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About Daerchador

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  1. You said "anything you want." so I did.
  2. So, it's been years... I am aware I've decided to reboot the mod and starting of from scratch (mostly because my original work is long gone, which happens when your equipment desides to quit, without consenting it's owner!) so the mod's back from the death and I brought an updated English dictionary, this time. as well as some more confidence in my skills overall. anyway, just want to say I'm back on track! and this time I'm gonna kick that hooded helmet in it's nuts (n' bolts) and waltz straight through him to DV!
  3. and what about those of us that don't have Fallout 3/NV ?
  4. with my new Pc in the house, I'm restarting with my work on this mod, however i'll need a lot of extra stuff and I would be helped a lot if someone would like to help me with it what i need especially is someone who is willing to spend some time in blender/3dsmax to rig certain parts from resources. what i need most in form of resource(s) are: - a half-length cape that can be applied to the regular armor's (so npc's can wear e'm too. (those capes that are rigged to the tail slot usually don't work (at least not for me))) - bandages, as direct to skin (clothing), onto clothing (still clothing) and onto armor. - and an eye-patch resource - forgot one, a monk robe styled Great robe, to put over armor. any help would be much appreciated. thanks in advance, RdK
  5. or like how the stories in Skyrim go, the High Elven uprising under the Thalmor union :P dude, in the next game, the Ffing, empire has fallen allready and Talos has been denounced from god-hood sorry for the Spoiler though :P
  6. aye, me too, although it's easy done with the cs when it's out... :P
  7. Helgen was not a separate city, it was a walled town with a legion fort within it's walls, it is actually a minor city/large town in Falkreath hold it in sense already belongs to a (nonetheless ignorant) Jarl. however a quest-line for buy-able forts, from which a small town sprawls would be cool :P
  8. What is this, I don't even... Dragons spawn too much as it is. Don't think so? Try getting out more. Go near mountains or something. Damn things are everywhere, like a virulent plague or something! I can barely walk out of a cave or something without hearing a dragon roaring overhead. Seems like a good percentage of the time I fast travel near a quest target, there just happens to be a dragon appear as I'm running to my marker. So aggravating... Aggravating because 80% of the time they never land, and 15% of the time that they do it's in some very inconvenient location. really? I've only killed 7 dragons so far and I'm level 32. I do go out and about more often. In a effort to get a dragon increase, I no longer use my horse or fast travel anymore. =/ can we switch RNG's then? :P They were nicely generated in the beginning, but now, they are scarce for me. they be scared of your balls, to face em heads on :P
  9. usually modding is free, I don't think many modders here on the forums think you're serious... however I like the idea :P You must also know that bargaining for your request to pry attention from the regulars of the forums, might offend some of them...
  10. me too, like if you upgrade the steel armor it becomes a fully covering breastplate (fine to superior) maybe?
  11. I used to do little stuff in Oblivion, not to this level however either way i like your idea :P
  12. -1 for double post, +1 as my reaction to this idea i support you're opinion and it would be kick-ass to see the aftermath of giant battles like these, victors killing of wounded enemy, seeking wounded allies and looting/burying the dead :pirate:
  13. mounts of snow heaping up on dead creatures/bandits? :P footprints in snow, hmm i hardly noticed that being busy thinking up story lines for my one-eyed breton knight :P and all the stuff i get to explore as of yet :biggrin: however I do think you guys are right and should be worked on :thumbsup:
  14. when the CS comes out i guess you should redo it as clothing (like the ragged pants i once found :P) and make a separate armored one :thumbsup:
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