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About Fatal Fiore

Fatal Fiore's Achievements
Enclave, Brotherhood, Or YOU?
Fatal Fiore replied to falloutperson416's topic in Fallout 3's Spoilers
Nope, it was a surgical strike using orbital capible warheads, of non-nuclear origin. Thinking about it they were likely (Orbital) salvos, a type of volly used for artillery tha hits in multiple waves causing widespread destruction. Think of it likea carpet bomb. -
Enclave, Brotherhood, Or YOU?
Fatal Fiore replied to falloutperson416's topic in Fallout 3's Spoilers
I got a neutral character challenge for you then. A neutral character would be one with maxed skills and all non alignment based perks, that would mean using intelligence and perception to complete Wasteland Survival Guide, not joining the Brotherhood of Steel or Enclavem not using FEV, mediating peace between ghouls and Tenpenny Tower, telling Zimmer Harkness is dead then telling Harkness who/what is and have him kick Zimmer off the boat, forcing both The Mechanist and the Antangionizer to leave Canturbury Commons without violence and granting Harold's wish for death. A neutral character is a pain in the ass if you do it and my list still nets you good karma and bad karma to remain neutral. In the interest of greated good you HAVE to kill all slavers in Paradise Falls and only help Fawkes not get him/her as a companion as well only Butch and Sergeant RL-3 will be ones allowed to accompany you. If you follows this with occasional karma rebalancing you can be a true neutral character inw hich neutral perks will be greatly optimized. This is small list of what can do for some things: For at end of MQ you can kill Autumn or let him live, choice is yours, YOU may enter the purifer code or you can send Fawkes(as it's smartest choice) destroying or making Sarah do it is bad but you doing is partialy good but also for greater good. You can ignore or kill Arkansaw, though he is just defending his town. You may kill Moriaty or not, he's a evil male without a father though negative karma from killing him may be needed for karma rebalancing to stay neutral. By my own rules you have to help the Brotherhood in that one area and all of them must survive however killing them afterwards is allowed since theirn useless and not really canon. As a side requirement you must save the small forager ant colony from bigger ants, it's just plain awesome to have non enemy ants so save them. Another requirement is giving out purified water isn't allowed, neutral means for the greater not single man and sicne your serving it no water for beggars. Final requirement is you may not use the command console, not even if your stuck, save frequently and play the game like a hardass. If you can do this Fallout your have a badassry streak. -
Enclave, Brotherhood, Or YOU?
Fatal Fiore replied to falloutperson416's topic in Fallout 3's Spoilers
Fallout I can level with you on that, I'm redoing MQ with a good character, that means no stealing, no bad karma choices or perks and I can't use bad companions such as Clover or Jericho(=( ) so far with Charon and Butch we've tore through the ass hat of a Enclave and I'm currently heading to Vault 87 to kick some mutty ass. I figure the way I've done everything so far is pretty cannon or atleast in line with what Dad would do and it actually rewards that same as a raider type character. I wiped out slavery(I cleared Paradise Falls and the Pitt I left alone in Ashurs car as he has the right motivation and stealing baby is against said Dad morals) and I helped spread the green of Osasis to the Wasteland as well as cleanup some of those nasty Raiders. -
Enclave, Brotherhood, Or YOU?
Fatal Fiore replied to falloutperson416's topic in Fallout 3's Spoilers
Fallout Brotherhood of Steel makes a appearance in New Vegas, I don't know to what extent but I know you would like that. I think I would like to redo my way of taking over just the Capital Wasteland instead slinging for various areas from Fallout 1-Tactics. I think you should redo the thread as not everyone can be a Vault Dweller so why not limit us and make some serious thinking going into it instead of "if I was the Lone Wanderer"? -
Enclave, Brotherhood, Or YOU?
