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About Antioch666

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    Diablo 3(Seasonal), Medieval Dynasty, Phoenix Point, Skyrim SE, & Wartales
  • Favourite Game
    X-Com Enemy Unknown/UFO Defense (1994)

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  1. Hey! I have used the last six days to re-install mods for Skyrim SE and have gotten my game to the point where I am satisfied with the stability, graphics and gameplay. One thing annoys the fudge out of me though, and that is that Vortex is disabling seven specific mods every time I start it up, even though I have manually edited the plugins.txt and reactivated them mulitple times so far; and it just keeps doing it. The main mods deactivated are five follower mods, one blood and dirt texture mod and one add-on for Enemy Variation Wenches. The folders in which the files are stored are NOT read-only, as I have changed that. Admin rights also in place. Is there a setting I can change so that they won't disable every time I start up Vortex? It is not THAT big of a deal, because it is not gamebreaking in any way, I just do not understand why it does that and I can't find peace until I do xD regards, anti
  2. Congratulations on the release! I have very much enjoyed playing Skyrim SE after coming back to it; and using Vortex!
  3. Hey guys, I have a strange issue with the Nexus site regarding Thirdstorm's Unique NPCs-file. I can download the rest of his files no problem; but that one indicates that Thirdstorm has blocked me from the content. I contacted him sometime last year and he wrote that it wasn't on his end - seeing to as we didn't have an argument in the first place. Anyone else tried something similar and found a solution?
  4. Damn, thank you! Must've been tired >,< have a nice weekend!
  5. Is there a way to block these "mods" from showing up? Can't find the tag in the "block tag" overview. Nexus is getting spammed with them at the moment :-/
  6. And as always Hrave nize day :P directly ripped off from FPSRussia lol
  7. I dont know if you all have found out already, because this post is pretty old. Here is what I did to fix it. I have a second Hard Disk Drive for many of my games called Steamlibrary on the F: -drive. Problem is that the files steam needs to open the Creation Kit are NOT on the HDD with the extra game folder but on my main C: drive. So I uninstalled the Creation Kit from my extra game folder on F: and reinstalled on my main drive C: and vuptivoila *drumwhirl* opened in seconds :D Hope it helps atleast some of you who might stumble upon this thread as I did :-)
  8. Hey guys, I was wondering if some of you have experienced that a follower refuses to leave? In this case it concerns a "bandit" (whom I decided to mind control after getting her to submit(she had big tits :-p) 1st : She is nowhere to be found. 2nd : I cant prid her ID and kill her(or go to her and kill her), because of the many bandits in the list. 3rd : She won't come to my position when asked to follow. 4th : I tried setting her necessity to default hoping she would croak in the environment to no avail. 5th : I know her original residence I set for her was on the Asteria where the NPC cant get to, but Ive checked at the teleport stone and surroundings but nothing(and no I didnt bind her will for bondage) :-P Anyone know a workaround or tried something similar? ps. I know I have 100 slots but its just annoying that someone uses up space without being of any use. /Anti
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