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Everything posted by CassiPie
Someone. Anyone. Please. Is there someone out there who knows of a way I can edit my Hawke's appearance after character creation? I'm a fool. I thought my Hawke looked fine until I progressed further and now I hate how she looks. :( I'm so sad. I know this is an old game and I doubt anyone is still modding anymore, but I never got to finish this game back when it came out, and I am finally getting around to playing it all the way through the first time. Is it possible to change her in Black Emporium? Or use an item to reopen the character creator for her? I really don't want to play through everything all over again. I just don't have the time anymore to do multiple play throughs. I barely have the time to do my one playthrough. I'm sure this calling into the abyss but I thought I'd try. If I knew anything about modding myself I would do it, but I don't even know where to begin and, again, do not have the time to learn a skill like that from scratch. If you read this at all, thank you.
LE Clothing that isn't going to give my female character frostbite.
CassiPie replied to CassiPie's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
This is incredible. Thanks for sharing! -
LE Clothing that isn't going to give my female character frostbite.
CassiPie replied to CassiPie's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
(Removed because I replied to the wrong post.) -
LE Clothing that isn't going to give my female character frostbite.
CassiPie replied to CassiPie's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Love it!!! -
I don't actually play characters who wear heavy armor, but I agree with you. A few tweaks here and there would make them more cold-weather friendly and aesthetically pleasing. My fiance pointed out to me that he has trouble finding -any- new armor mods for his male characters, let alone good ones. So some kind of armor overhaul for looks and weather would be really cool to see, for both males and females.
LE Clothing that isn't going to give my female character frostbite.
CassiPie replied to CassiPie's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Oh god... Sanbru... I laughed so hard I think I peed a little! Hahahaha! -
I totally get where you're coming from. I also posted a similar request in these forums, though not so much for armor. I was looking for some feminine outfits for my mage and assassin/thief-type characters. But the request is still quite similar. The responses I got were all helpful, but what it boiled down to was "You've got a better chance of figuring out how to tweak those models yourself to your taste." It's discouraging - I've been trying and failing hard to learn how. I just don't have the time to learn a new skill like that. I'd rather use that effort to learn a musical instrument or a language. lol. But I fiddle with it in my spare time when I literally have nothing better to do. I think there are more modders looking towards making slightly less skimpy armors and clothes. I just think we'll have to wait a bit longer for it.
LE Clothing that isn't going to give my female character frostbite.
CassiPie replied to CassiPie's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I've seen the one on the bottom and I really like it. The artwork you showed on the top really is exactly what I would like to see as well. You seem to know exactly what I'm talking about when it comes to the rogue-like characters. lol. -
LE Clothing that isn't going to give my female character frostbite.
CassiPie replied to CassiPie's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I saw that before, but was afraid to download because it was in Russian. Does it work alright on your system? Is it okay to use foreign-language mods, or does it screw things up? -
LE Clothing that isn't going to give my female character frostbite.
CassiPie replied to CassiPie's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I hadn't seen the first one, but I actually did mention the Saber dress in my first post. Along with the Triss outfits. Thanks for showing me the "A Clothes by Hentai." Will definitely be downloading that one. I also really loved the 'Japanese' style outfit that another poster pointed out. Already have it on my character. It's a black version of a very modest dress that isn't so over-the-top Japanese that it looks too out of place. Just out of place enough for my Breton courtier. I find it ironic that a mod that names itself after one of the most blatantly boobs-centric animes of all time, Sekirei, had one of the most modest dress options I have seen to date. And it actually has a few color options for that modest dress. Just goes to show, you can't automatically judge an anime-lover, and assume they're all pervs. I happen to love anime, as well. So there ya go. (Black Butler, anybody? Deathnote? ^_^) As to the other suggestions, well... if I could live with a miniskirt, I'd never have started this forum thread. hehe. And finding badass-looking armor has never been a problem for me. The problem I've had has been with finding things for my prissy ex-courtier and my thieves or assassins to wear that didn't scream, "I'm a thief or assassin! Come arrest me!" Thus far for my thieves and assassins, the Triss armors have kept me pretty happy. Though, thanks to this thread, I've actually been directed to some pretty decent options that I didn't know about before. The posters on this forum have uncovered just enough options to keep me happy until I eventually figure out modding. Oh yeah! Brynjolf! How could I forget about him? lol. Yeah, I just loved the way he calls your character 'lass' too. lol. You're definitely a girl after my own heart. You seem like the sort of friend I'd take shopping and continually say "Me too!" after everything you say. haha. -
LE Clothing that isn't going to give my female character frostbite.
