Well I'd have to look em up, but there's an ambient temperature mod, which I think links with thirst :) that might help you out with dehydration, I'll try and look em up but I do know they were in gameplay/effects, by the sound of it you've got something to fix autoaim? as much as it does make the game a bit more FPS, there's a noheadshot one that'll make things interesting, I wasn't using that one but the one I was using only let me get hit in the head once and I was down from full health anyway, normally ended badly (even with helmets sometimes) and I'd at least usually suffer a concussion from a headshot if I survived it. I'm hoping for MMM (Martigen's monster mod I think it was called) and make sure you get a mod that unlevels creatures/npc's (You might have it already) while you're waiting, I ran into deathclaws at a really early lvl, Only survived the fight by running for it and firing like a maniac, I ran out of stimpaks by the end of the fight but got a lucky shot in and took the second one down (Bloody pack hunters) - experience was worth it though :D. There's also a mod for modified/more powerful explosions, they'll knock you down and/or send you flying, not cool when you're in a big fight - makes it much more challenging if you combine it with a mod that makes cars explosive, though that's a two-edged sword, if you see a pack of enemies hanging by a car it's great, if one of them is firing at you and you're near a car... well it's likely to end badly for you. and if you do survive with the knockdown mod, they'll be putting bullets in you/hacking away at you while you're lying there struggling to get back up :) There are a few I haven't tried, some that lower everyones health, that might be cool to try and really force you to focus on stealth and taking the perfect shot from the right place. Hope this has helped some, If I get the time I'll look through my mod-list and see if I can recommend any of them