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Nexus Mods Profile

About Tostitos

  1. modders have better things to do than sit around waiting for the batsignal that tells them to make something for someone else. download the geck yourself and get to it.
  2. definitely a modern idea, although I'm not sure it's "interesting".. Modernwarfare/ MW2 are "modern", you might want to go try and enjoy those instead? ;)
  3. No not really you can alter the landscape to your liking, As for the mountains you can just move them were you like lol "Navmeshing after unless you want NPC's thinking they can head but the rocks" I've decided I'm going to do it, It might not be 1 of the best ideas out there but it gives me something to do at the end of the day ;) P.S. Anyone is welcome to help out if you ever get board, Just let me know here :thanks: you can use imagespace modifiers for outdoor shade / blocking sunlight etc
  4. it would probably be easier to just mod your FO3 character into Bioshock and go play that.
  5. here's some good inspiration http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/06_01/submarine080607_700x413.jpg http://www.bluejacket.com/usn/images/sp/ss/ssn21_seawolf_interior.jpg http://z.about.com/d/inventors/1/0/h/9/submarine.jpg
  6. wrong. only in games where none of the designers knew how one works..... dude.
  7. That would be sweet. One of the existing communities in DC could have a bunch of mutated anthromorphs moving in with them. Conflict arises after the anthromorphs sexual practices towards children (hence referred to as babyfurs) are questioned by the pre-existing community, which the anthromorphic faction takes as a nazi-style persecution system (hence called fursecution). Some of the anthromorphs would fight back with acts of terrorism and mass murder / diaper fetishism (has there been a diaper mod requested yet or was it lost in the sea of animu requests?): http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k472/kbadphoto/Pets/M4-A3/yiff.jpg Eventually, another large robot is rebuilt and unleashed on the anthromorphs to bring justice to the wasteland.
  8. Normal people keep their fetishes and developmental oddities to themselves, they don't try to make their fetishes into anything else, furries believe their fetish is a lifestyle and must announce it to everybody on the internet though their icon or sig.
  9. I too have this problem sometimes. I need to kill fast, and bullets too slow. /drops wepon
  10. I have a .70 caliber black powder Handcannon that I inherited, I can make some X/Y/Z axis photos if anyone wants. These pistols look like something you'd definitely find in a display case in a DC building too. After I have a few more week's experience with Blender, and if no one else has then, I'll make a model of it. http://i36.tinypic.com/iwn9tt.jpg
  11. This was the first thing that came to mind. Also the fact that it's 200 years since the war, and you're only treading where other scavengers and squatters have passed and camped. People collected them for urban legend reasons (get a garbage bag full of bottle caps and we can get this mythical kid a new set of kidneys!), for recycling or scrap, or just littered them around. "Realism" isn't really part of the argument against examining this. Realism in how people behave and logic behind their actions is not an inconsistent thing to look and strive for, even if we aren't always given it. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Bottle_cap I buy this explanation for why they became currency. They resources to duplicate them is nonexistant, there's plenty of them, and they're readily transportable. It also would make a way to duplicate them extremely lucrative and destructive. Great quest hook. This is also one of the best ideas I've ever read: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_EDQ6oIZ43x8/SkOxdgjDHPI/AAAAAAAAAMs/j3p_ZkR6XBg/s400/so_much_win.png Take out the part about Nuka-Cola starting the war and poisoning the population which doesn't really make sense (the resource wars affected and involved the whole world- for Nuka-Cola to be able to manipulate those events, they would have had sufficient power to establish a one world government from the beginning). The rest is sheer cheeky brilliance. It's something Black Isle would put into Van Buren as a subplot. I see them as a sort of BoS organization, most of their energy devoted to just fighting against entropy (much like the BoS) and maintaining their own little world, while subtly affecting much of the wasteland. Not so heavy on the military force projection. Even without direct access to most locations, they could still be connected thanks to the caps economy, and also have a ready-made way to establish hideouts and spies in new areas. Just send their guys out with some caps after running them through a laundry drier to beat them up a bit like counterfeiters do with money.
  12. Only in their individual strain of FEV which produces what I like to call Stooper Mutants. True Super Mutants have gender, gray-green skin, gums, brains larger than a grape, and don't walk around carrying bags of assorted Gore. They also have huge jaws. And are sterile. And non-wastelander humans, once dipped, produce human intelligence level or better muties.
  13. I am also interested in a combined furry-Liberty Prime mod, hopefully similar to this: http://i36.tinypic.com/4i2amt.jpg
  14. It's rare-ish but not hard to get at all. It's also bigger and shouldn't be compatible with a RPG-type weapon. (although anything can be set to take any ammo type.) You could raise the damage to unarmored targets while lowering the damage to armored. That way the big bulky rocket launcher is still the more common military issue "take out a hard target" weapon. Also have a new workshop plan that takes maybe ten hand grenades, one Rocket, and a few other scrap parts, and makes five RPG rockets. And yes, I know RPGs are mostly used with armor piercing warheads to attack armored targets, but the above logic almost goes all the way to making an RPG fit into the gameworld with it's bigger rocket launcher brother. Rocket propelled grenade vs Rocket (with a huge hunk of explosive). Fallout 2 is also the game where the people doing the weapon work copied over the .223 pistol without even changing the 'one of a kind' flavor text and made it a gun you can find everywhere. Do you really want to say that in spite of that, they were being completely attentive when they worked in those modernish guns? Even the lead designers have come out and stated it was a mistake. (if I remember correctly, at the behest of producers who handed down orders, like the starting level in the temple because some guy had a thing for tutorial starts.) Also of interest to this thread, despite being non-canon, Fallout Tactics had a rocket launcher identical to the RPG-7. Without the rocket inserted (their way of displaying it in inventory) it actually looks like it fits.
  15. I thought about a few different ways to try to address how "u" don't understand the setting and theme of Fallout games, but there's really only one way to reply. :wallbash:
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