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Posts posted by discovery1

  1. you can use both heap programmes, but the setting should be the same.

    in OSR I use heap no 6 but the heap setting varies for different set ups. yhere is a standard setting for 32 and 64 bit machines, i use heap amount 900 on my rig which seems pretty good...i dont get door crashes anymore. i would try setting the heap low and work your way up until there is an obvious difference. one caveat being that if you set to high, your game may not load.

    crashes going through doors can be due to missing resources as well, or sometimes even a corrupted save or spawn.

    If you have not tried this...bring up the console.....type coc center....wait for more than 72 hours....save game and travel back to wherever on the map. this resets all npc and animal etc spawns.

  2. The more mods you have, the more content is added to the game so the GPU can get overwhelmed when entering an area with a lot of objects, usually when going from inside to an outside location. Distant objects can be a problem and mods like better cities make huge differences. The best solution is to use a patch file to make the game use more ram. There is a 4gb patch available. Also using more heap will help either through the "more heap" mode or using " Oblivion Stutter Remover"

    Open the game ini file in your documents file and set save on exterior switch to 0

  3. raevwd will kill most pcs. the biggest problem with oblivion is distant objects as far as fps is concerned. I have a NVidia 980 ti and it still struggles. however oblivion reloaded has a ram disc option which does really work, but you have to refresh the ram every time you reboot your pc. the best workaround is to invest in a ram flash drive which retains the flash memory. its the only real option with a game that can only use 1 core of memory despite all the settings in nvida ge force and amds catalyst control panel.

  4. intriguing and I look forward to the fruition of your ideas. I must admit that I toyed with the idea of floating mist patches to augment my "atmospheres" mods, but alas time is a diminishing commodity for me...I rarely get time to load oblivion at the moment. good luck with this.

  5. no, a corrupted save can happily let you wander through the game until you arrive at a specific location where maybe dependencies for the save were removed during a mod removal...bang crash....

    there are levesl of corruption, the game engine will usually detect a corrupted save when you try and load it but they do sneak by. The only way to prove this is to go back to a save made before a certain affecting mod was removed.

  6. too much heap is as bad as too little, best to set it at 400 and work your way up. 1000 gives me the best crash free experience on transitions but stutter improvement is at its best at around 750.

    a lot depends on your graphics card. Osr works better along side the use of the 4gb patch.

    I have tried all the algorithms for heap....6 is the best for me using windows 7 and a 2gb amd card.

  7. experience tells me you have a corrupted save along the line. The more mods you have the greater chance of this. I can only suggest you go back chronologically untill you find a stable one.

    It is a good idea to coc center and wait 72 hours to reset all spawns. Then saveini and save the game, do this when your game is stable and note the save number. I do this every 50 or so saves to make sure I have some sort of backup.

  8. Looks to me that you have mods such as raevwd which bog the game down with detailed distant objects.

    When you fast travel, the gpu has too much work to do re rendering stuff. It usually strikes at places like weye which is almost in the centre of the game, and a couple of other areas.

    I find that since I reduced my distant view count in the ini file my game is much more smoother.

    Try different heap settings in stutter remover, I use 1000 which seems to work well with the 4 gb patch.

  9. http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/16704/


    this mod will help you identify any mesh that has collision. I use it a lot.


    to use it in your instance...


    alt+right click on the object/npc you want to know the origin of. you need to be close to it. you will get a bunch of info including its parent mod.

    If the npc moves to quickly...

    open the console click on the npc, type "tai"...the npc will be motionless. close the console, and repeat the above.

    To re enable the npc, open console, click on npc and type "tai" again.


    I wanted to see which npcs or creatures came from mmm or wac mods. It works like a charm


    Good luck

  10. If the disc is badly scratched or dirty it can cause the reader to skip, same as a cd. First thing to try is another disc to see if that is recognised. If that works the try cleaning the disc with toothpaste or car paint work restorer, but not a coarse one for obvious reasons. if you lay the disc flat and clean and polish from the centre outwards not in circles.section by section until it sparkles. very often it is just the outer layer that is scratched and polishing that can help, it did for me, i still have the original morrowind discs working that have been renovated after some serious use over the years and load flawlessly.

  11. windows vista,7 and 8 sometimes misplace files if you try and install oblivion in its default location. windows has a habit of placing these in your virtual store!

    it is a adminstration anomally, sometimes downloaed files are percieved as threats and are moved there as a security issue.

  12. have you tried disabling some mods, specifically working your way backwards would be a good idea. i always keep an instalation log in a diary even for texture replacements. also sometimes when you update texture replacers it can be advavtageous to run archive invalidation with obmm.

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