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Posts posted by dissentuk

  1. Does anyone remember sharing and caring? I loved that mod and think it'd be great to see it in fallout 4. Meeting people on the wasteland and having them as a temporary buddy or just making a little team/ hit squad was awesome. If it already exists and direction to the location would be great!



  2. I remember there was a mod for fallout 3 where if you put on a certain factions clothing they wouldn't be hostile to you. has anyone got anything like that planned or does it exist already?

  3. Hi all,

    Anybody know much about cheatengine. There's a mod that I really want to use but it uses cheatengine and I don't really know anything about it. Is it safe and how easy is it to get working?



  4. Hi all,


    Does anybody remember the FO3 suitcase mod? I was definitely one of my favourites and I was wondering if it is possible to make that yet. I know it utilised the Megaton explosion code so perhaps there isn't a big enough explosion in FO4 to make it happen. Any thoughts?



  5. sorry, I wasn't particularly clear. What I meant is that the map is blank and shows nothing until you've actually been there, no markers either. I always felt that it adds a nice level of realism to games if you don't know the complete lay of the land when you start the game. I just wasn't sure if that was possible without the geck.



  6. Hi forum,


    I'm just about to buy a new computer which will allow me to start playing Skyrim. I used to mod fallout 3 ages ago and got into the g.e.c.k fairly far.


    I just wanted to see how it all works with Skyrim. Is there a SRMM (FOMM) equivalent and is there a version of FOSE needed for Skyrim. Also, does is have its own version of the g.e.c.k?


    Any helpful pointers would be very much appreciated!!

  7. So, I asked over at the Bethesta forums about this and got a few ideas but unfortunately for me I am no closer to finding out how reverse pickpocket works. I know I'm close to understanding it. I noticed things like impact data sets and Grenade explosion files so I guess I can duplicate them and edit them so there are no explosions and the effect is poison or paralysis when dropped into an inventory.


    Another addition someone might be able to help me with is how I make a syringe weapon that has the same effects as poison. To start off with I would make it simple by having no need to refill, but eventually I'm sure it is possible to expend an item every time you use it or turn it into an ammo so it can be toggled through in the ammo type button.


    any help is appreciated

  8. I can't for the life of me find what controls how reverse pick pocketing works. I would love a little guidance from someone who knows a little more about how this works. I'm slowly getting this GECK thing tho. Thanks
  9. Can anybody help me understand how grenades can be uses as a pickpocket weapon. I thought the only way I can make a mod to poison someone is to create a grenade copy and modify it so it doesn't explode, only kills the NPC. I was thinking of making a series of poisons using vanilla effects like fury and such if it can be done.


    Any help would be really appreciated.

  10. Hey,


    Does anybody know of a mod where you can put chems into peoples inventory and it becomes consumed so the NPC takes the effects? I was scanning the nexus this evening and couldn't find anything like this. How hard would it be to create and would it work with other drug mods.



  11. Cool,


    Well I can help with voices (I'm English BTW). One idea that I did have was to make it so when you join you receive a perk pack. If the player has already taken a perk that comes in a pack they just get -1 perk. I guess its to add some dimension to your assassin character. Obviously I get that making your own perks is cool but I though it might be worth mentioning. Let me know how I can help.


    some examples....




    • Ninja 20 Melee Weapons 80, Sneak 80 1 x1.15 (instead of +15 luck due to a bug) critical chance with melee and unarmed weapons, +25% damage with melee/unarmed sneak attack criticals.
    • Heave, Ho! 2 ST 5, Explosives 30 1 +50% thrown weapon velocity and range.
    • Mister Sandman 10 Sneak 60 1 Can instantly kill a sleeping non-player character, and earns bonus XP
    • Silent Running 12 AG 6, Sneak 50 1 Running no longer factors into a successful sneak attempt.
    • Slayer 24 AG 7, Unarmed 90 1 The speed of all your melee and unarmed attacks is increased by 30%.




