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  1. yes thank you larann! SetProjectileOverride worked with slot 41 sorry for the late reply, even tho i have alerts on for this thread it never sent me an email notification like the old forums did so i assumed just no one replied!
  2. im trying to set every weapon thats equipped by the player to use the mini nuke. Import InstanceData Formlist Property FatmanProjectile Auto Event OnItemEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference) if akBaseObject as Weapon InstanceData:Owner thisInstance = Game.GetPlayer().GetInstanceOwner(35) InstanceData:Owner thatInstance = Game.GetPlayer().GetInstanceOwner(34) SetProjectileOverride(thatInstance, FatmanProjectile) SetProjectileOverride(thisInstance, FatmanProjectile) EndIf EndEvent this is what i have right now and it compiles fine and as far as i know should work, but the 10mm pistol still just shoots its normal projectile. (i only did 34 and 35 to see if i was using the wrong hand) do i need to do something else to weapons before calling the SetProjectileOverride?
  3. thanks for the reply, im a little more confused now but thats not your fault haha while i try to set this up could you help me with the syntax with the pipboy menu functions https://falloutck.uesp.net/wiki/PipboyMenu say something simple like Caps() what i tried Debug.MessageBox(Ui.Get("PipboyMenu", "root1.Menu_mc.DataObj:Pipboy_DataObj.Caps()")) just returns none
  4. ive always had this issue for fallout 4 and skyrim. to me theres no clear way to get the correct string for the path to a var. Event OnQuestInit() RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent("ExamineMenu") EndEvent Event OnMenuOpenCloseEvent(string asMenuName, bool abOpening) If asMenuName == "ExamineMenu" && abOpening == true Debug.MessageBox(UI.Get("ExamineMenu", "root1.Menu_mc._singleItemInspectMode")) Endif EndEvent im trying to get this var in the examine menu but have no clue what the second string is for get. this just returns none. thanks in advance.
  5. i keep getting this error in ck. the script is fine, its in script/source where my ck loads scripts from. i can right click and edit source fine. anyway i can fix this? update: the papyrus script manager can see the source, but add script cant Update 2: the add script can see it on a new esp, but the properties still has the error
  6. Scriptname tilemodaliasscriptagain extends ReferenceAlias TileModTrackedStatsQS Property TileModStatsEvent Auto FormList Property TileModFL Auto Const Event OnInit() AddInventoryEventFilter(TileModFL) EndEvent Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) TileModStatsEvent.UpdateWidget() Debug.Notification("item added") EndEvent this is attached to the player in an alias, the properties are filled and the items are in the formlist. not sure why this isn't firing, even the debug notif doesnt show. the alias is uniqueactor > player
  7. im trying to make a fake trigger on impact projectile. the alt trigger is ticked and set to 0.2. my issue is that it doesnt seem to explode if the projectile hits something before the 0.2 seconds, its set to missile. Setting it to arrow kind of works but still doesnt collide with certain walls, statics. im trying to do this so the projectile will explode both mid air and from the outside looks like its exploding when it hits something. is what im trying to do possible?
  8. Id like to have a string show on the hud while its open. I was thinking I could take over either the location or notifications. The problem is I cant find where to point the String target to for either location. ive opened up the hudmenu.gfx and poked around a bit but nothing ive tried is the right target. Can anyone help me out with this?
  9. That would be fine if it supported any strings. The info I want to show changes more than I can put into messages.
  10. I was wondering if I could use ui.invoke() to use the notifications in the top left for my own use. I don't own Adobe flash nor do I really want to learn how to make a widget for hudframework when all I need is a message to show up longer than a debug notification, but not stop the game.
  11. Im wondering what exact mul + add means. im trying to calculate bash damage of the pipe gun. the base bash damage is 6 and with a certain stocks its 6 with the mult + add of 0.5 to up to 2 so i guess my question is, how the does the mul + add affect the base 6 damage? my assumption is that it means like 6 + (6 * mult)
  12. oh perfect thanks, i will be using this more often now that i know how it works!
  13. thank you :thumbsup: i ended up using a flag instead, but your example is all i needed :)
  14. I swear ive seen it before, but i cant find it. I remember it specifically saying clip size instead of magazine size. ive scoured the wiki but i cant find it anywwhere. Anyone know of the function im talking about? or does it just not exist? edit: okay i think i found it, but i dont know how to use it https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=GetAmmoCapacity_-_InstanceData I want it to check against the players equipped weapon if thats possible Edit 2: This compiles fine, but unsure where to go next InstanceData:Owner thisInstance = new InstanceData:OwnerthisInstance.Owner = PlayerRef.GetEquippedWeapon() as Weapon
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