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  1. So... I tried some stuff with mods, and even different formulas of approaching Riften... but I was not able to.... Is it possible you could link me to a good video on how to install ENBOOST and SKSE Memory Patch? Or is it much more simple? Anyway, thanks for the help :D -A
  2. I will work on getting a full load list... but otherwise I do not have ENBoost feature and the SKSE Memory Patch... I may have to obtain those.
  3. I was just wondering if anyone could help me with this problem... I recently purchased Skyrim and am near level 14, and my characters are normally wanderers, preferring to roam the beautiful landscape and discover many things before actually engaging in a questline... That being so, I am making a tour to Riften... but there is a problem.... No matter what direction I approach Riften from my game freezes, in every other situation the game runs perfectly on the highest quality. I was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to put an end to this madness. Extra Information: I do have a few mods installed for Riften related matters, including: -Riften - Thief Edition - Riften - Thief Edition v1_31 (Which I feel could be the culprit) -Thieves Guild Followers - Sapphire Rune Vipir Garthar and Ravyn - Thieves Guild Followers V1_3 -Localized Thieves Guild Jobs - LocalizedGuildJobs To anyone that can help me it would be much appreciated and I hope you have an idea of what's going on! :D -A
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