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Posts posted by ObieDwyer

  1. Is there a way to extend the time text stays on the screen for dialog? I can find nothing about it.


    I know there is a way to do so for message text but can find no way to extend the time text stays on screen for custom, unvoiced dialog.


    It's based on the length of the audio file attached to the dialogue.

  2. https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=Raw_Function_List


    gives you a list of all functions usable in the editor, even some from OBSE

    you can take one of those functions and search them within the CS wiki and you'll get some explanation


    OnPlayerKill does not exist but it is possible to track a player's kills in a script


    I recommend looking at scripts that do what you want to do. Look at other mods and see what they did or scripts within the game. Perhaps looking at the script for Duskfang might help you?


    Often because of engine limitations you'll have to get pretty creative about how and when things work in order to accomplish your goal. Even simple tasks sometimes don't have straightforward answers.

  3. I recently found an interesting mod called the Oblivion Wine Overhaul where it adds many different to vendors and allows you to make your own. The only problem, the creator of the original version abandoned it only two days after uploading it, and that was back in April 2008. I'm requesting that someone looks into taking over the development and maybe revamping it. I have a few ideas for it myself.


    Make the create your own wine feature act like a sub-type of alchemy where you can add ingredients to create unique wines to the point where you could figure out the recipe for Shadowbanish Wine. Also it could be expanded to the point where you can make your own version of any type of drink, ranging from ale and beer, to of course wine and liquor.


    I've been working on an alcohol-related mod myself. If Ghostfig gives permission to hand over its development then I'd consider taking it up when I return home from university.

  4. One thing about Fallout 3 and NV that always bothered me was the way semi-automatics were built.


    With the way the animations were built, all of the semi-automatics in the game always had a very sticky and slow feeling about them. In other shooters however, semi-autos can typically fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. Even though this is probably less realistic and more unbalanced in the context of fallout, I think it would vastly improve the game's gunplay if semi-autos could be fired as quick as possible. With the current engine's limitations however it's difficult to achieve this. Semi-auto fire delay in the GECK does nothing and increasing the animation multiplier of weapons in a fairly weak workaround.


    Regardless, I think it's still possible to achieve my goal. Enter the All-American.

    For whatever reason, the Marksman Carbine and the All-American seem to do exactly what I want them to do: fire on a dime with not a single hiccup. However I can't quite figure out how to get other weapons to accept this sort of functionality. Not all guns will take the animations that the All-American uses and I can't figure out how to modify vanilla animations to play out similarly (I messed around with NiTextKey values however I'm not convinced they do nothing).


    Is there something I'm doing wrong? Do new animations have to be produced from scratch? What the f*#@ do NiTextKey values do? How can I achieve my goal?


    I've also considered making a script to allow firing animations to be interrupted with new attack inputs from the player, however I'm not very good at scripting and even if I did get it to work properly I doubt it would feel natural.

  5. I have no idea how to achieve something like this through scripting or even if it's possible so I'm asking for help.


    I want a mod where items receive permanent debuffs based on how much damage they have taken over time so you can't just keep repairing the same weapon over and over until it's back to 100%.


    So say you've just found a dwarven short sword and it does 10 base damage and it's health is 100%. After using it for a bit the health is at 75% and damage is at 7.5, so you repair it back to 100% and 10 damage. This happens a few times after holding onto the sword for a couple of levels, but when you go to repair the item back to 100% health you find that it still only does 8 damage. Turns out temporary repairs doesn't fix long time wear and tear and it's time for a replacement.


    I feel like it'll add a little more value to things like trading and crafting (via mods) as in the vanilla game, once you get an high level item you have very little reason to ever buy/pick up/make a new one.



    It's like if you made a comment (negative or not) on someone's youtube video and they decided that you should never be able to watch something from their channel again, that'd just be absurd.


    I don't know the inner workings of Youtube, but can't channel operators already do this? I know they can ban users from commenting on individual videos because the Youtubers I talk to regularly mention doing that all the time.



