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  1. Fast travel using consumable items like in Dragon's Dogma. Walking back and forth across multiple zones is tedious. It turns a play session into a chore.
  2. Would really like to see a New Game+ get added, either officially or by mods. Maybe someone can do this? Puts all your stuff into the chest storage at the end of the game except key items, I guess.
  3. It would be nice if there was a mod that, after doing a certain amount of damage to Mr. X, he walks off and doesn't come back to the police station. I don't find him particularly difficult, just annoying. At first it was terrifying. After a while, I started groaning because he was forcing me through rooms I wanted to take my time in. I don't want him outright disabled, but it would be cool if you make him kneel once or twice, then he leaves.
  4. Please, god, someone make this. Every time I leave a town, I get a popup from that perk that makes me stronger in the wild. It's so annoying. I really love this game but some of the design choices are just boneheaded nonsense that make me actually say outloud ala AVGN "what were they thinking?"
  5. Well, what is the point of having a bashed patch if I deactivate these mods it suggests (that don't even alter the loot list) which leaves zero mods in the bashed patch? Am I just overthinking it?
  6. I appreciate the reply but none of my questions were answered. I'm asking if I need a bashed patch for those mods because they don't seem like the kind of mods that would require one, but the popup suggesting I make a bashed patch for them is confusing me.
  7. This is my mod list: http://i.imgur.com/nM0waM3.png I followed the guides for setting Skyrim SE up properly (LOOT, cleaning master files etc) and I'm ready to go. Started a new character, slowly added mods after leaving Helgen, all that OCD stuff. Now, when it came to making a bashed patch, I'm confused. This is why: http://i.imgur.com/oy5N3o7.png From my understanding, the purpose of a batched patch is to enable mods that alter leveled loot lists to cooperate. The mods here shouldn't even do that. XPMSSE is XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Edition which as far as I know is just for animation purposes. None of those mods make sense to me under the context of a bashed patch. Do I even need a bashed patch? I'm extremely anxious about CTDs and save corruption so if there's even one minor thing I should be doing, I want to do it right.
  8. I only use Curie, she's my favorite. She just won't shut the f*#@ up. I guess I'll just hold my breath and hope someone makes a mod that cuts down their chatter across the board. Thanks for all the feedback.
  9. Curie is nonstop commenting about the environment in my experience. I can't handle it, so I turned voice all the way down but I enjoy my character's voice, so I have to put up with the silence otherwise stop using companions.
  10. I'm so sick of listening to my companions talk. Making stupid observations or thinking outloud, I can't listen to it anymore. I've tried You Talk Too Much and No NPC Comments, neither of which do what they say they do. The companions still talk as much as ever. The only thing YTTM does is stop NPCs from talking when you walk near them. At this point, Curie is just talking every single time anything happens. Combat starts, she talks. Every time she gets hit, she talks. Kills something, she talks. Combat ends, she talks...
  11. That's what I mean. As script heavy as this game is, I'm lucky I made it this far and it was only by reloading saves because I ran into dozens of bugs. I'm scared if I turn FF off in the menu then turn it back on, I'm going to have more problems than I had when I started. How safe is it to do this?
  12. I haven't disabled the mod because I'm scared what complications this could cause with scripts. It's all water.
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