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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. SilverDNA

    help me

    Lehcar, it is time.....to fight! How can you die with the knowledge that they have won? I know from what you've written above that you can fight. I say live and try to be as happy as you can, to show then, how wrong they are, in their judgment of you. It's the worst revenge you can do to them, to show them that you are still happy with your live, because if they try to get near you again, they have to apologize for it and then they have to be judged by their apologies in return. Ignore them, their presents and what they say, but remember it all when it is time they come to you and apologize for their doings. Then you'll see how pathetic they are, because they don't know how to fight every day against such oppression and down putting. It takes great strength to see that, but the knowledge in it, gives great strength in return back to you. The only person you have to please above all others is yourself! In trying to be a good person, you do enough every day. No one (not even yourself) can ask for more of you than you are able to give and do. If they don't accept that, turn your back and leave. It is time to fight for yourself!
  2. Sorry corlan, 20 posts more please then you can zap around!....0
  3. species5478, truly epically way of telling a very good story! :thumbsup:
  4. No Martians? mmmmHmmmm.........Strange........???
  5. Thank you for the feedback. Um...It seams your brother has a faster metabolism than you. Next time, either make more, or secure the last piece with nonlethal traps....(evil-chuckle)
  6. I have one add of a whole bunch of heroes and heroines to come up with. More names than I'm allowed to post. Heroes and heroines that aren't mostly recognized but are everywhere. Day to day heroes and heroines that you see if I point them out loud. Now think about disabled persons in day to day live and their troubles for at least a good minute and then especially every participant of every Paralympic Games!
  7. Hey a little note: you are lucky not to have stayed at Mannheim, because a lot of Germans view it as the ugliest city of the country ( I personally doubt that but I think it is still under ugliest top 5) Of the main tourist routes there are the best street cafes in Paris.
  8. Every lie must die by the old and dirty hands of truth! :yes: *pushing a button on the beat box" :biggrin: "I Wins, I Wins, I Wins............." :laugh:
  9. My personal top ten heroes and why they are my heroes 1. Sir Peter Ustinov in RL better than in his movies..... Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF is only one example for this great man. 2. my first German teacher, who taught me that reading can be fun as well... 3. Helmut Schmidt who still gives a da**it about political correctness and smokes every where he likes even it is not allowed and nobody has the guts to tell him so and because he has still a very sharp political mind for his age. 4. Michel Foucault for and his literature in very advanced thinking! As per se developing the concept of Governmentality. 5. Louis Armstrong for using his great talent of music to unite people around the world. 6. Diana Spencer for using her popularity and support the International Campaign to Ban Land mines, as well as having some similarities with my birthday and in well, you may call it fate but it doesn't fit quite right. 7. Richard von Weizsäcker for speaking out the truth in about and against politics and parties while in office of President of Germany. 8. Birgit Rommelspacher for advanced sociology and having no qualms to fire here thoughts and critics at here own ranks. 9. Hans Herbert von Arnim for his work against political corruption in my country. 10. Steve McQueen for the coolness that I lack sometimes.
  10. Nice Pic! remind me of something funny the first time I was made quarterback in my class by an American exchange Sports teacher, and the center was a girl how didn't understand the third hat.... guess what?

    I had to be fast after that...

  11. Thank you for mentioning the Australian Electoral Commission and 1975 Australian constitutional crisis in the problem with democrazy topic. That are leads that I can follow.
  12. :biggrin: The endless rave go on: IWinz IWinz IWinz........ 8)
  13. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/phone-240x320-farm/0007.gifZero Problem always eager to help if I can!
  14. Thank you again for the quick reply brokenergy :) In my country there was ma major scandal at the end of the millennial... well as a result 50.000 DM are still missing and it is confirmed that the money was given in a suitcase to Wolfgang Schäuble and then vanished to nobody knows. ( He's now Finance minister, what an irony!) That has sad tradition in my country and Judges and Prosecutors are always advised behind the backs of the public to not seriously prosecution higher members of the political parties. The parties tend to protect each others as long as it don't shows up in public and if, they tend to minimize the damage to their criminal doings and play it down. In my county the normal citizen are financially bleeding to the parties and the parties create diversions for the public here and there to let the citizen not look closer at this. The major press is advised the same as the Judges and Prosecutors to stay down, if they don't, no politician of the accused party will never speak with the journalist or the news agency again so they will be bordered out and lose money. Now guess for yourself what happens to those Judges and Prosecutors and Journalist if they don't stay down. (The fear of the sword in the scabbard is mightier as the pen and paper on the table.) I' m trying to figure this out from the differences of my country to Australia, so I can see what miss-structure of representative government you have there. So if any of you can describe the structure more to me and point out similarities or differences I'm interested to read and learn something of it. I think it is important to learn of the failures of other countries and since Australia is a way of my political horizon (I apologize for that) I would like some first hand opinions on what you think is going wrong in common and in a closer look as well. You have a better focus of the politics there than I have.
  15. I MwinZ, I MwinZ, I MwinZ...... :rolleyes: and on :laugh:
  16. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/phone-240x320-farm/0033.gifYes I Know ( by the chance have you read "The Sword Edged Blonde" by Alex Bledsoe sounds like him. If you don't, read it you may like it.)
  17. I only took a leaf out of Netwits book! :biggrin: I'm in your mind. now guess what I'm thinking: 'bann you for false accustomed of flaming. No one likes it, if somebody sees behind the mask, it is your decisions to see for your self if you want to work on you or not. "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Luke 6, 37&38 I forgive you, but can you forgive me?
  18. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/phone-240x320-farm/0010.gifOh Sacre bleu! I lost "The Game" again! ( how can 'you' be so cruel?)......0
  19. Thank you brokenergy! :) Exactly what I thought I knew, but was only uncertain of! That explains a lot of this topic and of others side threats I read here about Australian politics! I know a bit of it because I'm living myself in a representative democratic country. Representative democrazy to be ruled out in a Oligarchic way and is prone to lobbing (often called "Lobbykratie" in my country) and corruption making it top heavy. Parties in such a system tend to enforce laws that strengthen all other parties as well with money ( all ways follow the money 1st in a representative system) I my country they do that with elections and a expenditure law for the cost of advertising of the parties expenses (I was in about the last two years voting for 5 times on 5 different elections now guess where the money went.) and the expenditure law is broken by all major parties every time, but the voters have no interest or knowledge or worse both to put this behavior down. The sugar on it all is that donations to parties are to the half from the tax deductible. I my country there we have no per-elections ( this is only within a party and the representative is goes to the public elections on a list. now funny to go up in the internal list politicians donate to their parties money to ensure they keep or get the office the want/have. Now remember that donations to political parties are half from the tax deductible! Because we have a law that donations to political parties have to show up in a register if the donation is above a certain sum the parties a good option to wash the money even before it is even on the parties account. Since we have no law that shows up the donations Foundations and each major party has one of them and money transfers between the foundation and the parties aren't watched closely (because most officials form departments aren't looking well on to it, because it is good to be in a party for promotion for officials), well now guess where the money from companies that sponsor a certain party goes! Now I ask if there is a similar corrupt system in Australia to re-finance the parties?
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