onto it. But after it became successful, that original group is probably gone or burned out, and the MBAs are now running the show. The passion is gone and they only see dollar signs. And that is why you should never pledge your allegiance to any company, no matter how good they've been in the past. Just enjoy it when it's around. The grand era of modding from Oblivion through Skyrim is officially over. FO4 started a new era. Less mods, more monetization. It was good while it lasted, but all things end eventually.