    I should reiterate that I'm fine with blocking communication with people. People on youtube can mute certain individuals if they want and they can disable or delete comments entirely if they want, but IIRC there's no functionality that allows them to ban people from watching their videos.


    And I don't think the business example is entirely fair as businesses have more overlap than most mods. If you're banned at a pizzeria there are at least 30 other pizzeria's in my area that I can go to and get a similar experience. Mods however are a little more comparable to art. Some mods are completely unique and offer experiences you might not be able to get from other places, an author that bans a user would be like a movie director who tries to literally make it illegal for a specific person to watch his movie, it's just a bit much.


    Another thing on businesses being able to refuse service is that those businesses usually don't abuse that power, because there are legal limitations. In a perfect world, nexus authors wouldn't be trigger happy with the ban button, but some are and there's really nothing stopping them from doing whatever they want with it. Imagine if a nexus author just started banning anyone that had an anime avatar or someshit, leaving hundreds unable to access the mod on the nexus just because the author doesn't like anime avatars. It's hypothetical but it's totally possible. Now obviously the best thing to do is to not s#*! on mod authors, but what counts as shitting on someone differs between person to person and (like i said above) authors could just ban you because they simply feel like it. You can say something supportive or have a legitimate question and then find out you're blocked off from a dozen mods or so. Just seems a little stupid imo.

  7. Modders can and should be able to control what they want, I don't really give a s***, but banning specific individuals from downloading their mods is honestly pretty childish and a really weird feature. It seems like its designed as a literal 'f*** you' button that's just going to cause more tension than it would solve. If you want to remove comments or disable them entirely then fine, I get that some people just don't want to deal with that, but prohibiting people from downloading your mod is just a needless punishment imo. It's like if you made a comment (negative or not) on someone's youtube video and they decided that you should never be able to watch something from their channel again, that'd just be absurd.

    I can't really argue against modders being more valuable than the average user and that they should have some control over their content but the author that banned you honestly did it for a pretty petty reason.

    I agree with DoctaSax. If modders don't want to hear people talking trash then fine, they don't have to, but banning people from your mods seems excessive and prone to abuse.

  8. A little advice from me is to pay attention to stuff like blocking, sight lines, and variation. It looks really unnatural when the land is completely flat and you can see all across the horizon. It's like a town in an MMO but you're the only one in it, it makes sense that there's so much space but it still makes things look off because it's so empty. You want to minimize negative space.


    Putting the buildings a little closer together, avoiding straight lines, and using landscape variation and clutter props will make things look a little tighter but also a little more natural.

  9. I'm trying to make a mod that tries to simulate armor fitting in an attempt to nerf looted armor and to instead increase the usefulness of merchants and player crafting.


    What I need to know is how to find out whether an item is an object on an NPC or in the world, or whether the player bought it or crafted it themselves. I can't find any functions related to this so I'd like some help formulating a script.

  10. Vanilla armor rating values are assigned in the Construction Set and yes they vary from lowest level armors with the lowest AR to daedric/glass having the highest AR. Mod added armors follow absolutely no rules for assigned AR ... you are totally at the mercy of the mod author of that particular piece for what AR it has.


    You method woud require something like Maskars Oblivion Overhaul to make all levels available at game start (though with MOO defaults they wouldn't be playable to the player) otherwise you wouldn't see the skimpiest armor until level 20.


    I think you're overthinking this.

  11. My Valkyries (defeated marauders who now are followers) would be the ultimate then ... and amulet and a ring is all they wear to battle. Guess that would make them the equivalent to 100% reflect damage 100% resist normal weapons.


    While I totally agree with Cdr I think that it would take individually assessing all those varying degrees of skimpy armor so that you could come up with some "factor" to alter that particular piece's armor rating by, so that vanilla coverage got lets say a 0.25 factor and the ultimate nipple/pubic patch type got a 1.0 factor.


