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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. Don't they call you "always wrong" Thor? So I win.
  2. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/2LyByorRRZM/0.jpg Censure pardons the (shameful) raven, but is visited upon the dove. ..................5.................
  3. http://www.anime-madness.com/forums/forum.pics/hottest.anime.girls/Faye_Valentine_01t.jpg................3.............. Dat veniam corvis, vexat censura columbas.
  4. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Y5TwdoOLPTI/SU-fIaCwwqI/AAAAAAAAEsg/C9yYrIKgAeo/s400/FayeValentine122208b.jpgGood that you are watching Aurelius. Now open your eyes wide.....1
  5. http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/clubs/8/124578_thumb.jpg ....................1
  6. Nice funny ending Species5478. That was fun to read. Can't wait to read more of your fascinating story. That will be hard to wait until you finish the next part.
  7. I'm freezing to death if I read this good poem again. I have goose pimples allover my skin. Got to get me a pullover if I want to read theses 'chilling' thoughts again. (*head shaking* It is summer and I'm searching fro a pullover to read a poem.)
  8. http://www.virtualcom.de/planetd2.de/images/items/waffen/kriegskeule_holzhammer.gifWait calliton! I can make you sleep with this, hold still for a second.........................1
  9. Happy to have you on board here on The Nexus. Welcome and have a good time.
  10. Granted but........ Every time you die and come back to life a bit of your soul is given to a simulacrum which hunts you for eternity or you died so often that there is nothing left of your soul. ................I wish I was a writer who sees what's yet unseen ................ T-4
  11. http://www.posterplanet.net/images/emily8ball.jpg................1................. calliton, do some sleeping, if you can it is the best medicine for flu anyway!
  12. Silver, I remember reading back when I was just a little girl of Chief Joseph trying to lead his Nez Perce people to Canada and fighting the "great" American Army. This was one of my earliest introductions to true bravery and character. I have always admired this man. Yes I can only agree to that. On my 16th birthday someone presented to me the speech of Chief Seattle from there I was addicted. I had to do some library search to dig more up on Great Native American speeches and the life and the Speeches of Chief Josef. (That was before Internet of course.) @Nice one Balagor, I like it.
  13. http://www.orthocuban.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Duck-Dodgers.jpgDuck Dogers Badge of honor!................1
  14. http://www.filmjunk.com/images/weblog/marvinthemartianmovie.jpg.......................1.......................Got some problem? Martian!
  15. http://fourcolors.blogs.pressdemocrat.com/files/2009/08/glduckdudgers.jpg................4http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090715200045/duckdodgers/images/1/18/Duckdodgers-daffy.gif You should do this if you start coughing blood, Ouch cool that tongue of yours that should help a bit. So now be a nice, ill house tyrant and send some one for fennel honey. This should stop excites of the cough. (it tastes a little bit licorice if you still can't smell and taste.)
  16. SilverDNA

    This or That?

    The Northern lights! Cooking-knife vs. Onions or Club vs. Garlic?
  17. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/phone-240x320-dragons/0096.gif 2............ @calliton Still sounds bad.... stomach pain? jezz.. do you have the fennel honey?
  18. Sound good that you are over the peak of that. http://animegifs.free.fr/games/streetfighter/page5/streetfighter-15.gif................4http://animegifs.free.fr/games/streetfighter/page5/streetfighter-17.gif
  19. @calliton do you fell in someway better? http://animegifs.free.fr/games/streetfighter/page10/streetfighter-23.gif................2http://animegifs.free.fr/games/streetfighter/page8/streetfighter-21.gif
  20. Good one Surenas! Funny thing is that I own the speech of Chief Seattle (Wikipedia)and some sentences are nearly the same. The speeches of Chief Red Jacked and Chief Joseph are also in the same book (Recommend those speeches warmly to you)
  21. Thank you granny (I think, I'm getting a red head) And by the way of bringing the word electrical in conjunction with me. How do you know? Have you per chance checked my Chinese horoscope? One of my aspects there is related to be electrical.
  22. http://www.forumsextreme.com/images/aCo_Knight.gif.........-.........http://www.forumsextreme.com/images/aCo_Knight.gifhttp://www.forumsextreme.com/images/aCo_Knight.gifhttp://www.forumsextreme.com/images/aCo_Knight.gifhttp://www.forumsextreme.com/images/aCo_Knight.gif.........1.........http://www.forumsextreme.com/images/aCo_Knight.gifhttp://www.forumsextreme.com/images/aCo_Knight.gif http://www.forumsextreme.com/images/aCo_Knight.gif.........-.........http://www.forumsextreme.com/images/aCo_Knight.gifhttp://www.forumsextreme.com/images/aCo_Knight.gif Thank you graciously Granny and Sly for your compliments.
  23. Thank you species5478! Sometimes I'm able to find my eloquence in words on the borders of strong emotions when writing. More often I find them not, I lose them, because I'm in a state of shock.
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