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Everything posted by EssGeeDee

  1. Hey there, I was wondering if there were any mods that tweak human characters' hitboxes? I don't know what's up with the vanilla ones, but they seem clunky and unresponsive when I'm shooting NPCs.
  2. Hi, uh, I'm looking for this mod that makes you invest Magicka in your spells - say, you cast Ironflesh, it activates, and takes like 30 Magicka from your maximum, and then stays on until you cast it again. Something like, 'Invested Magic'? I searched the Nexus with no results.
  3. Is there any way to create quests in Skyrim with any of the unofficial Editors? I have an idea for a small mod that needs a custom quest to be able to work, and I don't think SkyEdit can do quests.
  4. So I booted up Oblivion again after a long hiatus (no files were changed, same computer), and now whenever I move my mouse in UI screens, such as the main screen, the location of the cursor doesn't match to focus location. For example, I'll have my cursor hovering over Credits, and Exit will be selected. It affects every UI screen, and it's so bad that I can't even switch to my inventory, it's stuck on my Character Sheet because the cursor can't focus that far down the screen. I have a Logitech Performance MX Wireless mouse, with the Logitech Mouse and Keyboard Settings program running, it's the only thing that's changed since the last time I played Oblivion. What's the solution here? EDIT: Deleting Oblivion.ini, then reinstalling DarnUI fixed the problem.
  5. I recently installed and am using Project Ultimatum - Reactive People, and for the most part the mod is working very well. However, I tried to talk to Ringo about the Ghost Town Gunfight and he was immediately hostile to me as soon as I opened the door. I disarmed him and managed to talk to him, and I thought I was in the clear. Fast forward ten minutes and I come across my first lot of Powder Gangers. They're neutral to me, for the first time ever. Right after this, I'm entering Primm. All of the NCR troops are hostile to me, I've done nothing to anger them, I've got Reactive People loaded second-last, just above a merged patch for all my mods... So what is wrong here?
  6. Oh, that is a RELIEF. I used those settings, everything came up fine. Thanks, Quetzl, for troubleshooting that with me. Have some Kudos for your time and effort!
  7. Oh, here's my import settings: http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/blender2011-06-2802-25-16-88.jpg And export settings: http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/blender2011-06-2802-24-33-02.jpg Is there anything wrong with these?
  8. :/ There shouldn't be a problem with the weighting, seeing as I haven't actually removed any vertices, but I'll retry the edits again and see what's wrong. I didn't know that you could just use the .nif straight from Blender, tutorials have always taught me that I had to paste over an official mesh. I just tried just opening the mesh straight from Blender in the GECK, and I get another messed up shape. I can't find the problem anywhere, I did a VERY simple edit this time, pulled a few verts on the chest about half a foot forward, and this is the result. http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Geck2011-06-2802-16-44-24.jpg
  9. I'm trying to edit clothes and armours, however every time I import the edited meshes into the GECK, stuff like this happens: http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Geck2011-06-2801-45-27-87.jpg http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Geck2011-06-2801-45-54-75.jpg It also looks just as messed up when I test it in the game. I'm importing into Blender using default Fallout settings, I'm only moving (not deleting or adding) vertices, exporting default Fallout settings, and simply copying the NiTriShape data over an existing Vanilla New Vegas mesh. It's perfectly fine with weapons, I've edited and created a few meshes, but I can't get a single article of clothing to work, whether it's clothes, headgear, face gear, whatever. Whats going on here? What am I doing wrong?
  10. There's a mod that adds recoil to Fallout 3, found here: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12519 I was wondering if anybody could port it to New Vegas? Or make a mod that's similar?
  11. I give up. Nothing works. Ugh, maybe there's something wrong with Python, Blender, Nifskope, the Blender Nif Scripts, or Pyffi or something. Does anyone have links to all these that are stable, and export those settings and stuff properly?
  12. Well I can conformulate now, but it's still not solving my problem. The mask is still messed up, even in the GECK. The only places it doesn't look stupid are Blender, and Nifskope. It looks completely normal there. But as soon as I preview it in the GECK, it's jagged for no reason whatsoever, even when conformulated. :(
  13. So, you're saying if I use this Conformulator, it will get rid of all the jagged nastiness with the mask? I'm not worried about the hair (It's a custom hair model), just the mask. EDIT: I'm using the default Export settings, and all headgear ends up like that. All I've done is move vertices around, deleting them and having the end result actually work is beyond me. Feh. The Conformulator didn't work at ALL, just gave me continuous errors and shut down on me. So, I'm back to square one.
  14. Once I fix my mesh crap-up-ful-ness, I'll help out with things like masks. I'm good with masks.
  15. I've been trying to edit armours and clothes in New Vegas wit hBlender, however every time I import the mesh into the game it ends up looking like this : http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Fallout%20New%20Vegas/FalloutNV2011-01-1413-50-39-60.jpg http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Fallout%20New%20Vegas/FalloutNV2011-01-1413-50-35-70.jpg http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Fallout%20New%20Vegas/FalloutNV2011-01-1413-50-33-22.jpg It doesn't do this with weapons, clutter, or anything other than clothing. What'm I doing wrong here? I didn't have this issue with Fallout 3...