CassiPie replied to CassiPie's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I shall, Master! lol. Thank you so much! You put so much work into that tutorial. I'll be sure to take advantage of it! You're a star! I feel a lot less bummed and a lot more optimistic, now. I'm going to have a lot of fun with it... tomorrow. It's two in the morning, here. Starting to get loopy...er. Night all! You've made me a happy wee lassie! -
LE Clothing that isn't going to give my female character frostbite.
CassiPie replied to CassiPie's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Holy crap. How have I not seen some of these before? I think the 'sexy Japanese' title made me assume they'd look out of place in game, but the one you posted was perfect! Great finds! There is hope! -
LE Clothing that isn't going to give my female character frostbite.
CassiPie replied to CassiPie's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I have absolutely no graphics experience, sadly. I have played around with Photoshop, but would need to really dedicate a lot of time and energy to learn how to do something properly. As to colors, I do prefer lighter colors for my character, simply because the vibe I'm going with is that she is a former Breton courtier, so she'd have more fresh, springtime-themed clothes that are a bit more ornate than the hearty Nords are used to. But really, dark is fine, too. I'd just be happy if they were cleaned up and didn't look so shabby. Again, you're a doll. I feel a lot less jaded about the Skyrim mod community, now. lol. -
LE Clothing that isn't going to give my female character frostbite.
CassiPie replied to CassiPie's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Hahaha! Love it when people get the Hamlet reference. I thought it was obvious, but you'd be surprised at the people who think my username is weird. Anyway, you're a doll. I usually give out the jewelry my fiance's mother and I sell on the side as thank you gifts when girlfriends do me favors. But since that's an impossibility, I'll just give you big, big internet hugs. *big, big internet hugs* There you go! And thank you again. You're going to a lot of trouble even looking into them for me. Means a lot. -
LE Clothing that isn't going to give my female character frostbite.
CassiPie replied to CassiPie's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Wow. Well I just don't understand the world anymore, I guess. lol. I could see it being a minor thing, but I had no idea it was such a big thing. Maybe I'm getting old? Late twenties, old and out of touch. Is that a thing, too? ;) Well more power to them, I have to say. If men can sexualize and objectify women, women should be able to do the same. Girl power, and all of that. Woo hoo! Can't say I find brainless, muscle-bound hunks with their shirts off appealing, personally. For my own tastes, I find a guy much sexier with his clothes on than off. I have no desire for women, but the male form, especially from the waste down, is kind of comical to me. I'd go into why, but that'd get a bit racy, and I don't want this to turn into that kind of thread. But big, bulging muscles never did appeal much to me. If a guy came up to me all sweaty with his shirt off and gave me a sexy look, I'd assume he was a hobo and offer to help him find a shower and a hot meal. Now if a man approached me an Armani suit or wore something simple with clean, casual style, had some pretty eyes, said something clever and gave me his number in a gentlemanly manner, I'd be quite flattered. I guess it's a taste thing. Live and learn. Different strokes for different folks, as they say. But wow, am I out of touch I can see the pure role-play aspect, as in you're playing a character and not yourself. I think that's where I'm out of touch. I don't play -me-, exactly. I'm not a homicidal vampire who takes pleasure in watching other people suffer. But she still has aspects that I find fun to play, that I can immerse myself in. Perhaps I could -try- to play a male character? I do enjoy writing male characters, and getting into the head of a male character for a writing project. I just never have because it doesn't sound as appealing as living vicariously through my female character. Personally, when I role-play a game it's not like a writing exercise. I'm seeing though the eyes of someone prettier, braver, and more powerful than I could be in the real world. In the case of my evil characters, I get a taste of what it's like to be powerful and without conscience. To experience anarchy. It's wish-fulfillment. If I just want to create a character and put him or her through their paces, I'd just write a story about it. If I were to play a male character for the reason of just enjoying creating an interesting character, I have to admit to myself that I would want him to be as attractive to my own tastes as possible. So upon further reflection... I take it back. I get it, and I can see why it would be more prominent than I previously thought. However, that still doesn't negate the fact that there are more half-nude mods for females than mods that manage to make feminine styles without compromising the immersion and lore of the Elder Scrolls world completely. Even if there is a huge community of female modders out there, I still feel very much in the minority. Whether it's about my gender, and I'm starting to think it has nothing to do with my gender, I am floating in a sea of sex when all I want is a little classic romance. So it is a culture thing more than a gender thing. I am willing to make that concession. Doesn't make me feel any more alone and unrecognized in this community, though. Or anymore hopeless that my dream wardrobe for my character will ever happen. I think I have over analyzed this now, however. Holy crap. It's just clothes. For a game. Have I seriously been whining about this for two days? I have wasted way too much of my days off. I need to go outside more. Yikes. -
LE Clothing that isn't going to give my female character frostbite.
