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About goldredblue0798

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    United Kingdom
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    My Life
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    Let me get a pen and paper...
  1. New avatar again lol, the sheep are giving me headaches lol altho I love the one Trapiki made for me. Speak soon and stay safe xx
  2. Just got to love anime pics...
  3. Have a wonderful Christmas. I wish you all the very best for the holidays and beyond. With love and best wishes Naomi x
  4. My mind is on my brain...
  5. hi hun, just popped in to say hello
  6. I like the Wii but would never buy one myself, I saw this vid once where someone got too excited and hit a person (player 2) in the face with the controller. Now thats harsh gameplay! =X

    PC's all the way!

  7. I has a Wii and a PC. o.o;
  8. And I don't have a Playstation 3...

    Not a Sony man anymore...


  9. Red Dead Redemptions? o.o;


    I dun have a 360...

  10. Spagetti (pasta) is awesome =D
  11. Indeed they are. I like my veggies too.
  12. Their are Interior cells and theirs the Wasteland world cells: Interiors: None Wasteland world cell: Megaton world (a small world cell) and Super Duper Mart (and also around that area)
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