Fatal Fiore replied to falloutperson416's topic in Fallout 3's Spoilers
Fallout:New Vegas' soundtrack will be cenetered around the 60's mobster music, hence jazz and early rock. To that end mobsters ARE being considered to be returning like in Fallout 2/1 and I heard we get some DLC back to parts of the Capital Wastleland and Northern Carolina. Little tidbit thought you'd like to know Fallout. Honestly, based on the destructive potential of Security Drones and Robobrains a robotic army would be able to takeover, The Master did it in Fallout Tactics and he nearly suceeded had it not been for The Warrior. Think about it Fallout, a butt load of protectrons, security drones and robobrains...oh and Mister/Lt/Srgt Gustys. Edit:Fallout try Real Time Settler mod, it's quite fun except if your using Fallout Wanderers Edition you have to set the timescale to Vanilla your crash alot if you don't. I put it back to Vanilla and never crash unless I use the delete button on the wrong thing(I use disable on console now to rectify this) and with villager limit mod to remove my limit I have a village of 120 people, 40 of whom are guards, in Metro Central just cause of the respawning muties. -
Hm...seems I might be asking too much...
Enclave, Brotherhood, Or YOU?
Fatal Fiore replied to falloutperson416's topic in Fallout 3's Spoilers
If the NCR engaged the Enclave they'd get owned, hard. NCR boosters a population of 900,000 and is the biggest faction out there. The real way to takeover is with the NCR at your backs. -
Enclave, Brotherhood, Or YOU?
Fatal Fiore replied to falloutperson416's topic in Fallout 3's Spoilers
I shot McGraw in the face when I downloaded that holotape. Gary? Gary! Hahaha, gary gary! Gaaaaarrryyy! I'm working on adding the T-103(Mr X) to the Wasteland, so far I used a few Feral Ghoul Reaver(I played with the Teddy Bear at first) textures and unleashed a funny looking sewwing puppet monster on the Pitt Raiders for making me choose between stealing a baby or letting slavers do as they please. But that has nothing to do with why I'm making this post, just something funny you guys might see on the Nexus. Ashur WAS cruel and violent after he was abandoned by the BoS but when his daughter was born he drasticly changed and his focus was curing the Trog condition and making The Pitt into a livable place for her. If anyone Defender McGraw and Protector Casdin are the reasonabl Outcasts so if you could bring buttload of Enclave gear to the protector then maybe you'd have a chance. I'm gonna be honest, I got tired of the good gal ways so now when someone insults me or tricks me in a quest they get hit with super sledge. (Not Desmond, he cool and badass.) edit:Point Lookout is pissing me off, it keeps reloading me from the two entrance doors to the holy bog. I have to use the console and disable the doors to move on. Oh and FWE conflicts with RR manifold holsters so redownload. Just thought you guys would like to know that last bit. -
Enclave, Brotherhood, Or YOU?
Fatal Fiore replied to falloutperson416's topic in Fallout 3's Spoilers
As Defender McGraw put it "I would trust a wastelander to shine my powerarmor and that's pushing it." The only way to get in good with them is to have been in the Brotherhood yourself, the Lone Wanderer is still hated on by the Outcasts and they don't really help you at all in the game all they do is honor a deal made with you. Solid plan but that's the one single flaw, you have to be a pre-exisiting BoS member. Oh and Ashur's Marie is the cure, it'll take them a few years but he could probally find the cure. That reminds, Fallout what choice did you make for The Pitt? I shot Warner in the face when I found out what Ashur wanted and what the "cure" was. -
Enclave, Brotherhood, Or YOU?
Fatal Fiore replied to falloutperson416's topic in Fallout 3's Spoilers
Same way I am with my followers(Get the realism mods, they make you have train your followers and even same with PA training and they can read books, have to heal crippled limbs etc...), teach them the basics for survival and outfit them in recon/light armor until I feel they won't end up dying and costing me a fortune on the equipment I spent on them. After I outfit them with power armor or Desert MARPAT Combat Armor I'd focus on improving their ranged weaponry and melee skills(Super Sledge much?) I'd be a by the book military commander so a complete hard ass and the best way to describe it would be as Paladin Gunny does. -
Enclave, Brotherhood, Or YOU?
