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  1. This is why there's SO much fanfic. There are console commands you can use to change the endings before you do "Be It Ever So Humble" so you can get different characters there, and there are mods that let you spawn "companions" but I don't know how good they are. Other than that, no way to make more than one character come visit you.
  2. It's Lambert. He is trying to irritate Yen 100% of the time.
  3. There's a full script of the base game. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/699808-the-witcher-3-wild-hunt/faqs/73353
  4. So, I thought I'd share something I've been working on. I made this to support some fanfic I'm writing, because I'm a massive nerd, and then realised other people might like it too. The floorplans are a hybrid between the bonus files from the original Witcher game (can be found on the wiki page for Kaer Morhen) and a number of screenshots and videos taken from W3. I used GIMP to bring the images together, then essentially traced and adjusted multiple times. It's not 1000% accurate, and it's definitely NOT to scale, but the layers align and sizes are standardised (e.g. all the larger towers in the walls are the same size, stairwells are the same size on each floor) so that they can be layered upon each other as needed. I also took some liberties with things like wall passages, omitting certain structures/debris, to keep it fairly clean. Think of it like the preliminary sketches that could have been sent to an architect. Enjoy! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NfkJ0TmAyIET8yvqpvP6FEcBYNz2y5tE/view?usp=sharing
  5. So I want to do a recolour of Yen's skirt/dress, and 3D render it without having to load the game. Most of these have been pretty straightforward, because it's just matching the texture files with the w2mesh/fbx file. Yen's dress, however, doesn't appear to *have* a w2mesh file to export. I have looked in every uncooked folder, but I literally can't find it. If anyone knows where it is, or which game folder it should have uncooked from (so I can try uncooking again without uncooking the entire game again) please, for the love of Melitele, help me. This is a SS of my uncooked Yen folder. Is the file just missing from my uncook, or is the mesh just somewhere I can't find? Please. Send help.
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