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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. Not knowing that the only color I dislike is red. (Because to the similarity of blood.) I ban thee Brokenrgy for too fast baning and only accepting the first oblivious that comes to your mind! Thats quite a way of intolerance you have there, unless it is a personal matter of your own prejudices that are gathering in your subconscious mind. That was a house call, so I'm also invoice you 5$!
  2. Pushkatu, Sorry have to bann you for writing in red!
  3. And on: I winz, I winz, I winz......
  4. Right Thor! The only sovereign in a democracy are the citizens! Forgive me my little interruption but I'm having a little bit trouble digging something up. As well forgive me my lack of knowledge but I have to ask a question for my better understanding. Is the democratic system of Australia a direct or a representative system? (Some time ago i think, I read something about it but I lost the grasp of that knowledge, sorry)
  5. What a waste of space!...... I bann.... no wrong thread..... and the beat goes on: I winZ, I winZ, I winZ...... Ps. Commander Crazy are you getting better with your flu and bronchitis?
  6. http://www.gif-paradies.de/gifs/fabelwesen/hexen/hexe_0083.gif Navel Aurelius! ZAP! ................0 Are you ok.? Is Heather on the keyboard again? If I'm guessing correctly you got up early to smoke a cigar! again to stimulate the old brain!
  7. http://gallery.brawl-hall.com/data/media55636/7/ace_ventura.gifTime for Celebrations! Hurray!...0!
  8. Zero Problemo! And thank you Sir. for giving us control
  9. Congratulations Summer / Undead Scrouge
  10. 19 ..... yep but sometimes it seams either my browser the forum or else
  11. Hat to restart completely......17 to get back here
  12. Thor takes his time in debates forum.........6
  13. Keanumoreira, I know that you are not selfish, thats why I don't understand..... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Ah can you fell the beat of: I Winz I Winz I Winz......
  14. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ? ? ? Comprende? Keanumoreira means: Error, error, error :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I do not know what's funny about it???
  15. No problem, Granny! Such things happen to us all from time to time! So no offense taken!
  16. @ brokenergy Sometimes it is hard to be good, but often than not our good intentions are viewed by others as evil and egoistic. Read this to find out more: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/4143yFlgq2L._SL500_AA300_.jpg @ Comander Crazy a jollie Howdie! How you are doing? Are you feeling better? I win!
  17. Now I'm riding on my pony into the sunset singing this... I win again! :laugh:
  18. Status: hmm...unmaried, no children and roguish charm...that makes me what?
    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. SilverDNA


      I hope you bought one for yourself as well ves.. ;-)
    3. HellsMaster
    4. VesemirTheWitcher


      Solo? lol nice one.
  19. My Cockatoo spoils your sneaky horse away! http://avatars.jurko.net/uploads/avatar_23637.jpg I win.
  20. http://www.outlookskates.com/StickerHookEatChick.gif I'm sad to hear that as well..................0
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