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  1. What I need So what I'm looking for, is someone who can do re-textures and/or Meshes. I'm planning a Machinima series (six episodes for S1) set in late 1945 for the first series, other series go into the 1950s and 1961. It was originally meant to be filmed using another game but fallout 3/NV should work much better. I'm not going to list everything I need, but I'm going to say that I need someone who can clean up certain textures, be it buildings or clothes. Also someone who could work with Meshes, for example, the 1940s car in the Vikki and Vance Casino, something like that would need to be fixed up and retextured. I'm not asking for the map to be cleaned up, I don't plan on using the Mohave Wasteland, the series is set in San Benito County, California. Its easy to say this, but for someone who is experienced this shouldn't be to hard to do, I can work up a list of things that need retextured or meshes that need cleaned up a bit. Credit would be given for this, since the series depends on this project thingy. I'm not sure that you need to be that experienced, we would need to talk but really, the meshes just need slightly edited and textures cleaned up, another example being a building or something where there are a few bricks missing or some sort of crater, that just needs patched up. The series should hopefully be a sure thing, its cast is small and easy to manage and I'm able to film and put objects together to make sets. Thanks for reading.
  2. I have looked and looked and found nothing about this, if i add a Hat to the geck or copy a hat and mod it is then on the side of the head. Apart from its mesh nothing else has been changed, but even if i don't change the mesh, even if i change the title it goes to the side of someone's head. Is there a way to fix this? If you can help or suggest something that may help that would be great :)
  3. It'll take time but by easy is i understand the engine and can use the geck with little trouble.
  4. There is a cheat for that, you dont need to download lol There is a key next to the 1 with a ¬ AND ` AND |, you want to hit that. Then type "Tgm" Toggle God Mode. Maybe your keyboard is odd and doesn't have that button but it looks like this on mine ¬ ` |
  5. Importing it is easy enough, i've been importing NCR content from NV into F3 for a machinima series i'm making. You need Fallout Mod manager and both games, then just make a mesh and texture folder in the NV file (if you don't already have one) then type the F3 geck name of the clothing into the little search thing on Mod manager and just copy the files for the uniform. Then you need to add the mesh and texture using the NV geck. You may need a texture fixer thing though, it seems some textures always bug, like if you were standing on a rock the coat would be made of rock lol hope that helps, if you have any questions you can always message and i'll try and help
  6. Well right now this is just proposed since at any moment someone could say there is already one and the project dies, if not i'll post videos (link will be added here) of progess so that people know its still happening, though i imagine it will take time so i hope no one expects it over night.
  7. Hey, This is an idea that i'm not sure if it has been done yet or is in the making since it is so simple and the New Vegas Engine is Perfect for it. The idea is re-creating Fallout 1 using the Fallout New Vegas Engine, I know that its something people would be like since a lot of gamers are afraid of old games and since the New Vegas engine is so fun! (jeez i'm excited over a game engine) So yes thats just to tell you that i'm not sure if its been done since someone could come along and start moaning about how they started it or it has been done, if it had i'll adbandon it. (19/05/2011) It should be easy enough to re-create, its the scripting and the Voice acting that would be the hard part, also mods. I believe mods would be needed in certain parts but in others we would be ok. I'm going to start it in a few days or so (by then i should know if its been done), if you would be interested in helping out (modding, scripting or maybe voice acting O.O) then just leave a reply below. Also if you are reading this tell me if you think this is something you would like (since the Fallout story is so interesting but for some its exclusive because they hate old graphics) then leave a reply below! I'll be updating progess here, using it as a kind of ad/blog. xXTMGXx
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