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Everything posted by demidekidasu

  1. Yes, you'd need a script for it. I'd suggest you begin with the following, if you wish to learn Papyrus(which might seem daunting at first but you'll quickly get the hang of it and it will expand your modding abilities enormously): http://www.creationkit.com/Papyrus_Introduction There's also the index you can use when you feel comfortable putting your script together(scroll right down the page, there's also a second page): http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Papyrus Don't worry, Papyrus is quite logical and it makes sense when you read through a script, having learned the basics :)
  2. That's really funny actually...lol "I organized a DDoS attack on their server/website." ...Bad joke? lol
  3. There are many factors involved. For starters, the video above could have some degree of motion blur added during the footage's editing phase which, obviously, would make it look a lot smoother, despite its frame rate. Hence why films(movies, if you are from the US) are 24fps(I think?) but never look stuttery due to natural motion blur resulting from recording a real scene. Secondly, a constant, locked frame rate will, in most cases, look smoother to your brain than a higher yet unstable frame rate. For this reason, I have my drivers capped at 58fps for all games. Everything looks nice and smooth when I play and my graphics card runs a ton cooler because it's not trying to run with full GPU usage.
  4. Ensure you have all forms of anti-aliasing turned OFF, including transparency multi-sampling and water multi-samples. Also turn off anisotropic filtering. ENB will apply it's own anti-aliasing and anisotropy.
  5. Well, this is quite surprising. I installed to a different drive and the problem prevailed. Then, I realised I installed a free video-editing program last night called Kate's Video Toolkit...I uninstalled that and the problem has gone away. How on earth can another program cause this sort of issue? Another dodgy thing about that program is that they were asking me to "like" their Facebook page in order to register my copy of their software. Naturally, I didn't—I won't support such lame marketing strategies. So, a word of warning to others, I suppose: Beware of Kate's Video Toolkit!
  6. Re-install didn't fix it. I was sure to check for registry entries too. I will try re-installing to another drive.
  7. I appreciate your advice, however... 1) I don't even have Intel graphics. Completely unrelated. 2) Possible, but I'm not having issues launching the game. 3) But there's no music on the main menu, for example, and there's nothing wrong with the music files as I've checked each one individually. 4) I might have to try this, which is a real pain in the backside...
  8. Hi everyone, Never ever had problems with Fallout 3 until today. To make matters worse, I'm currently in the middle of working on several mods! Suddenly, as of today, my Fallout 3 installation is broken somehow. I start the game up and there is no music in the main menu. I try to load a game—any game, even those which have always worked for me in the past, to rule out any corrupt save issues—and the game locks up. If I try to exit the game, it locks up, forcing me to CTRL+ALT+DEL the process. If I ALT+F4 or type QQQ into the console, the game exits and disappears from the running task list in Task Manager, but the process remains in the processes list. What the hell?!?!? Things I have tried so far: - Deleted my rendererinfo.txt to force the creation of a new one - Completely uninstalled ENB Series and I do mean completely - Launched the game with no mods active - Deleted my ini files to force the creation of new ones - Disabled SLI, in fact I physically removed the second card from the machine - Confirmed that other games are working fine on my system, including Skyrim. - Tried various different graphics option combinations - Restarted my computer several times - Updated graphics drivers, just in case - Punched the desk - Shouted plenty of bad language out loud My rig: - i7 950 @3.8GHz - 12GB Corsair Dominator GT - Nvidia GTX 470 (was previously 2x SLI but only 1 now) - Corsair AX1200 PSU (1.2kw, more than enough juice...) - ASUS Rampage III Extreme - Quite sufficient cooling, temps are all good. Please, if any of you can help me, I would be very grateful. This is the only game I care about playing these days and, with my health the way it is, it's all I feel like doing...
  9. Wish you all the best, mate. I've been having semi-serious health issues myself recently so I can sympathise :) Look forward to your return!
  10. Hi everyone, This is an excerpt from the latest tale I'm writing involving my character, Ysabel. It is based during the real, historical events of a revolt by 10,000 Welshmen that occurred in January of the year 1316, partly caused by the power vacuum in the region as the De Clare line died out at Bannockburn in 1314. My research has been quite extensive. I have read and bought many books detailing the revolt and even visited the castle where it begun, Caerphilly, which is the second largest castle in all the UK. This tale is long and may end up being a novel at this rate. This is part 2 of the tale and is over 6,500 words, so set aside the time if you plan to read :smile: Anyway, thanks to anyone who reads this! WARNING: CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE AND VIOLENCE. SHOULD BE CONSIDERED "NSFW" (NOT SAFE FOR WORK). It's also quite messy and rough with some historical inaccuracies which I may decide to leave in for storytelling purposes. I do believe I may be the first person to ever fictionalise this, as most people (even those here in Wales!) have never heard of it, despite the sheer scale and significance of the revolt. Final point: Nexus Forum's language filter may change some words and result in possible confusion.
  11. All the best, mate. Hope things are well :)
  12. Watch the video, I was sneaking too. I gave up on trying to snipe him as it proved to be no more effective. And look at what difficulty I have it set to... No, honestly. Although, I have since found out that particular dungeon is supposed to be as such. I forget the name of it but, suffice to say, it's a trollololol dungeon.
