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  1. https://backonmonday.wordpress.com/2012/10/17/shades-of-stealth/ Not my best, but I should have another post up by this time next week.
    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. AliasTheory


      Conviction kinda upset me with how the visuals faded to the greyscale whenever you were concealed. I understand the whole minimal HUD thing...but I like the pretty graphics.

      Still impressive how the game was completely scrapped after being nearly complete and was remade again.

    3. Nadin


      They grascale was a nice effect, but they should have had a gradient of light instead of a binary system.
    4. frakle


      yeah in convinction i hated the gray-screen hiding thing because I could not see a thing. I just doddered around half blind, and once i seriously ran RIGHT into a guard. He turned around and promptly "marked and executed" me.
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