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Everything posted by Darkly

  1. Heh.. was wondering if you'd find this post.. (Frankcast11 is my handle on Bethnet..)
  2. Alright this one has been plaguing me for a few days now and I cannot for the life of me figure out what is going on. Radiation from water? Fine. Radiation from food? Working A-OK. Radstorms? Actually cures my radiation.. wait what? Same thing seems to happen with radiation barrels as well. I've poked around in fo4edit and nothing seems to be conflicting with the vanilla radiation hazards. ADDENDUM: using recycleactor on my character fixes it for that session but saving and loading rebreaks it all. Which I have to do to get my inventory to show.. *sigh*
  3. I had the same problem way i fixed it was to download the d3d9.dll fix from new vegas nexus, drop it in the skyrim folder, launch it (it'll do the "will now choose your settings" thing again) and then adjust the settings yourself to something your comp can handle. All faires / spider webs / what have you shows up for me now.. link to where i downloaded it: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36811
  4. Ok.. been trying to think of the name of a book (atleast.. i think it was a book..) and i just can't.. all i can remember is it features an astronaut orbiting a post apocalyptic earth acting as a radio host.. it's infuriating! If anyone knows the name of it or something featuring a similar character i would LOVE to know it. Google is giving me nothing so.. help me off topic forum goers, you're my only hope!
  5. Occasionally when reloading certain weapons (the .357 revolver and cowboy repeater mostly) while moving the animation sort of hangs at the final part (closing the cylinder for the revolver, cocking the lever for the repeater) when in third person view it appears as though the character is frozen mid-step. Strafing left or right normally causes it to finish but during the animation hang it keeps me from doing anything can't enter VATS, can't aim down the sights, can't even fire the weapon. Anyone else experience this / any way to fix it?
  6. Hmm.. hadn't thought of that.. tend to completely ignore games for windows (hate it with a passion) worth a shot i suppose Edit: tried it.. failed.. seems there are other people on the bethesda forums having problems with this too now..
  7. Tried that, deleted everything even remotely to do with fallout 3 and it still crashes just as the cursor pops up.
  8. Tried installing it on my second drive.. same thing.. anyone have any suggestions? :confused:
  9. Was having quite a few random crashes when looting bodies and junk so i decided to uninstall fallout 3.. all my mods.. DLCs.. everything. well, upon reinstalling it (steam version) it crashes either A) after the into screens and stuff when the UI was about to appear (the cursor shows up for a second then i'm staring at my desktop) or B) as soon as it goes full screen and the main title starts playing. Have no clue what happened but.. was working yesterday now.. nothing. kapuut. zilch. :wallbash: Buggin the hell outta me...
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