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Everything posted by Beefyh

  1. Here. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34113 It's not perfect as in what you were saying but oh well. It works for me. Actually that's the only thing it says on the box. :) Making a spell that drained your magicka within 2 - 6 seconds and slowed down the world dramatically might be able to be done, but I'm sure AI files wouldn't like it :)
  2. DAM!!! it said offline like TWO SECONDS AGO!!! oh well. there goes the surprise. And he has 12 mods for Oblivion so far
  3. Probably tomorrow sometime in the meantime I made a thread :D Which I see you have found
  4. I'm making a website for LordFrostcraig instead of a kudos :P . It will showcase all of his mods and photos etc. I kind of want this to be done before he gets back online, but is probably slim chance. Anyone want to volunteer to help make this site? SITE IS HERE: http://lordfrostcraig.webs.com/
  5. ... :( I thought I just learned something cool... I didn't know about Shady Sam though. He buys stolen stuff? Unless I am mistaken http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25469 .
  6. That is kicka**. :) Makes me wonder why bethesda put horses in instead of... THIS... :D
  7. Thanks anyways, I'll think up some nice fun twisted evil demented happy torturing solution :) Im going to make you a tribute website with all your mods and pictures and EVERY SINGLE COMMENT. :) It is coming along nicely Edit: Kinda off topic but this thread is done anyways... What if I bump this BUT THEN REALLY FAST delete the post. Is it still at the top? :P
  8. That would be a buffet for a dragon or some such... :devil: Killer whale needs no gratitude, it satisfies itself with its awesomeness
  9. ... :D Sorry I already gave you a kudos... I wonder what I'll do... Edit: I've got it! I'll take it away :)
  10. I figured it was hotkeys, but it never hurts to check ;) . Anyways, this is making more sense to me now that I think about it. Who stores all their weapons in their (... idk, what do Oblivion characters store their loot in? 0.o) fantasy storage backpack of magic (nailed it) and then has to get them out every time they change weapons mid-combat? Unfortunately I don't think this exists and would only exist if you wanted to wear one as an amulet. Correct me if I am wrong, as I would love this as well.
  11. Really? I had no idea... So you can sell stolen items to anyone at level 50? :wallbash: A year of Oblivion and still not figured it out. I think this makes mercantile skill a little more valuable now... it's like a .2 instead of a .15 on a scale of 1 - 100
  12. So this will be easy? I am not sure it would produce any bugs at all. Dropping the weapon has nothing to do with obtaining the weapon does it? If required by a quest to retrieve a weapon, it doesn't care how you got it. In my little tiny itty bitty knowledge center up in my head, it is telling me that activating a weapon on the ground would be the same as getting it out of inventory. I might be wrong, I've never looked into what the difference was. Maybe on the ground it has some different scripts? (idk what they would be :) )
  13. Make it compatible with Oblivion mods D: . But seriously, the only thing I demand is more fun with evil characters. As if those 20 hours when I first got the game weren't fun enough :)
  14. Soooooo no? It's not that big of a deal :) just wanted to see why nobody has made it. That and we'll see if I can't make a VATS.... Actually no I completely can't.
  15. @shaneray Well that was helpful :) @amoramor What do you mean by quick select? As for the mod do you mean like both are visible on body?
  16. I think there might be a size limit to Omods as this only happens with 300 MB+ (just a random mark) . However, when I install manually they all go away... I am thinking the problem is your bashed patch (Wrye Bash) . It's really not hard to use at all, and I think it's better to learn from experience as the readme is long and covers functions most will never use. I just became more confused after I got done with it.
  17. Wow... way to ruin a dream :P . Anyways, I don't think 200 years is sufficient for laser weapons is it? It would kind of ruin the flavor of Oblivion for me. Would be kind of cool to see crossbows and maybe explosives like the Redguards had.
  18. So it is possible? I don't care about taking the weapon off the ground, I do have self-control. It sounds like it would work, can the weapon on the ground have the same reference as in the inventory? The only glitches I would think without this is quest weapons and such.
  19. awww sad face. :( maybe a mod to force items back into inventory?
  20. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12964 Try this. Raises prices on misc. stuff though edit: found one with our good friend Shady Sam :) http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25469
  21. I'm pretty sure that someone has probably thought of this. It seems easy enough to me. And if so I apologize, because I can't find it. Anyways, in Fallout 3, when you would kill an enemy you could either take their weapon from their corpse or the ground. It is such a pain in Oblivion to have to find weapons that might have glitched out of the map or are playing hide and seek aggressively. I am just wondering if it is possible to copy that functionality over to Oblivion. Kudos to the person that links me to it if it exists or makes it :)
  22. Hmmm. Mine are listed as skel_ _ _ _ _ . Oh well. Thanks for pointing the dead skeletons (can I say that?) out to me, I was looking forever. Yay for gristle and gore.
  23. lol hellmaster Mine would have to be shooting the adoring fan. and again. and again. 96 arrows later, I pin him up next to the arena to discourage any people to actually like me. >:)
  24. I have the same problem. I just install them manually and they work all right. I have to install The Lost Spires and Midas Magic this way because in OBMM it says it cant read beyond the end of the file stream or something.
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