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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. Had a full cooking pot so that's why I'm a little bloodless in the brain. I need the blood in my 2nd brain, my stomach now!
  2. I'm like a stuffed turkey right now, had Hungarian Goulash made of turkey and paprika and potatoes.
  3. http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/macguyver.gif MacGyverSays ZIP!
  4. Never had an "invisible" friend in my youth now i think of getting something of a cyber-psychologist. and i advice you to go to an cyber-exorcist
  5. http://ihasahotdog.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/73a3a5d4-4197-4f93-b4e7-40563c3bb71e.jpg Well who's not laughing at the sight of that pic can have the win!
  6. Sprinkled Cake :biggrin:
  7. same with me as with lexx
  8. Remember we have the Gun in the Game to 20!
  9. You haven't seen my neighbors wife!
  10. http://epicwinftw.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/6cb5a821-ee7c-4a86-8a46-50c06776485d.jpg Bacon Wins always!
  11. Ban Thor for double standards!
  12. http://epicwinftw.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/ca3a04df-53cb-4bf6-923b-85b91ce6731b.jpg Coolest rebel ever captured a Tie-Intercepor! Epic win!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJIQauCwqVc&feature=player_embedded Epic Win!
  14. http://epicwinftw.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/63fba68f-587b-4fac-b0ef-67907d1d723a.jpg Oktoberfest has begun! Epic win!
  15. http://epicwinftw.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/ac3d3152-e7db-4e47-a133-4bca70a2ec4b.jpg Dare to cross it? I win!
  16. http://epicwinftw.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/0c9aca6d-e7a9-4ba1-9b48-21526e62a91d.jpg The Strategy Gets Harder As You Start Drinking. I win!
  17. SilverDNA


    Well Hello . Welcome to The Nexus! On that loincloth of Dagoth Ur we might be helpful. The rest well is up to you. So have fun here!
  18. http://epicwinftw.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/93780c9b-114c-4acc-af4a-09a8e7fcee6e.jpg I win!
  19. http://www.jessicaswell.com/images/hawkeye.jpg .......................ZAP!
  20. http://www.freizeitfindex.de/ecards/big_koelsch.gif ................ZAP!
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