Fatal Fiore replied to falloutperson416's topic in Fallout 3's Spoilers
Hmm... That's wierd. I thought that Fallout 3 stated that there were only Vaults in the DC area. I actually think that it would take more than 50 Paladins to overun Raven Rock Nay, look at the computer in the Citadel it says vaults in the DC Area. Vault 0 was the final place/battlefield for Fallout 1 and Cheyenne Mountain was a Military Vault. Officially theres 112 vaults but we know, like everything else Vault-tec said, that's load of garbage. Oh did you know Fallout New Vegas will have a reputation system as well as it's Karma system from FO3? I saw this in the Citadel and found it on the wiki, it's funny as hell; Incident Report 08-07-77 Reporting Officer: Harold Callahan Fire alarm was sounded at approximately 10:05 A.M. in the vending area near Cafeteria B3. I immediately rushed to the location and encountered General Robert Dobbs kicking a Nuka-Cola machine repeatedly. General Dobbs ignored my order to stand down from his actions and drew his sidearm. He then proceeded to fire 7 shots into the machine, rupturing several bottles and piercing the coin box. After the coins began pouring to the floor, he picked up one of them and exclaimed "Stealing from a superior officer? Are you out of your MIND, soldier?" He holstered his sidearm and looked at me, then back at the machine and simply stated, "Well don't just stand there, I believe this soldier needs a medic, son." The general was relieved of his sidearm and placed in our lockup facility until Metro D.C. Police arrived to pick him up. -
I do believe I wasn't talking about anything related to training or a train that mayhap goes choochoo?
I checked it out but it's not quite what I would like to see. The placeable lights mod look strange, I saw someone else wanted to do a whole prewar fallout mod and included paved roads in their list but I just want the paved roads.
I've been thinking after using several fun mods about a few things I'd love to see as a modification so heres what I request someone look into making: Undamaged Roadways:For Real Time Settler mod and several others repaired roadways would be quite useful. I'm sure if someone had a month or so to work on it this would be simple to do. If someone could make this I'd love you forever. Techno Music Station:Hey techno is interesting, with few commercial advertisements and maybe even someone doing voiceovers for things that are in the wastleand(Don't poke the Super Mutants, it's bad for YOUR health!) and happen even after all DLCs and game has been completed would be sweet to see. Complete Potomac River:Half the riverbed is dry and the other half is far to low to be a river, if someone could add water so that boat mods are actually useful and make the poymac a submarine usful depth(maybe sink the ground down to accomadate the river change and not mess up cannon game) Sniper Rifles: Their are utterly useless, a Sniper Rifle is suppose to be able to pick someone off from 1/3rd a mile away with ease. If Vats value can be changed to allow this as well as steadier aim for the .308 SR and distance it'd be a better, realistic weapon. I know theres few mods that fix this but their distance is far less than how a rifle of it's caliber works. Portable Pond:Cleanwater Pond that can be placed once and are sold at Craterside Supply and are about size of the ruined ranch house and is knee deep would be good for Real Time Settler mod and in general. It'd have to be drinkable from as well as look like it matches, or atleast have stones to make it look like a dug out pond(Manmade but still nice looking) Portable/Placeable Lights/Lamp posts:I'd like to see something of the sort to where you can buy the lights and then when their dropped they stick to where they are but can be picked up if you wanna move them and place sthem somewhere else. It'd be great for the RTS mod and if you wanna give the Rivet City Walkway a bit of light at night or even other areas! Edit:Vampire Killer Whip:I mulled it over and after a quick FO3Nexus search I learned no one made the Castlevania leather/chain whip that the Belmonts use. It'd be funny to kill the "vampires" in Meresti Station with it so I was wondering if anyone might be interested in this one? Well that's everything I'd love to see made.
Enclave, Brotherhood, Or YOU?
Fatal Fiore replied to falloutperson416's topic in Fallout 3's Spoilers
NCR is the New California Republic and Prime would be unable to do anything more than open the entrance to Raven Rock so the Paladins would be going in(And they would most likely own) with Prime holding off the Vertibirds and reinforcements. Same as Project Purity I guess. Erm Valut-Tec mad Vaults EVERYWHERE, especially in California but I'm hearing now of atleast one of the vaults being in this one, considering we are in Nevada. Area 51 could become a vault, Mariposa isn't really to far away, Gloom Lake could be the entire Area 51/SS4 vault and Area 52(Decontainmation Facility might be a vault. Who knows we may get a vault, we may not.