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  1. There are a few in game swimsuits that are great like for example the Pirate Swimsuit from one of the NPCs that you do side quest with in Costa del Sol who let's you do a Pirate minigame. That swimsuit looks sick on our female characters especially Tifa. Other swimsuit mods like simple bikini, thong bikini and such are also great to mod in.
  2. Was hoping someone had actually made the nude mod already. I'm still surprised I haven't seen the pirate bikini outfit on from one NPC in the beach where you help her come up with an outfit, the same NPC for the sidequest on the pirate shooting game. That pirate look would be nice for Tifa, Aerith and Yuffie.
  3. Although I could only show Aerith, Tifa and Yuffie. The others like Madam M are also in nude in Remake. These modders are legends! Hoping Nude Mods will come out after I finish my first run on Rebirth. Taking it slow so hoping when I get to Hard mode, they'll be out.
  4. Just waiting for the legends who modded Remake nudes. They did the best nudes with shoes/heels/stilettos or whatever you call em. I am not sure if they can just do a little tinkering from those Nude Remake mods to make it work into Rebirth so it will be quicker but not forcing it cause I don't know if that's possible to do. In any case, I am a godless man but praying to the Modder Gods to have the same if not better quality than Remake for Rebirth. Love your work! (apologies if I can't name each and everyone of them but you know who you are)
  5. Tifa with Hair like Tinasha Black outside and Blue inside is kewl.
  6. Hoping some legend will add the same nude mods that were available in FF7 Remake. Although I downloaded each mod separately for each Female characters (Aerith, Tifa, Yuffie, Jessie, Scarlet, and Madam M. Sadly there was no Kyrie Nude mod), they were excellent with nothing on but heels/shoes/sandals. Requesting for Nude Mods on both playable and non-playable characters (for example MIA) even if they're downloaded separately. YOU ARE A LEGEND MODDERS!
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