CassiPie replied to CassiPie's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Oh thank you, crysthala. I knew there were more of us out there! :) The dresses I have found decent in vanilla Skyrim are the following. I think they would look so much better with a little more textural flair. I'm surprised it hasn't been done. I've seen some 'cleaned up' versions, but that's about it. Anyway, these are the dresses I find tolerable. I took screenshots of my character. (Not exactly artistic, but they give you the idea.) I used the mod that allows the vanilla villagers' outfits to be compatible with Caliente's body mod and slider. Also, I apologize for the huge pictures. Didn't realize they were going to show up so big on here. http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/336394_4238972052118_2008920986_o.jpg http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/194943_4238979012292_343846172_o.jpg http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/474403_4238979772311_310787546_o.jpg -
LE Clothing that isn't going to give my female character frostbite.
CassiPie replied to CassiPie's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Thank you again, Moraelin. Once again, your suggestions have been immensely helpful and you're very kind to take the time to reply to my rants as you have. I agree with everything you said, except that I have to respectfully beg to differ with you one point. There is absolutely a bias in the community, and that bias leans towards either men (or boys... probably boys,) or the type of woman that likes to pretend to be, and/or look at, half-naked or mostly naked women. That's clear purely in the sheer number of those types of mods. Now, am I saying I'm being blatently discriminated against? Certainly not! No one has been unkind or rude to me in the least. In fact, everyone has been very helpful and friendly, you included. What I mean by bias is the fact that the numbers are clearly stacked heavily on one side, and that side seems to clearly cater to men/boys. If women are making and downloading these mods, more power to them, but I haven't met many women who look at that kind of outfit and think, "Damn... I want to wear that!" Maybe women, particularly women who play these games like I do, are not as classy as I give them credit for. Though however you look at it, whether it is an all-boys' club or a boys and girls who love boobies club, I am still a minority that no one in the community cares to cater to. They haven't bashed or been rude to me, they simply either ignore me or tell me it's pointless to ask. As to women wanting to play big, handsome men for the pleasure of looking at a big, handsome man: Is that seriously a thing? I've certainly downloaded mods to make the men in the game better-looking for my own viewing pleasure, but I've never had a desire to play a male, however handsome he is. Have you met these women? I don't think this actually happens. No girls I know have a desire to play as big, sexy men. One of my friends who also plays Warcraft sometimes likes to play as a big Tauren female, and when she plays games with other guys she might select a male character, like if she's playing a fighting game. But in role-playing games, even she wants to play a girl - some idealistic extension of herself in the game world. If she doesn't play a girl, it's to play some ugly BAMF for laughs, but not because he's sexy to look at. The fact that he's ugly is why she's playing him. It's purely for fun, not for ogling. Women just usually aren't that visual when it comes to what we find sexy. The male characters in games I've found the sexiest have been mostly for their voices, and I think the heaps of screaming fangirls who agree with me are evidence of that. Look at all the girls who were in love with Varric from Dragon Age: II with his manly chest hair. Varric was -not- physically attractive. It was the lines he said and the amazing voice actor who made him sexy. Also Fenris, who wouldn't have been sexy if he didn't have that deep baritone and gothic romance-style brooding that we fangirls can't get enough of no matter how many times it is done and overdone. Trust me. The way to the heart of most girls, particularly myself and all the girls I know, has less to do with abs and more to do with character and chocolate vocal chords. I'm not saying women are blind to looks. It's just not the first thing that draws me to a character. I can't tell you how disappointed I am with the romance options in Skyrim. I wanted to romance Ulfric, or the Jarl of Whiterun, or Rolof, or that blonde guy who stands outside of the general goods shop in Whiterun talking about the good old days. The only options were mostly characters with little to no personality, and the voice actors I found the most repellent. Hell, most of them you get as companions by hiring them. I feel like I'm buying a prostitute if I ask one of those characters to marry me. I'm getting sidetracked, but my point is that I don't need to stare at a sexy man all day to make me blush and giggle. Hearing Ulfric talk about his rebellion, or the Jarl sitting on his throne in that self-important yet relaxed manner that screams 'I have power, but I'm incredibly flippant about it because I'm a badass' is far more appealing. Ugh, I went off on a tangent. Sorry about that. It's just a subject that I don't get to talk about much, because I run the risk of being one of those girls who happen to play video games who try to draw attention to the fact that they are a girl who plays video games, and that somehow makes them automatically special and sexy to nerdy guys. Girls like that annoy the hell out of me, and I don't want to be mistaken as one of them. It just so happens that the fact that I am a