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  1. https://backonmonday.wordpress.com/2012/10/17/shades-of-stealth/ Not my best, but I should have another post up by this time next week.
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    2. AliasTheory


      Also, just the fact that Mark and Execute can allow you to mark guards and track their movements. Makes this game even easier.

      I still like dashing through entire levels using the EMPs in coop. With a partner, you can both just offset your EMP bursts so no guard could ever attack either of you.

    3. Nadin


      @Flint, AT



      Changing the subject, anybody else see the pilot for Green Arrow? Thought it was pretty good, myself, shoddy dialogue and mediocre characters nonwithstanding.

    4. Flintlockecole


      Nadin, that stuff is filmed up around me. If you can remember a show called Eureka, the whole downtown area where I live was used for filming and such.
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