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Everything posted by NeekoDeeko

  1. This number of plugins shouldn't be a problem. I run a stable game with 180 active plugins. Are you sorting these with LOOT? If so, does LOOT warn you about any dirty plugins (which can and should be cleaned by TES5Edit) or needed compatibility patches? Also, I recommend you build a TES5Edit Merged patch and a Wrye Bash Bashed patch to help your mods play nicely with each other. Furthermore, I noticed that you have all of the DLC, but are still using the individual unofficial patches. I would use USLEEP (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214/?), the all in one. If nothing else, it will help cut down your load order. I know that Amazing Follower Tweaks isn't exactly the same as UFO, but using that mod instead (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15524/?) would also help cut down on your load order. Side note: Here's how you use crash logs "Open Skyrim.ini (My Documents/My Games/Skyrim) and add the following to it: [Papyrus] fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500.0 bEnableLogging=1 bEnableTrace=1 bLoadDebugInformation=1 Afterward, in that same folder you will see a new folder called Logs. Inside that: Script. Inside Script you will (eventually) find 4 logs. Double click and they should open with notepad or any text editor. Papyrus.0.log is the most recent. At the end of it you will see the last process to happen before the crash." - Whitelion1284 Hope this helps!
  2. Hi guys, thank you so much for all your help!!!! I've fixed it, and I figure I should post what I did so that others with the same problem who stumble upon this post might find something useful: 1. Merged some like plugins (mods that added character creation assets, armors, RS Children and RealWater Patches) and deleted others, including some redundancies (Run For Your Lives and When Vampires Attack are unnecessary with Immersive Citizens, AI Overhaul, and the Seadog armor is already included in Immersive Armors... etc.) until I got my active plugins down to 180 (becomes most unstable above 200 as someone mentioned earlier) 2. Sorted with LOOT 3. Cleaned any ITM records that I was warned about in LOOT with TES5Edit 4. Built a TES5Edit Merge Patch 5. Built a Wrye Bash Merge Patch (AUTO GHOSTING ON!!!) 7. Sorted with LOOT again (just in case!) 8. Opened up the data tab in the Skyrim launcher through steam (this seemed to finalize the ghosting and ensure that skyrim didn't load up inactive plugins that were added to merges) 9. Launched Skyrim through SKSE WARNING: This did not allow me to load any old saves where my load order was any different at all. Not even if I "cleaned" my saves. Not sure why, but it didn't matter to me because I was willing to start from scratch. 10. (THIS STEP WAS THE KEY) When creating a new character, I quickly picked the race and gender I wanted and then immediately named the character, not even picking a preset or spending any time in character creation (aside from race, gender and name, you can edit all of the rest later on with ~showracemenu without any problems at all) then, (MOST IMPORTANT PART) I opened the character menu ("Tab" or, for me, "B" on the X Box controller) and stayed in that menu for a few seconds until a few mods loaded up (4-6 seconds) and then closed the menu. Then it worked! I am able to save and load without an issue, the game is stable and does not crash. The only hard part is getting through character creation. Whenever I deviate from these rules, I crash (i.e. If I spend too much time in Character Creation, if I leave the character menu open too long, if I open the character menu more than once instead of ONLY ONCE as mods are loading.) I have added and removed mods following this system and it has consistently worked. I have created 8 characters and played them all throughout Skyrim this way with no problems. Thank you to all who helped, and I will now give myself to the service of other modders and put this knowledge to use!
  3. When exactly is your game crashing? Does it crash as soon as you enter character creation or does it crash as mods are initializing immediately after? If it happens as mods are initializing, try opening the character menu (Tab, or "B" on X-Box controller) and leaving it there for a second while a few notifications pass and then closing it again. I've found that doing this breaks up the amount of mods that the game has to load a little bit and makes it less likely to crash. Also, are you cleaning your mods with TES5Edit? I recommend you do. Additionally, I recommend you build a merge patch with TES5Edit and build a Bashed Patch with Wrye bash. If you're still having problems after this, I would try uninstalling mods or merging mods to get your active plugins down. Hope this helps!
  4. Hi guys, thanks again for your help. Here is a link to my load order in modwatch as requested: http://www.modwat.ch/u/NeekoDeeko I've also changed the OP. Here's an update on my progress: As darstyler suggested, I've changed ExpandSystemMemoryX64 to false in enblocal.ini. This fixed the problem where my game was crashing before I even reached character creation. I had been through that helpful dangerous mods list before I made this post and I know that there are no mods in my load order from that list. I've used the merge plugins program to merge like plugins and reduce my load order down to 219 active plugins (rather than 242), and its getting harder to find mods that seem merge-able. I have completely uninstalled the mods I described earlier, not just merely unchecked their plugins. Despite all of this, my game is still crashing in the exact same places (on load of a save or when the mods initiate in the Alternate Start cell immediately following character creation). I will try to create my character and then install my mods after to see if that works. I will also try to keep merging plugins until I can get my active plugins down under 200. Any other suggestions for me? ...It's a sad feeling to spend days in 3rd party programs and editing files while still being locked out of one's favorite game ;( Thanks for your help and support guys.
