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Nexus Mods Profile

About Lyrina25

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Stardew valley/Skyrim/Harvest Moon: ToTT
  • Favourite Game
    The: Legend of Zelda Series
  1. I have a similar mod that lets you hire your own housecarl/stewards, so hopefully this wouldn't be too huge an issue. I would like to be able to pick from one of the bards from the bards college and Talsgar the wanderer, as well as maybe a few custom added NPCs. Honestly, I just was talsgarm but others would likely like the choice.
  2. Has anyone found buck horns as a wearable itom for the player? If not,m can someone make it?
  3. It seems the author no longer works on this mod anymore and hasn' for a long time, so blue chickens have no texture in it. Also, there was never any baby versions or models for the cat or dog (Not really wanting a horse one cuz that would be weird.) I was hoping someone would create a similar mod, or, perhaps take over the mod for the author. Thanks!
  4. Exactly what the title says. I already have a mod that lets my children adopt the two deathounds at Volkihar, but I want meeko to come with me... But I want a death hound too... But I hate leaving Meeko alone. Wold someone be interested in making this please?
  5. Just as a kinda ' wanna do whatever the hell I want' playthrough. When I get tired of actually PLAYING the game. For like screenshots and stuff too (even though I COULD use tgm but meh.) And ok! I'll check it out!
  6. Could someone either link me to or make a mod that disables the popups on the side that tell you what you just picked up?
  7. These would be cheat items for a semi-cheat playthrough. A gold and diamond circlet that ups your magicka to 1000, a gold and diamond ring to up your stamina to 1000 (and your carrying weight if possible) and a gold and diamond necklace that ups your health to 1000. This way I can wear whatever suits my character at the time without having to worry about armor ratings. I haven't come across a mod that does this already, so if you know of one (That has these specific items and stats) let me know please!
  8. I thought I'd try it myself but I realized I don't really have the skills to make even something so small as this. My idea is one of the empty chests from the thieves' guild with a display case lid. Then you can place your gems inside. To place it where you want, perhaps a spell or a scroll can be used, and it could be bought from a general store. (Or a jeweler if you decide to make a 'pretty' chest ) I've checked around the nexus and the workshop and haven't found anything like this. Heck, just being able to place open chests would be great. (I can't seem to get it right with placeatme and tfc )
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