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  1. https://backonmonday.wordpress.com/2012/10/17/shades-of-stealth/ Not my best, but I should have another post up by this time next week.
    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Nadin


      The dialogue was terrible, and the characters varied between decent, mediocre, one-dimensional, and terrible. But on the other hand, the special effects and stunt were excellent, as was (most) of the plot, and the acting was....pretty good, usually. It's worth watching now if there's not too much else on your plate, but it definitely has room--and capacity--to improve.
    3. Odile


      hmm might have to check it out for a couple episodes


      argh wednesdays

    4. Nadin


      The first episode is free on the official website, which is pretty nice.
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