  5. Hi guys, thanks for your help. I tried changing those ENB settings and I still got the crash in the same places, so I've returned the settings to their original state, and do not believe my problem is derived from an incorrectly configured enblocal.ini. I also tried dumping Fire and Ice Overhaul (for its heavy scripting), Marriage Mod (for its messiness and scripts), and Deadly Mutilation (for its potential incompatibility over skeletons), but I still received the crashes in the same places. I've also switched from the SKSE Skyrim Memory Patch to the crash fixes plugin, setting UseOSAllocators=1, and installing the SKSE preloader (which is required). Now, the game crashes during the loading screen whether I'm starting a new game or loading an old save. I can no longer get just past character creation. Does this indicate that my problem exists in my SKSE plugins - the very plugins that are being preloaded? A few more things to address: As I noted in my OP, I have been cleaning my mods with TES5Edit according to the recommendations provided when I organize my load order with LOOT. Also, in response to Saurusmaximus, I'm intregued by your suggestions to "merge plugins." Do you use a program to do that or do you do it manually? How can I learn how to do that (tutorial)? I worry my problem may simply be that I have too many esps for Skyrim to load, so merging might be the answer. Thanks for your help, hopefully we can fix this!
  6. I originally uploaded the incorrect load order but it is correct now. Any help is appreciated!
  7. Hi all, I'm an experienced Skyrim modder and have been both modding my game and even making my own mods for Skyrim for two years. Despite all this, I've finally encountered a problem I haven't been able to fix simply by researching. I need the help of some brave, smart people to fix this great game. After I finish character creation, when the mods begin to load up (in the upper left corner of the screen) and when quests begin (in the center of the screen), the game crashes. If, by chance, I make it past that point, the game will crash when I sleep in the bed in the underground prison (teleport to another location via the Alternate Start mod). If I try to load up any saves that I've made after the character creation, the game crashes on load. I've attached my load order, my specs, and I've included part of my papyrus log. Additionally, here are all the things I'm already doing: Using under 255 plugins Using the most up-to-date, stable, nvidia drivers. Using the Skyrim Memory fix as a part of SKSE (SKSE.ini includes: [Memory] DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 ScrapHeapSizeMB=256) Allowing my ENB to control the proper graphics features by changing the NVIDIA control panel settings according to the mod page. Cleaning all mods and DLC according to the recommendation of LOOT as well as sorting all masters with TESVEdit Generating FNIS Creating a Merged patch through TES5Edit Creating a bashed patch through Wrye Bash Organizing my load order through LOOT You can help me by answering ANY of these questions: Do I simply have to many mods? If so, how many do I need to get rid of to stop the crashes? Is there anything I can do to make Skyrim better utilize my specs or give it even more memory? How can I interpret these papyrus logs? What are they telling me? Do any of these mods seem particularly dangerous? Is there some common, known mistake I'm making here? How do I go about figuring out what is causing these crashes? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP <3... I miss Skyrim ;( - NeekoDeeko My load order on Modwatch as requested ;) http://www.modwat.ch/u/NeekoDeeko
  8. I have the same problem :confused: . Running it through steam doesn't even work for me. ------------ UPDATE: I was able to fix this by using LOOT for Fallout 4! Let me know if this works for you too! Here's where I got the snapshot build: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5310/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D5310&pUp=1
  9. want to add me on skype and make it together? lol. I'm determined to make this a reality.
  10. Hi Skyrim modding community! I'm a budding young modder myself who's just finished his own playerhome mod, but one missing mod has always bothered me: I know there's a mod that adds left handed rings into the game: Left Hand Rings http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21720/? And I know there's a mod that allows you to wear unlimited rings and amulets (but they don't appear on your player :sad: ) Unlimited Rings and Amulets http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10281/? And I know there's a mod that allows you to equip any two rings at once, though it doesn't work for all rings and only one appears on the player. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25516/? But why isn't there a mod that does this: Allows the player to equip any two rings just like one-handed swords. One ring can be equipped on the right hand, the other on the left, and they both appear on the player's hands. SIMPLE! Please someone make this. The modding community has been waiting for it. Maybe I'll make it if I can figure it out. Please Skyrim. We've been modding for so long. We have mods that are so extensive they are practically different games. Can we please get this mod that Skyrim has been begging for its entire existence? If you know of any resources that might help ME make this mod, please link them. I might just take this glorious task upon myself. Love y'all! Thanks for listening modders! -NeekoDeeko
  11. Hi Modding Community! I'm new to modding and the creation kit but I would like to make my first mod that I will release on nexus and Steam. This mod is an imperial villa playerhome with a lake view near Ivarstead. I have, however, ran into a couple problems, one of which I cannot solve myself: I based my house off of Proudspire Manor in Solitude (I began with a copy-paste of that playerhome), and so when I was editing it in the creation kit, I was working on the assumption that all of the furnishings would be present. However, when I visited the home after finishing in the creation kit, much of the furniture was gone, specifically the furniture that players must purchase from the steward of Solitude. When I go back to edit my mod, what do I change to ensure that all of the furniture/objects displayed in the creation kit will appear in game without having to purchase furnishings from the Steward of solitude? I'm assuming there is a setting for each item that makes it only appear when purchased? If so how do I find that setting and disable it? Thanks! -Neeko
  12. Hi guys, I have an issue. I made a head in single player with the Race Menu, and exported it. I now have it on my desktop as a .dds and as a .nif. I've also made a very primitive follower mod with the Skyrim creation kit, which I have saved as an esp. When I go to edit my esp in the creation kit, I don't know what to do in order to get my exported head edited onto my follower in the mod. All help is appreciated, sorry if it's a newby question. I basically just want to get this exported head on my npc using the creation kit if possible and I don't know how. Thanks, Nick
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