female who enjoys video games and other nerdy pursuits is the center of my issue, here. On that note, gamers can be sexy too. That is a stereotype that I thought would be wiped out by now, what with all the evidence to the contrary. My fiance, for example, is one the biggest nerds you could meet. I mean he's a barely leaves the house kind of nerd. Yet when he does actually go out into public and he's all cleaned up, there have been times that women have snapped their heads around to check him out. There is nothing about being a gamer or an intellectual, loner nerdy-type that also means desperation. So when I talk about bias, I am not assuming that all the guys who make and love these mods are desperate, lonely nerds. Attractive, successful people also enjoy boobs, and there is nothing wrong with that. Sorry about another tangent. I'll wrap this up in the next paragraph, promise. I hope I'll eventually get to a point where I will be able to mod what I want. That would be a dream come true. I have a lot of ideas in my head, but no idea how to create them. It would make my little personal universe the perfect escape that I want it to be. I work in the healthcare field, which is incredibly stressful and emotionally taxing. I am also trying to continue school and write a novel. (Key words there - try.) If I manage to fit in learning a skill that I have zero experience in, I don't think I'll be playing much of the games that I love so much. Not for a while, anyway. I thought I was pretty good with computers, but this weekend I have been bashing my head on my desk trying to figure this stuff out. I'll have to work my way up baby-steps, and I just don't know if I'll ever have the time. I'll keep working on it, and keep an eye out for someone to bring my dream to reality. I still don't think I'm the only one like me. There have got to be other women, and men, who want to see the kind of in-game gear that I want to see and who have the mod skills and time to do it. I know I'm not alone. I've just got to wait for it, and in the meantime try and take a stab at being the one to do it myself. -
LE Clothing that isn't going to give my female character frostbite.
CassiPie replied to CassiPie's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Thanks, jhondidfool. That was incredibly nice of you to give me all that information. It gives me a great place to start. ^_^ -
LE Clothing that isn't going to give my female character frostbite.
CassiPie replied to CassiPie's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Thanks for all these suggestions, by the way. It helps a lot. I really have no idea what I'm doing. I downloaded Gimp on the suggestion of an online tutorial, but I will try Blender as well. That may work better for me. Thanks again! -
LE Clothing that isn't going to give my female character frostbite.
CassiPie replied to CassiPie's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Thanks for the support where it was given. As well as the suggestions. It's too bad, though, because I have actually seen the armor that each of you mentioned (as I said, I've spent hours looking for outfits on the Nexus) and unfortunately it goes in the other direction from what I wanted. It's shapeless and not very feminine. The crusader armor would be cool if I played a character that would wear more heavy armor. Or was at all a religious sort of character. I really only play some form of rogue (assassin, thief) or mage. If I played a character who wore actual armor, I'd have nothing to complain about. There's plenty of cool armor out there. While it sounds sexist against my own gender, I just think a woman wearing heavy armor and swinging a greatsword is kind of ridiculous. Maybe a big, burly woman, but I wouldn't enjoy playing a big, burly woman. I prefer more lithe characters who are fast and lightfooted, with a grin as charming as it is a foreboding omen of death. Actually, I have recently downloaded some programs and started watching some tutorials on how to make my own textures and meshes. It all seems a little overwhelming right now, but I am trying. My hope wasn't to shame modders into making something I want by telling them what losers they are for wanting to make the kind of clothing mods that they want to make. Everybody has their own preferences, their spare time is every bit as precious as mine, and they should be allowed to create the things that they will enjoy. I was just hoping that some talented modder would happen upon my post and get inspired to do something different. It may have come off as a little hostile towards people who like that sort of thing. That wasn't my intention. The frustration stems from feeling like an outsider in an all boys' club. I know a lot of female gamers in real life who are just as feminine and fashionable as they are nerdy. I didn't think that the bias was so incredibly against me once I stepped outside of my own bubble. I guess the general feeling I should get from this is that I was foolish to ask for something I thought was a reasonable request that would make a lot of people, not just me, happy. Clearly I was mistaken. I will just spend my spare time learning how to create my own armor, but I fear I'm completely out of my league. Maybe someday a kind and talented modder will take pity on me and others like me, and try to make something that would make my day and would make me feel like less of an outsider in the Skyrim community. But based on what I've read here and on other, similar threads, I'm not holding my breath. -
I wouldn't mind seeing more Game of Thrones armor as well. The outfits from this universe would fit perfectly with the Skyrim world. What I'd really like to see as well are the women's gowns from Game of Thrones. That would be faaabulous.
