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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. @Granny no! That must be foully heavy for your big toes. ouch! I hope that works well for you. @ Darkninja... for rain and shower power mediations I showed this to you! .......Perforator ZAP!
  2. has bee some time again since i posted something here so .....zap!
  3. Read what you written in:"**Unofficial** my sig request thread!"

    Hug granted! With your aprooval, I give you one hug from me! :-)

    It reminds me so much of that pic: http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/f41c35b6-6482-4bc2-a8e0-c329611fce64.jpg

  4. Servus Granny. I hope everything is ok, now with the roof and you can driely sleep there in you bed. Oh... and Zap!
  5. Granted...But.... they do overheat your system. Sorry Thor ! Now corrupt this! I wish....this all... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuUqT_xBcA8
  6. http://animegifs.free.fr/anime/cowboybeebop/cbbeebop.gif Oh, that's simple sly did a copy and paste job to get it in his signature! Mine is showing all of my breakfast! ( and I mean all, not only the beer!) You know, I'm a real monster before breakfast is finished. ;) ................ZAP!
  7. http://picture.yatego.com/images/3f4a1e0de64cb1.7/Bayern_Frau_mit_Ma%DF.jpg"Guten Morgen!", "Guten Tag!", "Guten Abend!", "Gute Nacht!", "Grüß Gott!" "Servus!", " "Moin!", "Hallo!", "Hummel Hummel".... Servus Granny! Servus DarkNinja13! (playing Castle Wolfstein, have you?) ZAPperlapap!
  8. http://www.free-avatars.com/data/media/84/fantasy_avatar_0063.jpg Zip-Zap!Thank you Beefyh, for keeping the favor on our side!
  9. A birthday coming ? I can look a easy one up if you like. Cakes from a plate are a bit easier. There I have a good (variable fruits) yeast one of German origin. Just need to know what you need.
  10. http://img1.jurko.net/avatar_16090.gifyou can call this a cat scan......................with a zap!
  11. Sorry gormonk please try again. (Why are all here so eager to let me get killed by species5478?) :unsure:
  12. http://img1.jurko.net/avatar_14377.gif Good day ladies & gentleman! Zap!
  13. No sorry RedVexHK! Not for this one. Please re-try for mine!
  14. http://www.amazing-animations.com/animations/flower8.gif a happy flowery ZAP a that!................0
  15. http://avatars.jurko.net/uploads/avatar_21588.jpg.......................0 You have been watched by a riding entity
  16. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/avatars-100x100-cartoons/0150.gif ................0
  17. Mirror mirror on the wall.... Lol You are watching your self closely mate! XD
  18. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/phone-320x480/0294.gif And on.............I win, I win, I win,...... until I win!
  19. Danke dir jetzt hab ich den ollen alten Torfrock Song "(Leise Pieselt) Das Reh" im Kopf!

    Oh Tannenbaum! Oh Tannenbaum!

    Ich hab ihn dir auf den Kopf gehauen!


  20. It goes back to Niccolò Machiavelli (on wiki) the founder of modern political philosophy. The church hated him for centuries because he mentioned openly in the art of war that a ruler had to separate religion form politics. The art of war had only one purpose for Niccolò Machiavelli, to get a job. Italy was torn apart at the time between other European countries at the time he wrote it.
  21. http://www.getraenke-haase.de/Preislisten/Artikel_Bilder/Frueh-Glas.gif................0........Zap! I do hate it that the other teams have not equality with the Martians and the Dark Rangers in active members, because I like to play sometimes on your side as well. :sad:
  22. @Vindekarr could you do me a flavor? Could you think this one over from the point of view of a male that got raped and tries to tell this the police? You don't need to post it, but please think this one over.
  23. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/phone-320x480/0258.gifAnd the beat goes on.............I win, I win, I win...............
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