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About erniepie

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  1. In response to post #47382160. #47388395, #47388575 are all replies on the same post. I'v been waiting for someone to mention the Bash Patch- turn it off it you don't use it. For Oblivion it is crucial. I am hoping it builds all of Wrye Bash features into NMM 2.0.
  2. Ok- I'll start with this and "not save" even if it works to help understand the OOO extended quest change until after spoiler: dread armor is recovered in Yeleri, then i'll check back at Fort Facain :end spoiler Thanks for the help so far.
  3. "player.additem 000B1200 1" will add one Ale "player.additem 0106Ea40 1" should add the dread helmet (in my mind that is) but it does not. OOO extended allows finding the Dread helmet before the armor is acquire per the mod readme. This is not the case unless what I fear happened and it was knocked over and fell through the world space and I can not find it. (TLC). I'm playing through the Gold Coast portion of the quest now after following every quest update in order from the: --> Arch Mage's room book, -->Bosmer Rangers--> necromancer's notes, -->Bear, -->to his son, -->then daughter, -->No dread helmet. Any help to my cause would be appreciated. I can list a load order when I get home. Thanks in advance.
  4. Ok- reinstall not needed! Windows 10..... Go too the fallout 4 folder and click over to the applications tab on the top. highlight it and click on the "run as administrator". Now right click (now available) run as administrator on the launcher (Fallout4Launcher). Bam! your INI folder has just been created and saved. Small screen before because it was not saved/ created. Kind of tired now so if more help is needed I'll check back here later- Time to wander the waist-land!
  5. Thanks for the reply. Windows 10 64 amd 8350 at stock 4.0 270x GPU, latest driver- no overclock Game is Installed on separate drive with other Steam games virtual store I did not find any files that had been created today, just an old minecraft file. Nothing related. Possible a background program could be causing the issue but i'll have to wait to test once downloading is complete.
  6. Trying a fresh reinstall. Pre-installed and the game launches, video settings are detected to ultra, then play and the screen is only partially filled (1080p) 90 minutes play time so far but stopped because nothing is saving and its not full screen. Auto save takes effect but their in no ini file or save file in users/docs/games.... tried twice to copy/ paste/ verify catch in Steam with no luck, same thing over and over. Saved the Data folder only and deleted local content and now waiting for 7hr download. Anyone else have this issue?
  7. I'm getting some WTF, missing meshes on weapons
  8. I'v successfully built FCOM many times but it has been ~3 three years. My load order is below. Any suggestions on the base mods before I test for a while and add all the frills and extra quests-- thanks a lot guys Active Mod Files:
  9. Why does BOSS not pick this up? Seams strange?? I'll try it if it fixes this major problem though. I run into this about LVL ~25 (?) into a new Char.
  10. 1 gig each and all the newest Skyrim mods are really dragging me down (Fresh game rebuild and not giving them up)- I have already dropped down from 1080p for a few days now one resolution and now just getting crushed in Whiterun- kind of partial to AMD software so the 760 is not on my short list and $420 for 280x does not sound too great rite now ether- Can any one say from experience if the extra vram made a difference? 8350- AsRock 990fx-9 gskill 1600 2x4 gig xfx 6870 X-FIRE XFX 750 PS Kracken x40 CPU cooler + second 140mm push pull 120 Plextor~~ sdd for OS 2 more 120gig SSD's for games HaF 935 full
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