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About Brittn

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    United States
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    What your playing in which case its prob. Skyrim! :O
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    eehhh..they are all some what good..on thier own levels...of goodness.

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  1. Well twas my fiest day of work today at the stables....and Im still not sure yet how I feel. Oh never mind, I do...I feel like hell atm. but ohs well I love the payment and sortta love the job, thank gawd that camp is only a week I will onyl have to teach kids things for 4 more days ^^
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ithildin


      Stables? Do you get to teach horses things, too, or at least enjoy their company? :)
    3. Brittn


      no no I just get to enjoy the company and ride them. ^^
    4. Ithildin


      Fantastic - who wouldn't love such a job? :)
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