    Ideally you'd aviod the whole permissions can of worms (how many skimpy armor authors do you think you'd have luck contacting for permission to change their ESP) by making a patch that recognizes the original's ESP filename and then applys your "factor" ... but what do you do with mix and match type situations (or even how do you determine which installed mod is being worn at the time).


    Sounds like a personal use only project to me.


    No factor needs to be applied. Armor protection values increase linearly so then you just have skimpiness increase alongside those vanilla values.

    For example (excluding any artifacts or uniques):


    Fur/Iron is least protective by default, so make it the most covering

    Glass/Daedric are the most protective by default, so make them the skimpiest


    There is no need to alter their protection values, only their meshes.

  12. You're pretty f***ing genius


    even if it's all for the sake of pornography that's probably the smartest post I've seen on the nexus.


    To answer your question though, I highly doubt that mod exists. What I recommend in just looking through the skimpy armor mods, choose which ones are appropriate or fit along your proposed scale, and then leave the low-level armors vanilla.

  13. some impressions or ideas for the town and world building.


    The Holy District in the Videos Looks like you could use the gods statues of course, bruma City gates and some cloud ruler temple architecture. maybe some of the skingrad wall set. Play around till you get something that nearly brings the Scene you know


    The prison the Player is could be made either of sewer architecure, better would be ID Dungeon or maybe even try out Kvatch Castle Interior as it fits the black creepy mood.




    I considered using those but I couldn't get all the pieces to connect well enough.


    I just chose the regular castle tileset since it's pieces gave me a least a little more freedom to match the layout to the game. Maybe I'll experiment with a more fitting tileset later as I learn what's available but right now I'm just trying to match up what I see.

  14. Dear Cdr248,


    Look I think you have the Basic knowledge of the CS ?


    I would say it is best to create a new .esm file so it can be played independently of Oblvion.

    The Thing is the mod doesnt Need that much statics, armors and assets.


    Only a Bunch of Creatures (dremora, scamp, etc)


    A couple of Armors (mythic dawn, Guard Cuirass, Legion and Knight Armor)


    Only Sewer, City and Town assets. Oblivion Cave of Course too.


    Best would be to use Oblivion esm as base start for the new file and delete everything with the tes4edit Editor except the mentioned objects.


    After all there should be just a handfull Races for Simplicity. I'd say Nord, Imperial and Breton. Alternatively maybe an Elven Race, Orcish and an Human Race.



    What do you think? Have I forgotten something?


    Maybe we discuss a bit about the Topic and then talk about what we could do


    Hit me up on steam and we'll talk about it: http://steamcommunity.com/id/CreeplyTuna/



    Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul is an absolutely must-have mod, surpasses OOO on all levels.

    Look at top-100 files in the nexus menu, they'll give you a good list of proven mods.


    What's so good about Maskar's if you don't mind me asking?


    (I am not Nealus, but I can share) It's a large overhaul and covers a lot of the game and if you want a more pen and paper like experience it adds a lot like taming animals and a crafting system.


    Besides, most of it modular and this is quite welcome as it helps to keep what you like. For example, want to use "Lock Bash Omega by tejon" instead of MOO bashing? You can with a simple .ini edit.


    It's structure also allows to be used with to other overhaul like OOO or even FCOM, the only downside is that Wrye Bash won't recognize MOO items and rename them.



    But what makes it better than the other overhauls that might have similar features?

  16. Hello, I don't know if this is made yet but I am requesting a mod that adds an inventory kind of like Unturned. In this mod you would need an item like a backpack to carry some more items.



    Armor (Full Set): 20 slots

    Backpack: 15 Slots (Depends on type)



    That was just some basic examples. If this exists already please tell me! Thanks for reading this!


    I suspect the best way to handle this would be to mess with the carry weight system.


    Do you think strength should affect the amount of initial slots you get?

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