I get it. I get that there are a ton of Skyrim players who want to see their female characters run around in the snow very nearly butt-ass naked. I get that. I accept it. But I am not one of them. I am desperate, I repeat, DESPERATE for a little variety in the way of wearable clothing for my characters. All I want are some pretty dresses for my Breton that don't leave huge swathes of her body uncovered to be frost-bitten in the frigid Skyrim air. Some somewhat more form-fitting outfits for my thieves and mages. My characters are usually Breton, and I like to imagine that they've brought a few pieces of clothing that they'd have worn at court or other fancy or semi-fancy places in their homeland ; that they'd bring just a bit of Breton fashion to savage Skyrim. But I have found two, maybe three mods that sort of have what I am looking for. Triss Armor Retextured, for one, is more what I'm talking about. There are some decent leather armors out there, but not many, and none that come close to the Triss outfit that I have seen. But the only thing that has come vaguely close to what I want for more formal wear is the Saber Dress by Hentai. And that's about it. Pretty sad, with all of the clothing mods out there that this is all I can find that doesn't make me sigh and roll my eyes. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten excited, clicked on something that looked really beautiful at first only to discover that the outfit was mysteriously without pants, or was sleeveless (I picture my character rubbing her arms in Winterhold, teeth chattering.) The naked mid-drift is also a popular motif that is getting on my nerves. I think you could understand why I wouldn't want something that would leave the breasts and/or ass bare. I am not against showing -some- skin, particularly cleavage. How else is a girl supposed to get free drinks and discounts from the shopkeepers? I even have the Caliente's body mod. I want my character to look feminine, even a little sexy, but what the hell? If throwing on a cloak doesn't make my outfit practical in cold weather, then what's the point? Am I the only one left who roleplays in roleplay games anymore, or is everyone playing this game as a fantasy porn simulator in-between hack-slashing dragons? Come on, guys! Work with me, here. I have spent hours trying to find something, anything that is even CLOSE to what I want, and yet I keep coming up empty handed. I can't imagine that there is so little demand for this. I cannot be the only one longing for some feminine clothing that doesn't look bloody ridiculous while standing out in the snow. There are some amazingly talented modders out there who make the most beautiful outfits. Could you pretty please, for players like me, make some versions of your outfits that, as a roleplayer, I can actually use that doesn't kill my immersion? Thanks for reading my ranting, and if you agree, please add your voice to mine. We need to let the modders know that we exist, that there are more of us than they realize, and that we would just download the s*** out of their mods if they did this for us! P.S. - For an example of what I would like to see, here is a digital painting by Melanie Delon, which is also my new avatar. If someone recreated this dress somehow (though only the top half is shown) I would absolutely pee myself. http://www.presidiacreative.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/elixir.jpg
LE Allowing a companion to ride on your horse
CassiPie replied to AegonIV's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Yes, please! It should take very little effort to do this (I should think - the animations are there. But I don't mod so I wouldn't know) and it just makes sense. If I can buy more than one horse, shouldn't my companion be able to ride the extra horse I have bought? It really makes no sense to have my companion run behind me. I just looks silly. Or perhaps they could let your companion ride double with you on your horse? Just a thought. -
Bethesda sues Notch over the use of the word "Scrolls"
CassiPie replied to yoba333's topic in Site Updates
I'm a fan of Bethesda games, but some of the blind fanboy defenses I see for this bullshit is just nausea inducing. Zenimax is clearly in the wrong, here. They're simply being litigious douches for the sake of it. -
Is House good or bad?... or both?
CassiPie replied to CryptorX's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I agree on the first point, there should have been a speech check to talk him out of it and convince the Brotherhood to stay out of the way. Perhaps a very hard check (100 speech and 100 barter both required), but it should exist. The second point is just objectively incorrect. The NCR are (his own words) his best customers. If not for them wanting to take what he sees as his property away from him, he wouldn't have any problem with them. I think Mr. House is grey, but more good than bad. I think that he's the second best choice for the region. Yes Man>House>NCR>A committee of deathclaws wearing top hats>Caesar. Of all choices, Mr. House is most likely to help humanity as a whole recover from their current state. The NCR is morally better in that they have more regard for individual rights and justice, but don't strike me as very effective leaders.