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Everything posted by stenkrona

  1. Hello good people! A while back I made it known to the world that I'm working on a dlc-ish mod. The content is a new town in a new world space. The town is more or less ripped of Silent Hill 2. So the mod is horror themed. Visit www.stonecrownstudios.com to see pictures. I realized that if I want to see this mod finished before I die I need help. So message me if you want to help in any of the following ways: -Build dungeons -Build an area of the town. -Place clutter and setdressing objects. -Play test and give feedback -Design puzzles -Or something I haven't thought of yet. -Create easter eggs. -Make custom textures or meshes for objects or characters. Right now the mod only has one playable dungeon, that includes story/ quest, puzzles and enemies. Thank you for your time. Let's get swiftey!
  2. Those the wav files have to be mono 16 bit? I just saved a bunch of recordings in stereo 32 bit....
  3. Hello maybe you can guess my request. Do you happen to have the mentioned application? I've learned that you need it inorder to make costum animations. Thank you for your time!
  4. Hello! I want to make a wall terminal that is actually a nine digit keypad. To you more experienced mod authors, is it possible to give a terminal other input than up/down select and back? I want the player to be able to navigate in a three by three keypad. The number selected is stored and a * appears and when the player have entered four digits, ****, the player can navigate to a open button. If the right digits was entered the door will be unlocked but if wrong the pad will reset. If this is possible please point me in the right direction. Hopefully you understod my explanation. Thank you for your time!
  5. Dear carwo, you are totally right. I will try to deliver a satisfying story with, as you said, focus on the characters past. Fog is good but not enough.
  6. Hi! I started this project summer 16 but went back to school in September. Now I can finaly continue. http://www.stonecrownstudios.com/ Just wanted to share some pictures and please let me know what you think. Thank you and you are awesome!
  7. Hi, the title says it all. I wonder how to get a wire to connect between two marker. I think the splinemarkers are the ones you should use. Thank you if you read this post and double whaamy if you know the solution to my problem. :D
  8. Yay I did it. I followed this http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Retexture_Tutorial Thanks for your help!
  9. Frogprincess! I want to do a standalone cause I don't want people to find the sign in Boston and see it's changed. I want to use the mesh of SetDressing\Signage\Sign_SandyCove. And btw, How improtant is it to change the the normal? Cause right now I've only changed the diffuse. You may notice I am actually a programmer pretending to be a digital artist, or whatever the term is. Thank you! And thanks @kingtobbe for the answer, psst are you swedish, cause "Tobbe" is a swedish nickname.
  10. Can you set me in the right direction in order to find that window you're displaying?
  11. madam as I am a women ,very smart women too. Unless I enroll in the armed services? then things change and (sir) becomes the norm. Capt " lt' bvla bla bla. I'll take a look and see what it is. EDIT: Seen the updated post. " Solved" Oh so sorry! I thought, "what are the chances it's a woman. I will never asume anything ever again! Don't enroll, weapons are for digital use only, imo. Killing people in real life is lame. Madam have a good day! (Well I am for killing if its self defense.)
  12. Thank you! I know now how to fix it, just keep your textures at three and I should be okay.
  13. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-F8ytTHbkLBd05aZzJxVFBSNFU Sorry, didn't mean to waste your time sir.
  14. I have a problem where some spots on my landscape won't accept the majority of textures. drive.google.com/open?id=0B-F8ytTHbkLBd05aZzJxVFBSNFU <---do not wrok :sad: The link above shows the problem. Anyone have a fix for this? Thanks! edit https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-F8ytTHbkLBd05aZzJxVFBSNFU <<<works! SOLVED ps. How to I mark a post as solved? There is a grid, and in each square you can only hold 3-5 textures, as the gentleman said below. You can easily replace a texture by pressing "I" in landscape mode (You most have the render window selected) and then in the quad window that shows up you can right click on any texture and replace it with one you want.
  15. I guess I'm not. But I don't wan't to swap in game just use another texture on a sign but maybe I still have to tell the game somehow. The widnow you're showing me is new to me, heh. Thanks for reply!
  16. Hi, I want to add an alternative material to a sign. So followed a tutorial but that guy was doing it on a hazmat suit. I've done my texture, I have edited the copy I did of the original BGSM file. I've made a "material swap" were I have the path to the original and the replacement. This far I think I have done everything correct. From here I am a little unsure what to do. The guy in the tutorial opened a templet window for the hazmat suit, I couldn't find that for the sign Im using (it's sign_sandycove), All you can do is edit the model and in that window you can choose a material swap. But I have to uncheck the "Only valid" box before I can find my Material Swap. Maybe I am doing this the wrong way all together. Do you know what to do? Thanks!
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