  13. Sorry for the late reply, I've had a few medical issues over the past week or so! Yes, I eventually recieved the offer of thaneship on the condition I buy a house (can't afford it yet, but the option is there now). Ironically, I think this system works better than the way I've seen in other holds...I liked the way the jarl said the people have commented on my contributions etc. Much more immersive! :)
  14. My symptoms became worse, with swelling in my leg and private parts. After two emergency visits to the hospital, I've been told I've got a hernia. I am now waiting for an appointment with a surgeon... I definitely feel better now I know what the problem is :)
  15. Ah, sorry for the confusion there lol But yeah, it might work but it's messy. I'll just wait for moar SKSE functions...No rush :D
  16. Aw sorry to hear that :( I know exactly how it feels, encountered many engine limitations in the past. Pretty much why my Sun Tan script does not work!
  17. What is the compile error you get? Can you copy-paste it for us please? You have not defined SkyrimClear(01.txt, line 10), I can see that right away. In 02.txt "WEATHERMENUChanging" is undefined(line 17). With Papyrus you must define everything at the start of the script like you did with the Global Variables. Try putting this in your properties of 01.txt (though I don't know how to define weather types, I assume it is this): Weather Property SkyrimClear Auto Put this in 02.txt: Message Property WEATHERMENUChanging Auto
  18. Thank you, Lisnpuppy. I really, really mean that :) I will definitely be following your advice.
  19. I think it might be doable with scripts. I don't know if there is an event such as "OnMapOpen()" or something like that, but if there is it would likely be possible. How is the fog currently implemented, exactly? Run me through it as I'm not that familliar with weather in the CK.
  20. Hehe, yeah, I was being absolutely serious :D I'll take a look but can't promise anything, I'm still very much learning :) Perhaps, though I doubt I'm missing anything as I combed every script category on the wiki and everything the SKSE documentation, including the source files themselves...In any case, the problem is not with changing the colour—this script does that and it works—the problem is with updating the skin colour on the fly. It updates correctly if you "showracemenu" and switch the skin tone to another and back, just not on the fly.
  21. Yeah, I definitely think there is a bit paranoia involved here as I'm being quite hypersensitive about everything... I've never been one to experience these sorts of things at all. I mean, I've had some bad things happen to me and around me, and nothing has ever "bothered" me in the wider picture. I've been in situations where I genuinely thought death was just moments away, but I got through them and didn't suffer anything like this. Anyway, I've been awake all night again. Just managed to get some food down me though (oats and milk), so that's probably good.
  22. Hi all, I'm not one who will open-up about personal things on the internet, but I really think I need to ask for help on this one, and I generally feel somewhat "safe", if you will, on the Nexus forums. Allow me to tell you about what's happened to me over the past few days... So, I'm overwieght, 27 years old and don't get as much excercise as I should. I'm also a smoker. In other words, I'm not exactly the model of health... A few evenings ago I felt a sharp, stabbing pain at the top of my leg, which frightened the life out of me as I thought it was a blood clot, seeing as I'm probably prime candidate for such a thing. I tried to ignore the problem, thinking I was just imagining it. When I was in the shower later the next morning, the pain disappeared. I took it as a warning and threw my tobacco asside, decided to eat only salad and other "fat-free" and "healthy" foods, and headed outside to do some gardening. In the afternoon, I took the dogs for a long walk of several miles. A few hours later, the pain seemed to return, only this time in my abdomen. This sent alarm bells ringing in my head so I booked myself an emergency appointment with the doctors. As I was telling the doctor of my problem, with obvious fear in my voice, she interrupted me and told me that none of what I was describing sounded like a blood clot, as the pain was in a most unusual spot and the pain also stopped, which does not happen with a blood clot. She had a look over me anyway to be sure and told me she could find no sign of anything to worry about. I went home happy and relieved. However, the pain in my gut did not go away and, in fact, it became progressively worse. I made the mistake of trying to research my symptoms on the internet. Of course, the internet convinced me I was going to die from a massive blood clot headed straight for my heart. At this point, I'd been awake for 24hrs solid. I was tired, extremely tired, but couldn't sleep a wink because of raw fear. And then I realised something: whist researching my stomach pains on the internet, one thing it mentioned as a possible cause was anxiety... Yes, anxiety. I was litterally making myself feel ill with worry. And the symptoms I was worrying about were the symptoms of extreme worry! I managed to relax myself and the pain eased off. I'm not ashamed to admit that I actually cried with joy. But now I'm still suffering from the anxiety. Every sensation I'm feeling in my body is setting me off again. I keep wondering if both the doctor and I were wrong and that I really do have a blood clot. But then a few moments later I will relax again and the pain will fade away. TLDR: I convinced myself I was dying of a blood clot and have developed problems with anxiety as a result, which cause me to imagine yet more symptoms. I was wondering if anyone else has ever experienced something like this? And do you have any advice about how to cope with it?
  23. Yeah, after doing more Googlery it seems you must do all the quests before there is even any mention of the house or thaneship. I'm going to give it a go. The fetch-quests are about the only quests I've not done yet...Unimaginitive quest design at its best :P Thanks for the replies, again. P.S. I'm starting to wonder if either my game is bugged or my character is just hands-down rubbish. Last night I decided to go tomb-raiding and came face-to-face with several Draugr Deathlords(!!!) in a single room. My character is level 12 right now so you can imagine how that played out...Ugh -.-
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