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About Stikyhooves

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  1. I've done modding cycles in other games. Ones that use the unreal engine can be fun to mod since learning that system can be interesting. Though it can be much more limited than what the Creation kit allows. The silver lining is that what you learn can span games. That said, most of those are survival game that likely will feel shallow compared to Fo4. I've done a fair hand of modding in Conan Exiles and even made some sandbox games for myself in just the unreal engine. Nothing fancy, just playing with physics and world building. It can scratch the itch/obsession to build creatively while you bounce around other things.
  2. This has been extremely helpful. Before you responded I renamed the BA2 to have the ' - Main' suffix and resaved it from the creation kit. This caused it to work in game when the mod was re-loaded. To further test, I then packed them into a 'zip', un-loaded the mod from the game, reloaded the mod through the mod manager (from the zipped files) and it worked. Though your instructions describe a different (and simpler) way to go about this, it seems my mod file now works like I would expect. Thank you for your insights. :)
  3. Interesting. I appreciate that insight. I did not mention it because I thought that maybe I was barking up the wrong tree. In one of my tests, I had packed the files into a BA2 with the same name (copy/paste) of the mod. Then I reopened and resaved the mod. I am not sure if that was the correct step at the time, I was trying to piece together a solution from some posts. The steps I took did not seem to cause the script changes to work in game. Can you point me towards where I can find how to get my BA2 file to be read by the mod/game? I wonder if that is where I took a misstep. Edit: I did some additional reading regarding BA2s. It looks like the one guide I had read stated to save the BA2 as the same name, but it should be saved as the same name followed by a " - Main" suffix. Is that correct? I tested it just now and it seems to have worked. But if you or anyone can confirm my understanding that would be helpful.
  4. I am having some trouble with my script fragments and I feel I may just be missing a simple step in the process. If anyone can point out what I am missing that would be great. I am looking to remove the action that adds quest markers automatically when terminals are used. (Long Time Coming). In the data selection, I have set my mod to active. I have located the scripts in the terminals and commented out the AddtoMap functions. For example: "NahantMapMarker.AddtoMap()" becomes ";NahantMapMarker.AddtoMap()". I have complied the script with no errors, saved the script edits. saved the terminal changes by clicking ok, saved the mod, and pushed it to game. However, in game, the terminal still adds the location to my map. I have gone back to the creation kit and confirmed my changes. I confirmed the changes in the terminal scripts as well as the quest file that references the same terminal fragments. I also checked the scripts in the user data to confirm that they are there as well. I then also confirmed that the respective .pex files are in my data folders (loaded from the mod). I also confirmed my changes in the creation kit by navigating to Gameplay -> Papyrus Script Editor. And then also re-complied the changes through the Gameplay -> Compile Scripts function. On compiling it cycled through the correct files and complied successfully with no warnings or errors. I am a bit stumped and am left wondering if there is an additional step I am missing. Is there an additional step needed to let a mod know that it needs to load scripts? In the interim I have just removed the markers entirely, but this seems both unnecessary and heavy handed.
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