    • Nerves of Steel 26 AG 7 1 20% faster AP regeneration.
    • Gunslinger 6 1 +25% accuracy in V.A.T.S. with one-handed weapons.
    • Shotgun Surgeon 6 Guns 45 1 When using shotguns, regardless of ammunition used, you ignore an additional 10 points of a target's Damage Threshold.
    • Rapid Reload 2 AG 5, Guns 30 1 All of your weapon reloads are 25% faster than normal.
    • Quick Draw 8 AG 5 1 Makes weapon equipping and holstering 50% faster.



    • Sniper 12 PE 6, AG 6 1 25% more likely to hit the target's head in V.A.T.S.
    • Travel Light 4 Survival 45 1 While wearing light armor or no armor, you run 10% faster.
    • Grim Reaper's Sprint 20 1 A kill in V.A.T.S. restores 20 AP immediately.
    • Friend of the Night 2 PE 6, Sneak 30 1 Your eyes adapt quickly to low-light conditions.
    • Better Criticals 16 PE 6, LK 6 1 +50% damage with critical hits.




    • Light Step 14 PE 6, AG 6 1 Floor traps or mines will not be set off.
    • Splash Damage 12 Explosives 70 1 Explosives have a 25% larger area of effect.
    • Hit the Deck 12 Explosives 70 1 +25 DT against explosives.
    • Piercing Strike 12 Unarmed 70 1 All your unarmed and melee attacks negate 15 points of DT.
    • Weapon Handling 16 ST < 10 1 Weapon Strength requirements are now 2 points lower than normal for you.



    • Bloody Mess 6 1 +5% overall damage, more violent death animations.
    • Adamantium Skeleton 14 1 Damage taken by limbs reduced by 50%.
    • Unstoppable Force 12 ST 7, Melee Weapons 90 1 x4 normal damage through enemy blocks with melee and unarmed attacks.
    • Paralyzing Palm 18 Unarmed 70 1 Can paralyze an enemy for 30 seconds with a V.A.T.S. unarmed attack.
    • Super Slam 8 ST 6, Melee Weapons 45 1 All melee (except thrown) and unarmed attacks have a chance of knocking your target down. 15% for Unarmed or one-handed melee, 30% for two-handed melee.

  12. Love the idea. The New Vegas Bounties is a nice mod but I really want to take out non hostile targets and do assassin stuff. I'll have a good old think and see if anything comes to mind. If there's anything else you might need help with shout me. I'm mostly good at music but I can use the geck.
  13. Hey,

    I have an idea for a simple mod that I'm pretty sure doesn't exist already. Basically all I want to do is to have an ammo box that can be dropped and be used as a container on the ground, that the player can pick up again.


    There are back pack mods out there that have this function but I use the very cool duffel bag mod by antistar (http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41284) so they don't really fit with my game.


    Can anybody guide me as to how I might go about creating this mod? I am fairly familiar with the geck so any help is appreciated



  14. I used to use the Fallout 3 G.E.C.K a bit a year or so ago and I kind of got the hang of a few bits and bobs. I recently got myself a PC copy of New Vegas and started playing around with the G.E.C.K again. There are a few things that I got a bit confused with though and was hoping someone could give me a few pointers.....


    I made and addition to a house and used a Repco hatch door as the entry. In game it says open hatch to brotherhood of steel bunker. I linked it successfully to my basement but I'm wondering because I dragged the door straight from the form list and didn't duplicate the door if I now have over-ridden that BoS bunker and somewhere in the game there is a hatch that leads to my basement.

    Also, does anybody know how to turn the roof on and off, I'm using T to centre above objects but some places have low ceilings and I cant see what I'm doing. very annoying



  15. hey chaps,

    so i downloaded the commonwealth mod and the dealer addon that puts a small coffee shop in the wasteland and i was wondering if it would be possible to mod the weed plants to have a re-spawn yield timer.

    Does anybody know how i might do this?


    any help would be ace. cheers

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