I have used the last six days to re-install mods for Skyrim SE and have gotten my game to the point where I am satisfied with the stability, graphics and gameplay.
One thing annoys the fudge out of me though, and that is that Vortex is disabling seven specific mods every time I start it up, even though I have manually edited the plugins.txt and reactivated them mulitple times so far; and it just keeps doing it. The main mods deactivated are five follower mods, one blood and dirt texture mod and one add-on for Enemy Variation Wenches.
The folders in which the files are stored are NOT read-only, as I have changed that. Admin rights also in place. Is there a setting I can change so that they won't disable every time I start up Vortex?
It is not THAT big of a deal, because it is not gamebreaking in any way, I just do not understand why it does that and I can't find peace until I do xD