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Everything posted by ArmsSamedi

  1. Hello! I just made a casting call for a follower mod I'm working on. If you guys could check it out, that'd be much appreciated!
  2. I'm making a quest to clear out a dungeon but I don't really know how to check if everyone is dead. I can't really wrap my head around the civil war quest scripts and the best resource i could find for pulling it off (found here) is for fallout 4 (and when I tried following it it didn't work, unfortunately) I was wondering if anyone could give me some step by step instructions for using the default counter scripts to advance a quest? I'm very much a newbie to quest scripting.
  3. sorry for the delayed reply but i think i'm gonna start off by splitting the mesh and assigning vertex groups and probs re-saving the textures and see if that does anything? if it still breaks i might try copying over the nitrishapes, i'll get back to this thread in a bit!
  4. I'm trying to figure out a workflow for exporting clothing and armor using the current version of blender and niftools so i threw together a quick outfit and rigged it badly using the vanilla skeleton, it shows up just fine on nifskope but if i try to put it on an npc in construction set it just........ removes the underwear I'm not sure where to begin fixing this, the folder setup should be right, and robes don't have iron-clad naming conventions like armor and regular clothing do so I was wondering if there was some technical stuff i'm missing? the link below has all of the files including the esp and blend file https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Dq8tUErjOQt8T-hatwm8H2L8dfu9QEQE?usp=sharing
  5. It looks like I can do that for perks, but not spells. I figure that they can't use spells that they don't have the magicka for but I don't have a complete understanding of skyrims combat system and don't want the ai to be tempted to use a spell that'll take up all of their juice
  6. I'm trying to make a follower mod and want to implement something where she'll gain perks and spells as the player levels up. Right now my priority is just getting the script to recognize the players level. I'm trying to get a debug message to fire off once they reach level 10, it saves fine, but when i go in-game to test it, nothing shows up. Scriptname ARMS1VitaLevellingQuestScript extends Quest Event OnStoryIncreaseLevel(int aiNewLevel) If Game.GetPlayer().GetLevel() >= 10 Debug.Notification("Level 10") EndIf EndEvent I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing wrong here, so any help would be appreciated!
  7. Let me preface this by stating that as an act of inhumane hubris, i decided I want to try everything I can to make this a thing in blender v2.79. Mainly because I have yet to figure out how to have two installations of blender at the same time but also having sculpt tools makes my life 27341% easier. To backpedal a little bit, I wanna make some clothes and armors for oblivion for the sake of variety. Most of the stuff i've seen on the Nexus is usually anime girls, recolors or mashups I thought I could apply my own artistic abilities to make (hopefully) an armor and clothing compilation. I'm starting out with a simple female-only cuirass just to see if this is a thing i /can/ do and I'm running off of various tutorials to try and help me along. I attempt to export it; lo and behold this happens I have the .nif version set to 20004, and the user versions are both 11. I'll be honest, it's probably pretty obvious what the issue is but i am pretty bad at reading and understanding errors. I'm failry sure I'm using the most recent version of nifscripts. [EDIT] I read 'tri' in there and was like "hmm, what if I triangulate this mesh?" (to those reading this and have a similar problem; try adding and applying the triangulate modifier before exporting) and now it's working. I have a new problem (which is the fact i can't get the texture to show up in nifskope) buut not really relevant to the title of this post. I dunno if I should risk spamming the forum a little and make it a seperate thing or??? I'll keep trying to figure it out
  8. I figured it out! It had nothing to do with factions or conditions so I'm sorry for wasting people's time. Turns out wording is super important when it comes to reading tutorials and instead of making branches for each of those functions I made topics. I guess something got botched up since they would all have been tied to the 'follow me' dialogue and the game just assumed they'd be needed during that 'conversation'.
  9. I wanna second roadhouse's suggestion here for no reason other than silly mod names. Maybe something straight forward like Unique Compilation?
  10. Would i be right in assuming that it'd be because the actor's not being put into the currentfollowerfaction for some reason? that's the only condition each of the topics share. I tried putting a setfactionrank into the script for the recruitment dialogue but that didn't seem to help.
  11. Thank you so much! I think i might take some time to try and learn how exactly the vanilla follower faction worked before i make the one i plan on using; then I'll give this a try! Be sure to update this thread if anything comes up.
