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About Kuwbara101

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    United States
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    Fallout 3

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  1. If anyone's interested I do have Wyrmstooth backed up on one of my external drives along with my other mods that I love allot. I'm just not sure how to go about handing it out when people ask. Can an email fit it or would I need to upload it somewhere?
  2. I'm not exactly a pro at modding but I do know that you can merge certain mods together. Like I have Crazylion's replaces for the Blade of woe,the ebony blade, and chillrend and all of Zerofrost's armors (Manly for Legacy's armory.) merging their esps together was fine. I am mainly wondering about files like Expanded Towns and Cities Patches, Audio Overhaul for Skyrim's patches and any compatibility patches in general. That way my esp load shrinks a bit from like 214 to like 198. P.s Rs Children have patches on a separate mod page as well. I merged those and it worked that's why I am curious about these bigger mods. Any info or advice would be appreciated. Thanks people.
  3. I would just likes some advice on my mod list. My game does not crash but I just want to see if I can have it in a better order. LOOT Put them in this order and I moved a few to better and recommended spots. I only ask to see if I can optimize it in some way. :D (I know I misspelled my topic. :P Sorry) Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmUSKP.espDawngaurd.esmUDGP.espHearthfire.esmUHFP.espDragonborn.esmUFDB.espFalskarr.esmWyrmstooth.espCOT.esmETAC.esmmoonpath.esmRSkyrimChildren.esmmintylightning.espMLCOT patch.espAMatterOfTome.espShootingStars.espWetAndCold.espChesko_LoreBasedLoadingscreens.espFootprints.espSKYUI.espAHZmoreHUD.espCrossbows_Basic_Collection.espDiamondArmor.espDiamondWeapons.espKatannaCrafting.espUDP masks.espImmersive Orc Stronghold.espImmersive Solstheim.espImmersive Whiterun.espmoonpath_questdata.espOBIS.espOBISDB.espTaverns.espCivil War Overhaul.espImmersive Race Name.espConvenient Horses.espdD-EhancedBlood.espStandingstoneoverhaul.espThe real Frost.espETaC-Complete.espEtaC-Dragonbridge.espHelgen Reborn.espDawnofWindhelm.espSos-Thedungeons.espSos-Thewilds.espSos-Civilization.espClimates Of Tamriel Falskaar.espClimates Of Tamriel Warm.espDeadlySpellImpact.espAdded_Killmoves_All.espAdded_Slomotion.esdecap_chance_40.espkillmoverandom.espVariedCouriers.espUF0.espUFO Dragonborn.espRealShelter.espPurewaters.espPurewaters-Falskaar.espBashed Patch .0.espBlackHorseCourier.espRSChildren.espRSChilderen-Hood.espDragonEngine2.espSkyfalls+Mills+DG+DB+FK+WT.espDawnofWhiterun.espDawnofSolitude.espAnimllica.espDawnofRiften.espSkyfallssmall.espDawnofMarkarth.espThe Huntsman.espRainbows.espSkyHavenTempleenhanced.espGuard Diolauge Overhaul.espAOS.espAOS2_EBT Patch.espAOS2_WetAndCols.espAOS2_Cot3.espAOS2_GDO.espSkyrim Immersive Creatures.espSkyrim Immersive Creatures DLC2.espImmersiveSpellsAndLights.espSaturationBoost.esp
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