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Everything posted by bilekna

  1. My computer is fairly old too. When Fallout 3 came out i got this computer and ran it on high settings. Im running New Vegas on this PC on high also, so yeah it is the same i gues. :thumbsup:
  2. OMG, it does that same thing even with that mod! :wallbash: Any other solutions? Please. :turned:
  3. thats why you should use the package manager from fomm ;)
  4. I installed RH_ironsights and FWE but when i try to zoom in a fwe added weapon i cant shoot because half off the screen is taken by the weapon's back. So i am asking for anyone who is good at modding to do this for everyone who is using FWE and RH_ironsights =). :blush:
  5. So every time i deside to stop playing and press quit>exit game while in the wastes or anywhere my game crashes. It does not crash to desktop it just stays as the menu but i cant do anything and i have to restart my computer =(. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? Please! =)
  6. So yesterday i desided to install some mods. I successfully installed them, everything worked fine...untill now =(. The problem is that Fawkes is just running around shooting nothing. I tryed to do something with the "Command Headset" that comes for followers with FWE. I chose the option "Relax" but it didn't work. How can i fix this? Please reply! =)
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