  12. Hi! I'm currently working on a follower mod (don't worry about 'why would you when theres 48567 others on nexus????' since that's something i'll worry about on my own) and I've been following this tutorial. I've been able to get the follower to actually follow, but i can't actually get him to talk to me afterward. I've filled out all of the properties, but there's a chance i may have done it wrong. Follower in question's faction has been set to PotentialFollowerFaction(-1) and DismissedFollowerFaction(0). When i tried Solora's fix (which is deleting the dismissed faction and setting the potential faction to 0) it stopped working completely. Dialogue script Scriptname COFDarrocRushanDialogueScript extends Quest Actor Property PlayerREF Auto ReferenceAlias Property FollowerAlias Auto Faction Property DismissedFollowerFaction Auto Faction Property CurrentHireling Auto Message Property FollowerDismissMessage Auto Message Property FollowerDismissMessageWedding Auto Message Property FollowerDismissMessageCompanions Auto Message Property FollowerDismissMessageCompanionsMale Auto Message Property FollowerDismissMessageCompanionsFemale Auto Message Property FollowerDismissMessageWait Auto SetHirelingRehire Property HirelingRehireScript Auto ;Property to tell follower to say dismissal line Int Property iFollowerDismiss Auto Conditional Function SetFollower(ObjectReference FollowerRef) actor FollowerActor = FollowerRef as Actor FollowerActor.RemoveFromFaction(DismissedFollowerFaction) If FollowerActor.GetRelationshipRank(PlayerREF) <3 && FollowerActor.GetRelationshipRank(PlayerREF) >= 0 FollowerActor.SetRelationshipRank(PlayerREF, 3) EndIf FollowerActor.SetPlayerTeammate() ;FollowerActor.SetActorValue("Morality", 0) FollowerAlias.ForceRefTo(FollowerActor) FollowerActor.EvaluatePackage() EndFunction Function FollowerWait() actor FollowerActor = FollowerAlias.GetActorRef() as Actor FollowerActor.SetActorValue("WaitingForPlayer", 1) SetObjectiveDisplayed(10, abforce = true) ;follower will wait 3 days FollowerAlias.RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(72) EndFunction Function FollowerFollow() actor FollowerActor = FollowerAlias.GetActorRef() as Actor FollowerActor.SetActorValue("WaitingForPlayer", 0) SetObjectiveDisplayed(10, abdisplayed = false) FollowerActor.EvaluatePackage() EndFunction Function DismissFollower(Int iMessage = 0, Int iSayLine = 1) If FollowerAlias && FollowerAlias.GetActorReference().IsDead() == False If iMessage == 0 FollowerDismissMessage.Show() ElseIf iMessage == 1 FollowerDismissMessageWedding.Show() ElseIf iMessage == 2 FollowerDismissMessageCompanions.Show() ElseIf iMessage == 3 FollowerDismissMessageCompanionsMale.Show() ElseIf iMessage == 4 FollowerDismissMessageCompanionsFemale.Show() ElseIf iMessage == 5 FollowerDismissMessageWait.Show() Else ;failsafe FollowerDismissMessage.Show() EndIf actor DismissedFollowerActor = FollowerAlias.GetActorRef() as Actor DismissedFollowerActor.StopCombatAlarm() DismissedFollowerActor.AddToFaction(DismissedFollowerFaction) DismissedFollowerActor.SetPlayerTeammate(false) DismissedFollowerActor.RemoveFromFaction(CurrentHireling) DismissedFollowerActor.SetActorValue("WaitingForPlayer", 0) ;hireling rehire function HirelingRehireScript.DismissHireling(DismissedFollowerActor.GetActorBase()) If iSayLine == 1 iFollowerDismiss = 1 DismissedFollowerActor.EvaluatePackage() ;Wait for follower to say line Utility.Wait(2) EndIf FollowerAlias.Clear() iFollowerDismiss = 0 ;don't set count to 0 if Companions have replaced follower If iMessage == 2 ;do nothing EndIf EndIf EndFunction Dialogue Script properties http://oi68.tinypic.com/291f11x.jpg Follow Me script ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment ;NEXT FRAGMENT INDEX 1 Scriptname TIF__020012CA Extends TopicInfo Hidden ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_0 Function Fragment_0(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef) Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor ;BEGIN CODE (GetOwningQuest() as COFDarrocRushanDialogueScript).SetFollower(akSpeaker) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment Quest Property COFDarrocRushanDialogue Auto Follow me script property http://oi65.tinypic.com/2u5rp06.jpg Thank you to anyone who decides to look into this!
  13. Hello! I'm trying to make a companion mod that has a basic trust/romance system. I figured the best way to do this would be having a background quest for it. However, I keep getting an error whilst compiling the setstage command Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "TIF__02001857"... C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\TIF__02001857.psc(9,0): variable LillaeRomance is undefined C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\TIF__02001857.psc(9,14): none is not a known user-defined type No output generated for TIF__02001857, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on TIF__02001857 Here is exactly what I input LillaeRomance.setstage(10) Apologies if this has been answered in another thread, I haven't been able to find an explanation that either didn't work, or didn't say how they fixed it. (also I'm super terrible at searching for this) (for the record, I have defined 'LillaeRomance' in quest alias)
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