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    Fallout NV
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    Dragon Age: Origins

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  1. Crazy... I loved his potions & poisons retextures, and couldn't care less if they did not continue to be supported. Besides, a retexture is one of the things in the game least likely to break in future releases. Anyway, I'm glad I got the two I liked best -- glass potions and ceramic poison bottles -- before they disappeared.
  2. I was getting crash-on-save as my particular flavor of game corruption. Saves from a couple days ago sorta-kinda worked, until I cleaned out a fort building, left, and then boom -- crash-on-save again. Anything that did a game save -- fast travel, enter building, quick save, auto save, manual save. The game itself seemed okay, but what's the point when you can't do anything but run around in the woods? Anyway... The Skyrim - Interface.bsa and TESV.exe restores did the trick and kept me from having to lose about four hours' game play from last night.
  3. Oh thank god for you guys. I thought I was going insane here. My particular corruption actually manifested as an inability to save games beyond a certain point -- and this applied to everything. Fast travel, entering buildings, quick-save, regular save. As soon as I tried, boom, instant crash-to-desktop with no error messages of any kind. I found one save from about two days ago that seemed okay (hated the idea of having to replay, but I did anyway). Anyway, within a couple minutes on that save position, crashing again. So instead I skipped where I was, went elsewhere in the world, and although I didn't yet encounter the crash in about 20 minutes of play, but still couldn't quite trust things. I did exactly this -- replacing Skyrim - Interface.bsa and the TESV.exe files with restore-point versions -- and voila, the supposedly broken save games from last night work just fine and no more CTDs. THANK YOU. (On edit: Yep, confirmed it was the patch. I reconnected, did a scan, let Steam patch the game with those two files. Back to CTD on saving. Exit game, re-replace those files with the old versions and no more save-game crashes.)
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