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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. http://www.free-avatars.com/data/media/84/fantasy_avatar_0063.jpg................1 sorry didn't see you coming, oh great Mark Aurelius! I was occupied by the news Mens agitat molem
  2. Good to read, calliton. That means you are getting well soon. Hurray! @ Granny Good one on the Honor and Respect thread. But think about for a minute, how role models for children have changed and try to look through the eyes of a child today............. 2
  3. I hope you Improve and get well soon Surenas. "Ich wünsche gute Besserung."
  4. Sounds better than anticipate by you, calliton! Can I gave th win now? please :rolleyes:
  5. http://www.moviesonline.ca/AdvHTML_Upload/silverSurfer.gif................1 Thats the spirit I had in mind, to learn from some one of the us of their aims and I could not dig that up because I don't live there. Thanks to you I'm gaining more insight on them.
  6. http://img1.jurko.net/avatar_10952.jpg................0 ? Is that a way tor greet people here? By the way granny very good work on the coffee party No. 1
  7. http://civilizer.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/silver-surfer.jpg................1 Good look calliton from me as well! @ Aurelius I stated out that I don't believe in nonsense, but if I would I'll would try to get my hands on a autograph from you. 8) Navel Granny!
  8. Beep-Beep! Ah the rules, ... The rues again :blink: I thought it was clear with the 1st post???? Do you know you just made the 666th post here? A bad omen for someone who believes in such nonsense .......................1.......................http://www.forumsextreme.com/images/aCC_ltRoadRunner.gif
  9. Thank you Maharg67, Nice mystery setting you came up here in all three stories. Your style in writing is always a pleasant one to my eyes. I liked the one about Jacky Jackson most but the others are very good as well. Please keep on writing. I wanna know how this post nuclear mystery could possibly solved. It might be "31esouheraw" related? ( I would like that.)
  10. WOW :thumbsup: :woot: Now thats one hell of a story you developed, species5478. Granulation you had drawn me in to your story like you never did something else. Very good writing! WOW! I'm on the edge of using superlatives, but I'm still stunned. So forgive me that I'm a little lost for words. Gosh, the hairs of my neck are standing up and I have goose bumps all over me.
  11. http://www.bestanimations.com/cartoons/WarnerBros/RoadRunner-02-june.gif.......................1.......................Beep-Beep! Sorry was elsewhere occupied, did I miss something ?
  12. SilverDNA


    maybe the translation of the word Nick isn't that well I should have used the more common word of devil instead. ( I apologizes for that misunderstanding.) I did mean that both poets have made great poems or poetical work in the matter. I could name as well Charles Baudelaire in that line of poets that tried that in some way as well. Your poem is In my opinion a modern shorter version of description with the same depth in thoughts. About Baudelaire you may try out the "Awesome Quotes" section in the "Lounge" topic, I put there today. It maybe becomes a bit clearer why I did remember him today because I read of your poem. And to explain it completely from another lead up. "If life is like hell, than death is an escape." And please do now read the Lasagna poem again. To cheer you up I placed it there. (I may be I stuttered in thinking of thinking, so I apologize for this misunderstanding again.)
  13. Sorry, gormonk wrong :no: answer to my riddle. Pleas try again. It might help that there are some metaphors hidden in it. The last line has to be taken more literally. Sorry no more clues.
  14. @Surenas Banana good! I knew that I heard this song before and as I did view the song on you tube. It came to me from where I heard it before. ( I liked the tune but I never got beyond the translation. I only know that this was sad song.) Big Thanks for the translation, that really helped to understand what this song is about for me. Now from an other source of this connection I came to love this tune. It fits me a bit more because I know what it means to stop fighting oppression. I can sing this one by heart and soul. Now come and sing with me and see this tribute to the artist that played this song.
  15. http://home.eunet.no/rfyri/Animaniacs/ripoff/pinky1a.jpg Ah... I think so, Brain. But...2 Navel Aurelius! No I was sleeping well and soundly (did chop a whole forest until I awakened)
  16. SilverDNA


    Giga mega super ROFL :laugh: (trip to Mcdonalds.) If thats the only option eating out of my home, then I'm exactly in the mood of your very accurate poem.
  17. Thank you for adding me to your friend list. In a short while I'm sending Rheyne a recipe of my Lasagna. Do you want that too?
  18. You do want the recipe? I have to translate that first. Please have a little patience.
  19. Have your Brandy :smile: Vindekarr get some rest and some distance to your anger, maybe some answers awaits you after a good sleep with more pleasant dreams. Those questions aren't running away. I wish to you a good night and some nice dreams.
  20. Another one? Catch me if you can! To catch me you must have more knowledge than feet, I can drive you crazy if you don't fetch me sweet. It is not only danger from me, if you let the chase stop. Hidden am I until you catch up. To unravel me, there is more than one name to me. I'm not the key but the lock. Name me out loud here looks like a tease or a mock. Have fun with this one!
  21. ub3rman123, there is more to this what I underlined. it has more to do about force and control and the opposite of both in my opinion.
  22. Ok...how about a candle's flame? Well done, you got It. :yes: ;D
  23. I understand what you feel. It is exactly what brought me to games like Morrowind and Oblivion, playing alone, but sharing my experiences with others. I don't have to be insulted by immature people who don't know how to behave. My last share of that I got from Runes of Magic which I played last year not very long, but until I got bored by those kiddos behavior and had an opinion.(Not one I'd like to share openly) @ Vindekarr, want to dive in deeper in social studies, why this may happen, why children are today such aggressive,and where this maybe come from? I think you might want get to the root of the problem on a scientific base. I wanna know, if someone comes up to the same conclusion, as I, from the other side of the problem. Thats why I ask you, who is bothered by this behavior, to research the matter scientifically. Try I'm interested, I want to read of what you might come up. I'm mentioning this to you because you'd stop researching at a point in the official rant topic where i have gone beyond. There is one point of questioning line were you accepted a truth of something without questioning the historic/social matters behind it. If you open this door I'll be waiting on the other side. If you don't want to bother your self with the things behind those shallow statements, that are widely accepted, because it is easier, than to look into the real matter, then I'll take no offense in that.
  24. SilverDNA


    The Moment of death captured in poem until the Ascension to the gates of heaven. The passing through the wall between life and death. What else can I say Shakespeare, Poe and many more did not said on this matter of passing on to heaven, for the old Nick must be surely brought his place a level up. :ohmy: :wallbash: Oh No! This would be a cruel teasing joke played on me! Now don't tell me this is all about Lasagna! For this oral pleasure of Italian food, I tell ya! "It is worth to stay alive for a that." :woot: :wink:
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