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About Javapower77

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  1. So thanks again for being so gentle to share your help. I will certainly go through this video and try to make my first approach. By the way, are there any GitHub repo where I can find the references to libraries that needs the main plugin in Starfield. I will also browse the nexusmod page to find SFSE plugins to see if someone is sharing the source code. Thanks a lot!!!
  2. Hi everyone! I just wonder if someone had some guide (link, videos, anything) to start making plugins for Starfield. I need to understand also the folder/file structure and the dependency to build a project in Visual Studio. I saw many examples, but none are complete enough. Specially regarding the version that builds for the same version of current SF build number. Thanks a lot in advance! Cheers
  3. Thanks again to your response. After your suggestion the truth is that the workbench must be True with is3dLoaded(). I tested the script by setting in the parameters script the workbench in the lodge and worked as expected, I can even been in other location (within the Cell "The Lodge") stead in front of the bench and the menu open. The only caveat is when the menu close the player is "teletrasported" in front of the workbench. But if I run the script in another location is doesn't open the workbench UI. So, may be I have to desist to the idea to have the workbench opened in anywhere. The object must be rendered in the world :o(
  4. Hi!. I have a doubt about something to execute from papyrus. I would like to open the industrial workbench menu from an item that had been added to the player's inventory. I though using the .Activate from ObjectReference of a workbench added in a cell and called from a quest script would work.. but nope. this is the code I am using. (Thanks LarannKiar for the initial help on this topic) Form Property ItemToOpenWorkbench Auto Const ObjectReference Property ItemToOpenWorkbenchRef Auto Const ObjectReference Property WorkbenchRef Auto Const Event OnQuestInit() Actor PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() PlayerRef.AddItem(ItemToOpenWorkbenchRef, 1, False) RegisterForRemoteEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "OnItemEquipped"); when the Player equips the item EndEvent Event Actor.OnItemEquipped(Actor akSender, Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference) ; event received Actor PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() PlayerRef.UnequipItem(ItemToOpenWorkbench, False, True) If akSender == PlayerRef && akBaseObject == ItemToOpenWorkbench; check sender and the equipped item Debug.ExecuteConsole("HideMenu InventoryMenu"); hide the menus Debug.ExecuteConsole("HideMenu DataMenu") Utility.Wait(1.0); wait until they are closed Debug.Notification(WorkbenchRef as string) bool bRun = WorkbenchRef.Activate(PlayerRef); activate the workbench reference to open the associated menu Debug.Notification(bRun as string) EndIf EndEvent I got the debug notification with the workbench ref and true of the activation. The workbench is in a Cell to able get the reference from papyrus
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