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About leeshaw85

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    Fallout 4
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  1. Hi all, I was wondering if much had changed in the creation of quests since the Skyrim CK?. Can I follow tutorials for the old Creation Kit? what differences are there etc? Thanks for the help.
  2. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1269 <- Just found this one, which is kind of close though I believe you're right, there's no CK yet so I'll just have to be patient really.
  3. Hi all, Fiiiiinally got Skyrim, before I start playing it, the first thing i searched for here at the nexus was an unlevelled creature mod, I can't seem to find one at all, either the usual name has changed, or it's totally unnecessary for this game? Thought I should ask here on the forums, and hopefully no one has asked this before, it's 40+c (104 to 110f) here at the moment, my brain is almost medium rare from the heat and I probably didn't look through the forum well enough before I started this topic.
  4. That's pretty bloody impressive! - I haven't been playing much lately, too much going on in real life haha.
  5. WizardofAtlantis - I think I forgot to mention harder hardcore rates, I used the unlevelled lists as well :) - I'll have to add it - Sasamsa mentioned a bike! that sounds pretty cool actually, I think I'll be checking that mod out later. I'm not sure if they're making fwe NV but let's hope it just needs to be "ported" (Don't know about that, I don't play with building mods so much as most of the good ideas are done already hahaha)
  6. http://rythmiklove.blogspot.com/2010/11/fallout-new-vegas-modding.html <- i compiled a short blog of mods that I use at the moment, hopefully it'll help some :)
  7. It's likely that it'd be your lappie overheating, try going into your bios (if you know how) and checking temps immediately after a crash, I'm sure there's programs you could use to check it too :)
  8. Not bad eh, I mean someone pointed out earlier that people without problems probably won't visit the forums so it's almost a redundant topic for me to have started lol. But it's cool to see how many people aren't experiencing too many issues, CTD's are a *censored* but unless they BSOD or render your PC useless till a reboot the game loads up pretty bloody fast.
  9. try updating your drivers (Graphics card) and have a look into getting a d3d something .dll for your gfx card too, it seemed to sort out the crashing for me, another thing that I think stopped the crashing for me was downloading the HD texture installer (follow their readme to get the actual textures, I chose the lowest filesize ones and minimal bumpmapping) then set your graphics in-game to high. I haven't had a crash since I did that :)
  10. hahaha, that's how I feel at times, there's so many great ones it becomes almost impossible to choose!
  11. I know this is picky but "with tons of more quests and ways to defeat your enemies" shouldn't have the "of" in there, I didn't like the way it started either, I'm guilty of doing exactly the same thing and just starting without any real... introduction I guess. It was just BAM! Review I thought his Rating was pretty good, I think I'd give it about the same, overall I agree with what everyone has said in this post but one thing I haven't liked about any review of this game so far is they've all given away how the game starts. I wanted to find that out for myself, I felt a bit like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory and his comic book in one episode when the store owner tells him it's mind blowing he cracks it as his mind is "Pre-blown" - that's kind of how I felt, like the mystery had been sucked out of the intro. (There was no spine-chilling moment) Mentioning a few of the locales that you'll be travelling through, maybe a few non-spoiler related quests (doesn't have to go into too much detail, just generalising to give an impression of the level of story telling) and even things like how many different endings there is can be cool :) - he could also mention that one of the characters in the game is voiced by Wil Wheaton (guess who)
  12. Well I'd have to look em up, but there's an ambient temperature mod, which I think links with thirst :) that might help you out with dehydration, I'll try and look em up but I do know they were in gameplay/effects, by the sound of it you've got something to fix autoaim? as much as it does make the game a bit more FPS, there's a noheadshot one that'll make things interesting, I wasn't using that one but the one I was using only let me get hit in the head once and I was down from full health anyway, normally ended badly (even with helmets sometimes) and I'd at least usually suffer a concussion from a headshot if I survived it. I'm hoping for MMM (Martigen's monster mod I think it was called) and make sure you get a mod that unlevels creatures/npc's (You might have it already) while you're waiting, I ran into deathclaws at a really early lvl, Only survived the fight by running for it and firing like a maniac, I ran out of stimpaks by the end of the fight but got a lucky shot in and took the second one down (Bloody pack hunters) - experience was worth it though :D. There's also a mod for modified/more powerful explosions, they'll knock you down and/or send you flying, not cool when you're in a big fight - makes it much more challenging if you combine it with a mod that makes cars explosive, though that's a two-edged sword, if you see a pack of enemies hanging by a car it's great, if one of them is firing at you and you're near a car... well it's likely to end badly for you. and if you do survive with the knockdown mod, they'll be putting bullets in you/hacking away at you while you're lying there struggling to get back up :) There are a few I haven't tried, some that lower everyones health, that might be cool to try and really force you to focus on stealth and taking the perfect shot from the right place. Hope this has helped some, If I get the time I'll look through my mod-list and see if I can recommend any of them
  13. hahaha, typical isn't it. I decided to compile a list of some of the cool mods I've found, I'll post a link to it below, if you'd like me to add to it let me know what they are :) http://rythmiklove.blogspot.com/2010/11/fallout-new-vegas-modding.html
  14. I dunno, the modders here are pretty good, I've had a few games break on update through steam and had to validate to fix, as far as breaking archiveinvalidated - the modders here are great and I heard at least one mod was updated within hours of the game update :)
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