Hi all, I searched all over the intermet for a fix, although someone have the same problem I haven't found anything useful. I start the game and play smoothly, but if I go in a house, spend some time in it, then exit...the game starts lagging very strongly. The only "fix" for now, is ALT + TAB, that should flush the ram (or Vram?), but often the game crashes with this method, plus it cannot be used more than once in a session. If I re-enter in an interior cell (any building or cave), the game runs smoothly again...until I return outdoors. I've tried to delete all the saves (except the last one), uninstalled some mods, used the PCB command (purge cell buffer, doesn't work for me), changed some valued in the .ini (uinterior and uexterior cell buffer, Ipreload size limit), defrag the HDD, and other minor things. I think it should have something to do with the exterior cells, it's like if the game doesn't know when clear the memory to load new cells. I keep uGridsToLoad = 7, should this be a problem? I know that lowering to 5 should make the game a little more stable, but the quality get much worse, plus there is a long and difficult way to change it without starting a new game (tried once and had no success). I'll be grateful if someone can help, this makes the game unplayable. Thanks