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  1. This issue has driven me insane for years, and it's far worse with ENB. When I toggle my ENB off, it looks just like that screenshot, but with it on it turns half of my skin bright red. I tried the No Witnesses mod but it didn't stop this skin bug. I checked all of the shaders with FNVEdit for falloutNV.esm but none of them seemed to stand out as a culprit, so I wonder if it's hardcoded. The thing is that I also get this outside everywhere too, and it seems to be affected by how much light is on my character. It shows up always if I turn on both the pipboy light and the flashlight from the Flashlight NVSE mod at the same time, but if I just use either it won't show up unless I go near another light source. If I turn the camera certain angles away from the light source it also temporarily disappears.
  2. EDIT: What finally got this working was replacing the jip_nvse.dll. I have no idea why. What finally fixed it was when I redownloaded JIP LN and replaced the old .dll with the one I just downloaded and it suddenly works. I have no clue. At least it works now. I've copied over my game folder from an old PC onto my new one, and it's worked for other games like Oblivion but while New Vegas will load fine, NVSE won't. I can load the game just fine but as soon as I activate my mods they scream about needing NVSE. I've installed all mentioned C++ stuff that I can find, OBSE works fine but NVSE isn't. I've tried running the NVSE launcher and 4gig patch as administrator, and the install folder is not in program files. I'm on windows 10 now, my old computer was windows 7. I heard windows 10 doesn't like NVSE years ago but I was reading that it should be fine now. I don't use mod managers to install anything. I'm also using the steam version. There's something odd in NVSE.Log I noticed, specifically: checking plugin C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\jip_nvse.dll couldn't load plugin C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\jip_nvse.dll (win32 error code: 126 message: "The specified module could not be found. ") I checked the folder and it's right there in it. I'm looking right at it and even compared the file path with a text editor to make sure I'm not just insane.
  3. I'm trying to change the grey cowl of nocturnal, basically by copying over one of the hoods such as a mage's hood over onto it. Neither copying the mask into the hood's .nif or copying the hood into the mask's .nif works when doing it in nifskope, as they both result in the hood being visible, but no mask. Renaming and relocating them away from .egm files didn't do anything either. I haven't had a chance to try it in blender yet as I'm on a new computer and haven't gotten around to installing all that yet, as I very rarely used Blender since all I usually do is combine or remove things from existing meshes.
  4. I finally got a chance to mess with it a bit more, but still didn't have any luck. I did try renaming as well as moving the nif to an entirely different folder form the .egm, but it still doesn't seem to show up. I haven't installed blender on my new computer yet, but looks like I might have to for this. I just try to avoid it when possible as I barely even understand the basics of working with it, and working with meshes is easily my least favorite part of modding.
  5. I've been trying to add a hood to the gray cowl of nocturnal, but for some reason when I copy everything over in nifskope the gray cowl mesh doesn't appear in game, although the hood shows up fine. This has always worked for every other type of armor and clothing, but for some reason it isn't working like normal for headwear. I've tried copying the hood over into the gray cowl mesh, as well as copying the gray cowl mesh into the hood instead, but neither work. I have a suspicion that it has something to do with the bones, as the gray cowl mesh has no bones, but the hoods and most other headwear seems to have bones. I dont know much about meshes other than copying/pasting from nifskope, so does anyone know what is going wrong here?
  6. I'm sure there's a better way to do this, but one way I've seen people do similar things is by creating the NPC and placing it in an empty "dummy" cell, similar to the testinghall, and using a moveto command in a script as your spell effect: https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=MoveTo When it dies, if you want it to be resummonable you'd need to resurrect the actor in the script as well, but this would make the corpse disappear as well. A workaround I can think of would be to create two different NPC/creatures with the same name, and have the second be summoned if the first has died using GetIsDead, and when the second dies, have the script resurrect the first before moving to the player again. I've never used them before so I don't know how well it would work with this, but I'm aware of a PlayMagicShaderVisuals and PlayMagicEffectVisuals command that could be used to make it have the normal summon effects as well: https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=PlayMagicShaderVisuals
  7. I was looking for a mod that adds animations to looting/door opening/etc like the Skyrim mod "animations" and came across this video, but can't find any mention of the mod used except for on this video: https://youtu.be/vTOjcs4m_ps?t=1m26s Does anyone know which mod this is? There are other animations used throughout the video such as door opening, harvesting plants, lockpicking, and reading a book as well, which I would assume are all from the same mod.
  8. I tried that a long time ago and my game would start crashing on load and had a horrible time getting it working again. I think there are .ini files you need to change for it to work, but at the time I was getting annoyed and short on time so I never got it sorted like I wanted, so don't do like I did and move everything without being sure it's setup right, because for some reason I even had trouble when I replaced everything with my backed up folder.
