Hi guys. So I have been going through the tedious process of downloading and installing almost all mods on the STEP-guide for STEP-core as listed here: http://wiki.step-project.com/STEP:2.2.9 This means I installed any mod colour-coded in green to indicate that it is part of the Core-build, with a couple exceptions: - Some of them were just a littel complicated in installing them (requiring to move around files or whatever) so left them out. - I also installed a handful mods that were NOT colour-coded in green (and hence intended for the Extended-build, right?) LOOTing the list in between sections and trying whether the game would still run (beginner setting, like just after the escape from the dragon-attack) yielded very positive results: No apparent problems with the mod-order and the game would start right up at all times without any hickups. As far as I can tell, the mods are being integrated into the game (SkyUI is there, map is there, some textures and sounds did change etc.) Now I have finally arrived at the bottom of the list (section 2.N: Patches) and am a little puzzled as to what to do now. Do I really HAVE TO install all the patches coded in green? (mind: I did leave out some mods and added in some) Could I install the STEP-Core-patch without fear of last minute failure? What about that Bashed-patch? The detailed desciption kind of sounds like I would have to go through all the annotation of ALL the mods again to read up on the "Meta-rule"-sections in order to create those rulesets ... ? Is that one REALLY necessary or would it run fine (with perhaps a missing texture here and there) without the bashed.patch? And finally, how DO I install the STEP-core-patch if it is abslutely required? It has various subdirectories and having gotten this far, I am a bit reluctant to drag and drop them anywhere. Please excuse my noobness here. I feel I have gotten pretty far for having started from scratch but screwing this last move up would really suck. :/