  16. If you're talking about male bodies, look at Breeze's or Robert's male body replacers on the FO3 Nexus. If bodybuilding women is your thing, then you want this mod... http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14508
  17. I tried doing that... but like I mentioned in my other thread, the mesh goes stupid when I delete vertices. I'm obviously doing something wrong, but what? I tried adding faces to it by selecting points and pressing F, but that doesn't work. I just end up with jagged polygons that stretch from horizon to horizon.
  18. I think I'll take that as a compliment. :D I'll have to find out how to actually remove the vertices from the arm, instead of shrinking them. Also, how to reduce the bone weight on that arm to zero so the vertices connected to it won't move. These suits here are a sort of a Proof of Concept, I think. There's definitely room for improvement.
  19. Just to re-iterate, I didn't make the actual robotic arm, Tumbajumba did. All I did was use it in this mod, with permission. Here's the armours and clothing I've managed to get into the game thus far: Leather Armour (with & without the Cybernetic arm): http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2417-04-16-53.jpg http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2417-06-42-53.jpg Combat Armour (with & without the Cybernetic arm): http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2417-04-02-33.jpg http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2417-06-25-46.jpg Pre-War Businesswear (with & without the Cybernetic arm): http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2417-04-55-02.jpg http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2417-07-13-45.jpg Oasis Druid (with & without the Cybernetic arm): http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2417-04-39-11.jpg http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2417-06-59-41.jpg Chinese Jumpsuit (with & without the Cybernetic arm): http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2417-03-43-97.jpg http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2417-06-07-82.jpg Tenpenny (with & without the Cybernetic arm): http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2417-05-28-20.jpg http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2417-08-07-60.jpg Brotherhood Scribe (with & without the Cybernetic arm): http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2417-03-23-98.jpg http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2417-05-53-69.jpg Raider Painspike (with & without the Cybernetic arm): http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2417-05-14-30.jpg http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2417-07-28-25.jpg
  20. What I had done the the mesh shown in that screenshot was remove almost all of the vertices of the arm.The screenshot's dark yes, but everything apart from the character's head is the Vault Suit. It stretched from horizon to horizon and filled the entire screen... Basically it was an extreme version of this, where you can see a rogue polygon coming out of the back of the character's neck: (This is what happens when I just shrink the vertices) http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2400-59-23-82.jpg And this, when the skeleton starts moving further from zero: http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2401-10-26-07.jpg So how exactly do I change the bone weighting? I can't import another body and use its bone weight settings, seeing as I've never touched the bones before. And once i've edited the bone weighting, what does that do to the mesh? Does that mean the vertices that are now weightless will become static?
  21. Alright, here goes. I'm trying to create a suit with an invisible arm, and at the moment i'm simply shrinking the rest of the arm and moving it up to the shoulder. This creates graphical artifacts ingame though, and some armours have sleeves in two parts, which just makes matters worse. So I'm trying is, to delete the majority of the polys of the arm, then shrink the base to cover it up, like so: http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/blender2010-09-2322-35-45-10.jpg http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/blender2010-09-2322-36-41-57.jpg (I just shrunk the bodycap and limbcap for the purpose of the screenshot). When I do that, and export it to the game, it goes a bit.. berserk. http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2322-40-01-77.jpg So how do I tell the mesh that that's where it's supposed to end now (is this called clamping or something), and avoid the whole spazzed-out ingame meshes?
  22. I want to delete some polys in Blender, but whenever I do, it ends up looking ridiculous, shattered, and fragmented in-game. How do I delete polys and have the rest of the mesh just compensate?
  23. >_< If you read the long description, it would tell you that the mod's name is misleading - it's not a 'Beauty' mod per se, but a mod that cleans up the look of pretty much every single NPC in the game. Gives them faces that match their personalities, cleans up head/body skin differences, and generally makes people less fugly. Not beautiful, just less ugly.
  24. I have about 7 or 8 armours ingame, I think I'm getting to the point where I'll need to add scripts to my Race and make weapons locked until I equip a Cybernetic Arm... Which will also need scripts. The thing is, I have N.F.I. how to script, I'll need help. Even better, would be somebody volunteering to throw some scripts together for me. I'm scared of scripting... -_-" On further testing, it seems that in outdoor areas there are some strange artifacts that appear in 1st Person View while I have the 1-Armed Combat Armour equipped... Like so: http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2318-32-47-37.jpg http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2318-32-49-02.jpg --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's a preview of one of the armours - The '1-Armed Oasis Druid Outfit'. It's the perfect blend of nature and technology! :P http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2322-18-31-65.jpg
  25. Thanks again Quetzl, I'll keep that info in mind. But for now, it's time to hit the hay. 3:20 AM and I've been up since 9 AM yesterday... I'll just leave this little youtube video here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEZLQIFYul0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: UUUUGH, this is stupid. Every mesh I edit shows graphical artifacts like these: http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn291/FullMetalPatriot/Videogames/Fallout/Cybernetic%20Arm/Fallout32010-09-2313-25-27-57.jpg It never happened with the Leather Armour, but it's happened with both the Combat Armour and the Armoured Vault Suit. I can't make a mod with this poo all over it! EDIT2: Never mind, it was a Blender setting. Stupid Blender...
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