  9. I've made a mod that allows Gemstones to be used for various buff/defensive magic to give them a real use, but want to find a way to stop the effects from stacking when using the same gem type. The way I have it setup is that each gem (ruby, diamond, etc) has an increasing effect based on the quality (flawed, flawless, etc), but when I use a flawed diamond and a flawless diamond it stacks both at the same time, which I want to avoid for balance reasons. I'm debating on if it should allow different types of gems to stack or only allow maybe 2-3 effects from different gems at a time, but I'm not sure how. This is the script I have running if anyone knows what would need to be done to have it do such a thing, and I have multiple scrips for each gem and gem quality. ScriptName aaaDiamondScript1 begin OnEquip if ( GetStage aaaGemQuest > 80 ) playSound aaaGemSound player.addspell aaaDiamondSpell1 player.removeitem Gem6DiamondFlawed 1 endif end EDIT: I'm also looking for a way to add a small particle or smoke effect for a second around the player when used, as well as an option menu to pop up asking "Do you want to use x" or something similar so that accidental clicks won't waste a valuable gemstone.
  10. I'd deleted it entirely, even cleaned the registry before the new install. I spent the better part of 48 hours messing with this and it finally seems to be back to normal, although I've only had an hour to test, but it didn't crash on me during that hour even with my old saves. I ended up using my old BAIN installer settings and re-installed every mod from scratch with BAIN exactly as they had been prior to the issue, then moved all my .ini/obse/UI changes into the data folder, but this was still causing issues. What seems to have fixed it somehow was when I moved my cleaned .esps from my backup folder and overwriting the ones I reinstalled with BAIN, and for some reason it works again. This doesn't make sense with why it was crashing on a new game though, so I'm at a complete loss for that. I've honestly seen weirder s*** with Oblivion so I don't even try to make sense of some of it anymore. I can only imagine that the few mods I had were simply game-breakingly unstable without being cleaned, and I only had a handful of them. I recall the lost spires having some 400+ UDR's, not to mention the total count from the DLC's, but the rest had very few. So I don't know, I'm just hoping this is back to normal now.
  11. I had a steam DRM issue where it suddenly wouldn't let me start the game despite nothing having changed, and the only solution that worked was to reinstall. So I backed up my entire folder and reinstalled with steam, then moved everything back exactly the way it was. Now I can't load any of my saves and I crash within minutes of starting a new game. I cleared out my documents/my games/oblivion, I checked everything with Wrye Bash and it's telling me my saves are the exact same load order as before with purple check boxes. Everything in the installers tab looks fine, and everything is the exact same as it was, but I can no longer load any saves or even play for more than a minute without crashing. Is there something else that needs to be done when restoring a backup? This is absolutely rage inducing and makes no sense when everything is exactly as it was before the steam DRM issue happened out of nowhere.
  12. Ok cool I'll try that mod out, I'll still try to mess around with the .nif and see if I can figure out anything, but messing with models/textures isn't something I've got too much experience with.
  13. I was working on getting some magic casting animation replacers to work with specialanims.esp because for some reason they were the only animations not working with it, but during testing I found that adding various magic casting animations with names even such as "castself2" into the _male folder will make characters use alternating casting animations, but I can't seem to find anything about this at all on google, and don't recall this happening in the past. I've found that I really like having them cycle but am worried it could cause some issues, or maybe if I can pinpoint why this is happening even make it into a mod. Does anyone have any experience with this? Also does anyone know why casting animations don't seem to work in the specialanims folder when all of my other animations do? The mods I'm using in particular for this are http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/21475/? and http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/12626/ When I take all the casting animations from the first one and just move them into my animation folder it automatically cycles between them even without renaming them. Does it do this for anyone else and I've just somehow never noticed? The fact that I can't find any mentions of it anywhere makes me even more confused.
  14. EDIT: for anyone who finds this later, I didn't fully understand how textures and alpha channels worked at the time, and was only editing the RGB layer and not the alpha layer. The mod drake linked did exactly what I needed, but if anyone wants to do something similar in the future make sure to edit the alpha as well. I'm trying to get the snowflake textures to be much smaller than they are by default, or by any mod I've found so far (most of them seem to make them even bigger). I had no problem doing this in Skyrim since I recall there being a slider for size or something in the CK, but I can't find any such thing in Oblivion's CK. I tried shrinking snowflake.dds in photoshop but that doesn't seem to have done anything.
  15. I'm saving it as an .mp3 which is what the file originally was, I don't know what else it requires though but I'll try making the file mono and see if it works
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